Shell script to install a LogisCoin Masternode on a Linux server running Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 or 18.04. Use it on your own risk.
git clone
cd lgs-install
cd ~/lgs-install/
git pull
git clone
cd lgs-install
cd ~/lgs-install/
git pull
After the MN is up and running, you need to configure the desktop wallet accordingly. Here are the steps for Windows Wallet
- Open the LogisCoin Coin Desktop Wallet.
- Go to RECEIVE and create a New Address: MN1
- Send 1000 LogisCoin to MN1.
- Wait for 15 confirmations.
- Go to Tools -> "Debug console - Console"
- Type the following command: masternode outputs
- Go to ** Tools -> "Open Masternode Configuration File"
- Add the following entry:
Alias Address Privkey TxHash Output_index
- Alias: MN1
- Address: VPS_IP:PORT
- Privkey: Masternode Private Key
- TxHash: First value from Step 6
- Output index: Second value from Step 6
- Save and close the file.
- Go to Masternode Tab. If you tab is not shown, please enable it from: Settings - Options - Wallet - Show Masternodes Tab
- Click Update status to see your node. If it is not shown, close the wallet and start it again. Make sure the wallet is unlocked.
- Open Debug Console and type:
startmasternode "alias" "0" "MN1"
logiscoin-cli getinfo
logiscoin-cli mnsync status
logiscoin-cli masternode status
Also, if you want to check/start/stop LogisCoin , run one of the following commands as root:
Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04:
systemctl status LogisCoin #To check the service is running.
systemctl start LogisCoin #To start LogisCoin service.
systemctl stop LogisCoin #To stop LogisCoin service.
systemctl is-enabled LogisCoin #To check whetether LogisCoin service is enabled on boot or not.
Ubuntu 14.04:
/etc/init.d/LogisCoin start #To start LogisCoin service
/etc/init.d/LogisCoin stop #To stop LogisCoin service
/etc/init.d/LogisCoin restart #To restart LogisCoin service