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new grammar for the complex queries (#75, #71, #54)
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Adam Fekete committed Nov 4, 2019
1 parent 982f580 commit ab98ee5
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Showing 2 changed files with 186 additions and 0 deletions.
111 changes: 111 additions & 0 deletions abcd/parsers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import logging
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
from lark.lexer import Token
from lark.exceptions import LarkError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO: Reversed operator in the grammar (value op prop VS prop op value VS IN)

class DebugTransformer(Transformer): # pragma: no cover

def __init__(self):

def __default__(self, data, children, meta):
print('Node: ', data, children)
return data

if __name__ == '__main__':

with open('query_new.lark') as file:
parser = Lark(, start='expression')

transformer = DebugTransformer()

# queries = (
# ' ',
# 'NOT ( chemical_formula_hill = "Al" AND chemical_formula_anonymous = "A" OR chemical_formula_anonymous = "H2O" AND NOT chemical_formula_hill = "Ti" )',
# 'nelements > 3',
# 'chemical_formula_hill = "H2O" AND chemical_formula_anonymous != "AB"',
# '_exmpl_aax <= +.1e8 OR nelements >= 10 AND NOT ( _exmpl_x != "Some string" OR NOT _exmpl_a = 7)',
# '_exmpl_spacegroup="P2"',
# '_exmpl_cell_volume<100.0',
# '_exmpl_bandgap > 5.0 AND _exmpl_molecular_weight < 350',
# '_exmpl_melting_point<300 AND nelements=4 AND elements="Si,O2"',
# '_exmpl_some_string_property = 42',
# '5 < _exmpl_a',
# '((NOT (_exmpl_a>_exmpl_b)) AND _exmpl_x>0)',
# '5 < 7',
# 'identifier1.identifierd2 = 42',
# 'NOT a > b OR c = 100 AND f = "C2 H6"',
# '(NOT (a > b)) OR ( (c = 100) AND (f = "C2 H6") )',
# 'a >= 0 AND NOT b < c OR c = 0',
# '((a >= 0) AND (NOT (b < c))) OR (c = 0)',
# 'te < st',
# 'spacegroup="P2"',
# '_cod_cell_volume<100.0',
# '_mp_bandgap > 5.0 AND _cod_molecular_weight < 350',
# '_cod_melting_point<300 AND nelements=4 AND elements="Si,O2"',
# 'number=0.ANDnumber=.0ANDnumber=0.0ANDnumber=+0ANDNUMBER=-0ANDnumber=0e1ANDnumber=0e-1ANDnumber=0e+1',
# 'key=value',
# 'author=" someone "',
# 'NOTICE=val',
# 'author="Sąžininga Žąsis"',
# 'a = 12345 AND b = +12 AND c = -34 AND d = 1.2 AND e = .2E7 AND f = -.2E+7 AND g = +10.01E-10 AND h = 6.03e23 AND i = .1E1 AND j = -.1e1 AND k = 1.e-12 AND l = -.1e-12 AND m = 1000000000.E1000000000',
# 'field = "!#$%&\'() * +, -./:; <= > ? @[] ^ `{|}~ % "',
# # 'number=0.0.1',
# # 'chemical_formula_anonymous CONTAINS "C2" AND chemical_formula_anonymous STARTS WITH "A2"',
# # 'chemical_formula_anonymous STARTS "B2" AND chemical_formula_anonymous ENDS WITH "D2"',
# # 'list HAS < 3',
# # 'list HAS ALL < 3, > 3',
# # 'list:list HAS >=2:<=5',
# # 'elements HAS "H" AND elements HAS ALL "H","He","Ga","Ta" AND elements HAS ONLY "H","He","Ga","Ta" AND elements HAS ANY "H", "He", "Ga", "Ta"',
# # 'elements HAS ONLY "H","He","Ga","Ta"',
# # 'elements:_exmpl_element_counts HAS "H":6 AND elements:_exmpl_element_counts HAS ALL "H":6,"He":7 AND elements:_exmpl_element_counts HAS ONLY "H":6 AND elements:_exmpl_element_counts HAS ANY "H":6,"He":7 AND elements:_exmpl_element_counts HAS ONLY "H":6,"He":7',
# # '_exmpl_element_counts HAS < 3 AND _exmpl_element_counts HAS ANY > 3, = 6, 4, != 8',
# # 'elements:_exmpl_element_counts:_exmpl_element_weights HAS ANY > 3:"He":>55.3 , = 6:>"Ti":<37.6 , 8:<"Ga":0',
# # 'chemical_formula_hill IS KNOWN AND NOT chemical_formula_anonymous IS UNKNOWN',
# )

queries = (
' ',
'not single',
'operator_gt > 23 ',
'operator_gt > -2.31e-5 ',
'string = "some string"',
'regexp ~ ".*H"',
'aa & not bb',
'aa & bb > 23.54 | cc & dd',
'aa and bb > 22 and cc > 33 and dd > 44 ',
'((aa and bb > 22) and cc > 33) and dd > 44 ',
'(aa and bb > 22) and (cc > 33 and dd > 44) ',
'(aa and bb > 22 and cc > 33 and dd > 44) ',
'aa and bb > 23.54 or 22 in cc and dd',
'aa & bb > 23.54 | (22 in cc & dd)',
'aa and bb > 23.54 or (22 in cc and dd)',
'aa and not (bb > 23.54 or (22 in cc and dd))',
'expression = (bb/3-1)*cc',
'energy/n_atoms > 3',
'all(aa) > 3',
'any(aa) > 3',
'aa = False',
'aa = [True, True, True]',

for query in queries:

tree = parser.parse(query)
# print(tree)
# print(tree.pretty())

except LarkError:
raise NotImplementedError
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions abcd/parsers/query_new.lark
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
// Complex query grammar for ABCD (Lark format)

expression: [or_expression]

// Logical operators/expressions
or_expression: and_expression (_OR and_expression)*
and_expression: not_expression (_AND not_expression)*
not_expression: _NOT not_expression -> not
| comparison

_OR: "OR" | "or" | "|"
_AND: "AND" | "and" | "&"
_NOT: "NOT" | "not"

// Comparison operators
comparison: arithmetic_expression (_comp_operator arithmetic_expression)*

// arithmetic expressions
arithmetic_expression: term (_add_operator term)*

term: factor (_mul_operator factor)*

factor: _factor_operator factor
| power

power: atom_expression ["^" factor]

// Atomic expressions

atom_expression: atom_expression "(" [arguments] ")" -> funccall
| atom_expression "[" subscriptlist "]" -> getitem
| atom_expression "." NAME -> getattr
| atom

atom: "(" [testlist_comp] ")" -> tuple
| "[" [testlist_comp] "]" -> list
| NAME -> var
| number
| string
| "(" expression ")"
| "None" -> const_none
| "True" -> const_true
| "False" -> const_false

arguments: expression ("," expression)*

subscriptlist: subscript ("," subscript)*
subscript: expression | [expression] ":" [expression]

testlist_comp: expression ("," expression)*


!_factor_operator: "+" | "-"
!_add_operator: "+" | "-"
!_mul_operator: "*" | "/"

!_comp_operator: "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "=" | "!=" | "~" | "in"

// Primitive types


// Tokens

%import common.SIGNED_INT
%import common.SIGNED_FLOAT
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.CNAME -> NAME

// White-space
%import common.WS
%ignore WS

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