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You have volunteered to be the coordinator for your town’s youth soccer league. As part of your job you need to divide the 18 children who have signed up for the league into three even teams — Dragons, Sharks, and Raptors. In years past, the teams have been unevenly matched, so this year you are doing your best to fix that. For each child, you will have the following information:

Name, Height (in inches), Whether or not they have played soccer before, and Their guardians’ names. The project has three major parts. For each part, choose only from the tools we have covered in the courses so far.

Native types and collections to store data (Dictionary, Array, Int, String, etc) Accessing, appending and counting arrays Accessing dictionaries and arrays Creating control flow Use of comparison operators String interpolation Use of comments Please don’t employ more advanced tools we haven’t covered yet, even if they are right for the job. (Yes, that means no classes, structs or filters on Project 1.)

** Part 1: ** We have provided information for the 18 players in the Player Info spreadsheet. Please choose an appropriate data type to store the information for each player. In addition, create an empty collection constant to hold all the players’ data. Once you have decided on what tools to use, manually enter the player data so it can be used in Part 2.

** Part 2: ** Create logic to iterate through all 18 players and assign them to teams such that the number of experienced players on each team are the same. Store each team’s players in its own collection for use in Part 3. Please note: your logic should work correctly regardless of the initial ordering of the players and the number of players. This solution should work if there are 18 players or 100.

Also, if you would like to attain an “exceeds expectations” rating for this project, write code to ensure that each team's average height is within 1.5 inches of the others.

** Part 3: ** Write code that iterates through all three teams of players and generates a personalized letter to the guardians, letting them know which team the child has been placed on and when they should attend their first team team practice. As long as you provide the necessary information (player name, team name, guardian names, practice date/time), feel free to have fun with the content of the letter. The team practice dates/times are as follows:

Dragons - March 17, 1pm Sharks - March 17, 3pm Raptors - March 18, 1pm When your complete code is run in a playground the letters should be stored in a collection named 'letters'. When the code is run, the letters should be visible in the console.

You can reference the resources provided in the Project Resources area for additional information on how to implement and use the Swift Collections.

Now, please login to Slack and check out the Unit-01, office-hours, resources, and chit-chat channels. There are lots of discussions about the course materials and Project 1 which you will find useful. Feel free to post your own questions as well. Note that Slack participation is a required element of the Techdegree Program. If you have problem opening your Slack account, please contact us at [email protected].

As always, meaningful and concise code comments are expected. Your code should be written and refined in an Xcode playground. Be sure to upload it to GitHub.

One note regarding the usage of GitHub. Since it is a version control tool, and it is best to do an incremental check in when you completed a feature, fix, or enhancement. Also when adding comment to each check-in, a good practice is to add comments for the specific things that's changed, e.g. "added logic for height based assignment", "fixed duplicate printing of dragon team". This way you can go back and know exactly where certain enhancements/bugs might be introduced.

Please also note the specific naming requirements for variables in the detailed instructions below as these are required for your project to pass. Good luck, and happy coding!


First Swift Project for Treehouse Techdegree






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