docker build —tag=hammerdb ./
Run the docker image with oracle script:
docker run -it --env SYSTEM_USER=system --env ORACLE_EZCONNECT= --env SYSTEM_PASSWORD=oracle hammerdb
Run the docker image with postgresql script:
docker build --tag=hammerdb ./
docker run -it hammerdb
Run the docker image with bash and call hammdbcli to manually run tests:
docker run -it --rm hammerdb /bin/bash
Great getting started guide. (here)[]
Check which client libraries are installed
Set the database
dbset db pg
You can use either the TPROC or TPC terminology at the CLI.
dbset bm TPROC-C
dbset bm TPC-C
In the CLI the print dict command shows us the available options.
print dict
Set the pg_host variable for running hammerdb in a docker container
diset connection pg_host host.docker.internal