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lierdakil committed Mar 19, 2015
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# pandoc-crossref filter

pandoc-crossref is a pandoc filter for numbering figures, equations and cross-references to them.

This version of pandoc-eqnos was tested using pandoc 1.13.2.

This work is inspired by [pandoc-fignos][1] and [pandoc-eqnos][2] by @tomduck.


## Syntax

Syntax is loosely based on discussion in <>

### Image labels


To label an (implicit) figure, append `{#fig:label}` (with `label` being something unique to reference this figure by) immediately after image definition.

This only works on implicit figures, i.e. an image occurring by itself in a paragraph (which will be rendered as a figure with caption by pandoc)

### Equation labels

$$ math $$ {#eq:label}

To label a display equation, append `{#eq:label}` (with `label` being something unique to reference this equation by) immediately after math block.

This only works if display math and label specification are in a paragraph of its own.

### References

[@fig:label1;@fig:label2;...] or [@eq:label1;@eq:label2;...] or @fig:label or @eq:label

Reference syntax heavily relies on citation syntax
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions pandoc-crossref.hs
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import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M

type RefMap = M.Map String Int

--from data-accessors
type Accessor r a = a -> r -> (a, r)

setProp :: Accessor r a -> a -> r -> r
setProp f x = snd . f x

getProp :: Accessor r a -> r -> a
getProp f = fst . f undefined

modifyProp :: Accessor r a -> (a -> a) -> r -> r
modifyProp f g rOld =
let (a,rNew) = f (g a) rOld
in rNew

-- state data type
data References = References { imgRefs :: RefMap
, eqnRefs :: RefMap

-- accessors
imgRefs' :: Accessor References RefMap
imgRefs' new r@References{imgRefs=old} = (old, r{imgRefs=new})

eqnRefs' :: Accessor References RefMap
eqnRefs' new r@References{eqnRefs=old} = (old, r{eqnRefs=new})

defaultReferences :: References
defaultReferences = References M.empty M.empty

data Options = Options { useCleveref :: Bool
, figureTitle :: String
, figPrefix :: String
, eqnPrefix :: String
, outFormat :: Maybe Format

--state monad
type WS a = State References a

main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter go

go :: Maybe Format -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
go fmt p@(Pandoc meta _) = evalState doWalk defaultReferences
doWalk = walkM (replaceAttrImages opts) p >>= walkM (replaceRefs opts)
opts = Options {
useCleveref = isJust $ lookupMeta "cref" meta
, figureTitle = getMetaString "Figure" "figureTitle"
, figPrefix = getMetaString "fig." "figPrefix"
, eqnPrefix = getMetaString "eq." "eqnPrefix"
, outFormat = fmt
getMetaString def name = getString def $ lookupMeta name meta
getString _ (Just (MetaString s)) = s
getString def _ = def

replaceAttrImages :: Options -> Block -> WS Block
replaceAttrImages opts (Para c)
| [Image alt img, Str s] <- c,
Just label <- getRefLabel s "fig"
= do
idxStr <- replaceAttr label imgRefs'
let alt' = case outFormat opts of
Just (Format "latex") ->
RawInline (Format "tex") ("\\label{"++label++"}") : alt
_ ->
[Str $ figureTitle opts,Space,Str idxStr, Str ".",Space]++alt
return $ Para [Image alt' (fst img,"fig:")]
| [Math DisplayMath eq, Str s] <- c,
Just label <- getRefLabel s "eq"
= case outFormat opts of
Just (Format "latex") ->
let eqn = "\\begin{equation}"++eq++"\\label{"++label++"}\\end{equation}"
in return $ Para [RawInline (Format "tex") eqn]
_ -> do
idxStr <- replaceAttr label eqnRefs'
let eq' = eq++"\\qquad("++idxStr++")"
return $ Para [Math DisplayMath eq']
replaceAttrImages _ x = return x

getRefLabel :: String -> String -> Maybe String
getRefLabel attr refPrefix
| "}" `isSuffixOf` attr
= liftM init $ stripPrefix ("{#"++refPrefix++":") attr
| otherwise = Nothing

replaceAttr :: String -> Accessor References RefMap -> WS String
replaceAttr label prop
= do
index <- liftM (1+) $ gets (M.size . getProp prop)
modify $ modifyProp prop (M.insert label index)
return $ show index

-- accessors to state variables
accMap :: M.Map String (Accessor References RefMap)
accMap = M.fromList [("fig:",imgRefs')
,("eq:", eqnRefs')]

-- accessors to options
prefMap :: M.Map String (Options -> String)
prefMap = M.fromList [("fig:",figPrefix)
,("eq:", eqnPrefix)]

prefixes :: [String]
prefixes = M.keys accMap

lookupUnsafe :: Ord k => k -> M.Map k v -> v
lookupUnsafe = (fromMaybe undefined .) . M.lookup

replaceRefs :: Options -> Inline -> WS Inline
replaceRefs opts (Cite cits _)
| Just prefix <- allCitsPrefix cits
, Just (Format "latex") <- outFormat opts
= replaceRefsLatex prefix opts cits
| Just prefix <- allCitsPrefix cits
= replaceRefsOther prefix opts cits
replaceRefs _ x = return x

allCitsPrefix :: [Citation] -> Maybe String
allCitsPrefix cits = foldl f Nothing prefixes
f x@(Just _) _ = x
f _ p | all (isPrefixOf p . citationId) cits = Just p
f _ _ = Nothing

replaceRefsLatex :: String -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS Inline
replaceRefsLatex prefix opts cits =
return $ RawInline (Format "tex") $
if useCleveref opts then
"\\cref{"++listLabels prefix "" "" cits++"}"
listLabels prefix " \\ref{" "}" cits

listLabels :: String -> String -> String -> [Citation] -> String
listLabels prefix p s = foldl' joinStr "" . mapMaybe (getLabel prefix)
joinStr acc i | null acc = p++i++s
| otherwise = acc++","++p++i++s

getLabel :: String -> Citation -> Maybe String
getLabel prefix Citation{citationId=cid}
| Just label <- stripPrefix prefix cid = Just label
| otherwise = Nothing

replaceRefsOther :: String -> Options -> [Citation] -> WS Inline
replaceRefsOther prefix opts cits = do
indices <- mapM (getRefIndex prefix) cits
let str = refprefix' ++ makeIndices (sort indices)
refprefix = lookupUnsafe prefix prefMap opts
refprefix' | null refprefix = []
| otherwise = refprefix ++ " "
return $ Str str

getRefIndex :: String -> Citation -> WS (Maybe Int)
getRefIndex prefix Citation{citationId=cid}
| Just label <- stripPrefix prefix cid = gets (M.lookup label . getProp prop)
| otherwise = return Nothing
prop = lookupUnsafe prefix accMap

makeIndices :: [Maybe Int] -> String
makeIndices s | any isNothing s = "??"
makeIndices s = intercalate sep $ reverse $ mapMaybe f $ foldl' f2 [] $ catMaybes s
f2 [] i = [[i]]
f2 l@(x:xs) i | i-head x == 0 = l -- remove duplicates
| i-head x == 1 = (i:x):xs -- group sequental
| otherwise = [i]:l -- new group
f [] = Nothing -- drop empty lists
f [w] = Just $ show w -- single value
f [w1,w2] = Just $ show w2 ++ sep ++ show w1 -- two values
f (x:xs) = Just $ show (last xs) ++ "-" ++ show x -- shorten more than two values
sep = ", "

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