This bot gets a currency pair (cryptos currency and fiat currency) from Uphold open API (at [currency pair]) - more info here:
You can be aware of your favourites currencies pairs by setting alerts to them.
- You must have Golang installed to compile it (more about how to install Golang at;
- You must have Git client installed to check out this repository (more about how to install Git client at; You must have internet access.
With your Git client installed and configured, you must clone the repository like this:
git clone crypto_bot
The command above will create a folder called crypto_bot and will copy all repository code into it.
After you have cloned the repository, you will change to the cloned repository folder and install the code dependencies as below:
cd cripto_bot
go mod vendor
go build .
PS: if you're using Linux, try run make crypto_bot
after cd cripto_bot
These commands will probably generate a file called crypto_bot (in Linux or Mac) or cripto_bot.exe (in Windows) into the repository folder. You can move this single file to any directory you wish.
Crypto Bot can be configured with a JSON file or with a flag configuration at the command line.
The configuration file has to be in the same folder where the crypto_bot file will be executed
The JSON configuration file has 5 entries as described below:
- times(integer): or frequency, or fetch interval, is the time in seconds between currency pair data fetch;
- url(string): the resource locator where the API is hosted;
- endpoint(string): the path to reach the API;
- pairs(array of string): the pair, or pairs you want to fetch;
- alerts (array of alerts): the alerts you want for each configured pair.
We will discuss some more about alerts below.
Here is an example of how a JSON configuration file looks like:
"times": 5,
"url": "",
"endpoint": "v0/ticker/",
"pairs": ["USD-ADA", "USD-BTC"],
"alerts": [
"pair": "ADA-USD",
"float": 0.01
You can find a functional example inside the repository folder and edit it.
Another way is setting these entries via command line with flags. Running crypto_bot -h
at your command line you will see this:
A bot to watch crypto pair values
crypto_bot [flags]
-e, --endpoint string EndPoint address for the ticker
-h, --help help for crypto_bot
-i, --interval duration Time in seconds for each ticker recovery
-p, --pairs strings coins pairs
-u, --url string URL to access the endpoint
-v, --verbose verbose output
With the flags below, you can skip these entries into the JSON configuration files.
You can also use both. In this case, the command line flags will subscribe to the JSON configuration file entries.
Unfortunately, Alerts can only be set at JSON configuration file by now.
Alerts are an array of Alert objects:
"pair": "USD-BTC",
"float": 0.01
Where pair
is one of the currency pairs you choose to be fetched and float
is the percentual difference between the first ticker fetched of this pair and the last one.
If this difference is reached, the bot will alert, writing a message with some details as:
Ticker: the ticker that generates the alert
Oscillation: the difference value
CreatedAt: date and hour of the alarm
Direction: the sign of the difference (up or down)
To run the tests, run the following code:
go test -mod=vendor -tags=unit -failfast -coverprofile=test.cover ./...
And to check the code lint, execute the following:
golangci-lint run --modules-download-mode vendor --timeout=30m
PS: if you are using Linux just run make test
Any issues feel free to contact me!