Davis Square Temperature Monitoring
Getting Started
Clone this repository to the folder of your choice on your local machine, this will be [Project Path] for future reference.
Download the Arduino development environment if you have not already done so.
Rename the Secrets_stub.h to Secrets.h
Open the HowardStreetEnvironmentalMonitoring.ino sketch.
Add you credentials to Secrets.h.
Add the dependent libraries (if they are not already present) to your sketch so it will compile.
The libraies are located in [Project Path]\Adafruit_CC3000_Library, [Project Path]\Adafruit_TMP006 and [Project Path]\DHT11_Library. These can be added to the Arduino IDE by navigating to "Sketch->Import Library->Add Library..." within the Arduino IDE and adding each of the three folders to the libraries.
Hardware Configuration
The board used for this project is a Arduino DUO with the Adafruit Wifi shield. The DHT11 is located on pin 7 of the digital I/O bank and uses 3V-5V for power. The TMP006 is connected via I2C and requires 2.2V-5V.
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