To install Troll on your computer, you first need to install Moscow ML. There are instructions for this on the Moscow ML homepage (http://www.itu.dk/people/sestoft/mosml.html). When this accomplished, go to the Troll webpage (http://www.diku.dk/~torbenm/Troll/) and download the Troll.zip file. You have probably already done so if you are reading this file.
Unpack the zip-file in the directory where you want to install Troll and run one of the compile scripts: compile.sh for Linux/Unix and compile.bat for Windows. This will create a binary program called troll (Unixes) or troll.exe (Windows). The compiler will issue a warning about a non-standard feature used in the parser. This can safely be ignored.
When you have Troll installed, you can run it from a command line. You need to have a terminal or shell window open to do this.
Troll is invoked by the command troll. If run without arguments, it reads a Trollprogram from the terminal window (standard input) and prints a single random sample of the roll described by the Troll program. Example:
shell> troll 2d6 1 6 shell>
where is what you need to type to end terminal input on your system. For Unixes, this is ctrl-D and on Windows it is ctrl-Z.
Multisets are shown as sorted lists of numbers separated by spaces.
You can add a number to the troll command to get several samples:
shell> troll 5 2d6 1 4 5 5 2 6 2 5 4 6 shell>
Each sample is shown on a separate line. If you specify 0 as the number to the troll command, you get a probability distribution:
shell> troll 0
Value % = % >=
1 1 : 2.77777777778 100.0
1 2 : 5.55555555556 97.2222222222
1 3 : 5.55555555556 91.6666666667
1 4 : 5.55555555556 86.1111111111
1 5 : 5.55555555556 80.5555555556
1 6 : 5.55555555556 75.0
2 2 : 2.77777777778 69.4444444444
2 3 : 5.55555555556 66.6666666667
2 4 : 5.55555555556 61.1111111111
2 5 : 5.55555555556 55.5555555556
2 6 : 5.55555555556 50.0
3 3 : 2.77777777778 44.4444444444
3 4 : 5.55555555556 41.6666666667
3 5 : 5.55555555556 36.1111111111
3 6 : 5.55555555556 30.5555555556
4 4 : 2.77777777778 25.0
4 5 : 5.55555555556 22.2222222222
4 6 : 5.55555555556 16.6666666667
5 5 : 2.77777777778 11.1111111111
5 6 : 5.55555555556 8.33333333333
6 6 : 2.77777777778 2.77777777778
The probabilities are shown both for the result being equal to a value and for the result being at least a value. Lexicographic ordering of the multisets (as sorted lists) is used. By default, the probabilities are shown in percent, but if you add the -p option to the troll command, you get the probabilities as numbers between 0 and 1.
If the roll uses the accumulate loop or recursive functions, you can limit the iteration/recursion depth by specifying a negative number to the troll command. If you specify, for example, -5, you limit iterations and call depth to 5:
shell> troll -5
sum accumulate x:=d2 until x=2
Value % = % >=
2 : 50.0 96.875
3 : 25.0 46.875
4 : 12.5 21.875
5 : 6.25 9.375
6 : 3.125 3.125
Average = 2.75 Spread = 1.17260393996 Mean deviation = 0.8359375 shell>
Note that average, spread and mean deviation are calculated as all possible values are single numbers. The default limit is 12, so troll 0 and troll -12 are equivalent:
shell> troll 0
sum accumulate x:=d2 until x=2
Value % = % >=
2 : 50.0 99.9755859375
3 : 25.0 49.9755859375
4 : 12.5 24.9755859375
5 : 6.25 12.4755859375
6 : 3.125 6.2255859375
7 : 1.5625 3.1005859375
8 : 0.78125 1.5380859375
9 : 0.390625 0.7568359375
10 : 0.1953125 0.3662109375
11 : 0.09765625 0.1708984375
12 : 0.048828125 0.0732421875
13 : 0.0244140625 0.0244140625
Average = 2.99633789062 Spread = 1.40233352785 Mean deviation = 0.99706941843 shell>
You can also show the probability distribution as a histogram (in ASCII graphics) by using the -g option, where is the number of characters per percent in the histogram:
shell> troll 0 -g4
sum largest 3 4d6
Value 4.0 bars per %
3 :
4 : |
5 : |||
6 : ||||||
7 : ||||||||||||
8 : |||||||||||||||||||
9 : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12 : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 : ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16 : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
17 : |||||||||||||||||
18 : ||||||
Average = 12.2445987654 Spread = 2.84684444531 Mean deviation = 2.31853947569 shell>
You can also take the Troll program from a file by specifying a file name on the command line. If the file d20stat.t contains the Troll program sum largest 3 4d6, the command line
troll 0 -g4 d20stat.t
will produce the same output as above. File names can not start with digits nor contain the = character.
You can also specify the value of a variable from the command line. If, for example, the file Nd6.t contains the Troll program sum N d6, the command
troll 0 Nd6.t N=5
will set N to 5 in the program, so you get the probability distribution for sum 5 d6.
See manual.pdf for a more detailed description of how to use Troll.