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An Official Node.js API wrapper built in typescript for LetsCloud API V1


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LetsCloud Node

Official API Wrapper to use letscloud API V1. This is built with typescript to better IntelliSense and learning. This project requires NODE >= 10.


Getting Started


How to install in your project

Add to project

# install with yarn
yarn add @letscloud/node

# install with npm
npm install @letscloud/node --save

Import in the file

import LetsCloud from '@letscloud/node';

const letscloud = new LetsCloud('<your api token>');

letcloud.getProfile().then(profile => {
  // ...


All the methods that consume the API endpoints are Promises, then you can choose which will use, async/await or then/catch. Here we will use then/catch in most cases. The catch methods will receive an error with property response that contains the Axios response object.

Note: Going forward I will assume that the initialization code has already been made


The profile class represents the profile respective to the provided token.

Getting the profile

  letscloud.getProfile().then(profile => {
    // ...

  // Or

  await letscloud.getProfile();

The profile class contains the following properties

  // The name in the token owner account
  name: string,

  // The email in the token owner account
  email: string,

  // The company name register in the token owner account
  // `comany_name` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `companyName` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  company_name: string,
  companyName: string,

  // The currency that the token owner registered the account
  // `currency` is the raw value returned from API
  // `currencyCode` is a getter that return the curency code in ISO 4217 format
  currency: '$' | 'R$',
  currencyCode: 'USD' | 'BRL',
  companyName: string,

  // The currency that the token owner registered the account
  // `balance` is the raw value returned from API fixed with two decimal places
  // `balanceNumber` is a getter that return the balance as a number
  balance: string,
  balanceNumber: number,


The location class represents one location

Getting all locations

  // Each location in the array is one Location class
  letscloud.getLocations().then(locations => {
    // ...

  // Or

  await letscloud.getLocations();

The Location class contains the following properties and methods

  // The slug of location
  slug: string,

  // The country where the location is
  country: string,

  // The city where the location is
  city: string,

  // If the location is available or not
  available: boolean,

  // Plans availables in this location
  // This property could be undefined if called before `getPlans()`
  plans?: Plan[],

  // Images allowed in the location
  // This property could be undefined if called before `getImages()`
  images?: Image[],

  // Get plans for this location and stores in `plans`. Also returns the fetched plans
  getPlans: () => Promise<Plan[]>,

  // Get images for this location and stores in `images`. Also returns the fetched images
  getImages: () => Promise<Image[]>,

NOTE: See about Plan and Image


Getting all plans availables in location

  // Each location in the array is one Location class
  letscloud.getLocations().then(locations => {
    const location = locations[0];

    // Or

    await location.getPlans();

The Plan class contains the following properties and methods

  // The plan slug
  slug: string;

  // The shortcode of your currency
  shortcode: '$' | 'R$';

  // The currency code in ISO 4217
  currencyCode: 'USD' | 'BRL',

  // Number of Core
  core: number;

  // Number of Memory RAM in MB
  memory: number;

  // Size of disk in GB
  disk: number;
  diskInMegabyte: number;

  // Number of bandwith in GB
  bandwidth: number;
  bandwidthInMegabyte: number;

  // `monthly_value` is the raw value returned from API
  // `monthlyValue` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  monthly_value: string;
  monthlyValue: string;


Getting all images availables in location

  // Each location in the array is one Location class
  letscloud.getLocations().then(locations => {
    const location = locations[0];

    // Or

    await location.getImages();

The Image class contains the following properties and methods

  // The base distribution used for this image
  distro: string;

  // The operating system that the distro is based on
  os: string;

  // The image slug
  slug: string;


The SSH class represents one ssh key

Getting all ssh keys

  // Each ssh in the array is one SSH class
  letscloud.getSSHKeys().then(sshKeys => {
    // ...

  // Or

  await letscloud.getSSHKeys();

Getting one ssh key

  letscloud.getSSHKey('<ssh-key-title>').then(sshKey => {
      // ...

Storing a new one ssh key

  // The second parameter is optional, if not passed a new key will be generated and returned from API
  letscloud.createSSHKey('<ssh-key-slug>', '<the-public-key>').then(sshKey => {
    console.log(sshKey.privateKey) // undefined
    // ...

  // Or

  letscloud.createSSHKey('<ssh-key-slug>').then(sshKey => {
    console.log(sshKey.privateKey) // <your-pivate-key>
    // ...

The SSH class contains the following properties and methods

  // The title of thee ssh
  title: string,
  // The slug of the ssh key
  slug: string,

  // The public key
  // `public_key` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `publicKey` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  public_key: string,
  publicKey: string,

  // The private key. Only will be populate if a new ssh key is generated by API
  // `private_key` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `privateKey` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  private_key?: string,
  privateKey?: string,

  // Sync object data with the data in the API and return itself to allow chaining
  fetchSSHKey: () => Promise<Plan>,

  // Delete the ssh
  deleteSSH: () => Promise<void>,


The Instance class represents one instance

Getting all instances

  // Each instance in the array is one Instance class
  letscloud.getInstances().then(instances => {
    // ...

  // Or

  await letscloud.getInstances();

Getting one instance

  letscloud.getInstance('<instance-identifier>').then(instance => {
    // ...

Creating a new instance

  const instanceData = {
    locationSlug: '<one-valid-location-slug>',
    planSlug: '<one-plan-slug-valid-in-this-location>',
    hostname: '<instace-hostname>',
    label: '<instance-label>',
    imageSlug: '<image-slug-to-build-instance>',
    // optional
    sshSlug: '<ssh-slug-to-add-in-instance>'

  letscloud.createInstance(instanceData).then(success => {
      // ...

The Instance class contains the following properties and methods

  // A unique identifier for each instance. This is automatically generated upon instance creation
  identifier: string,

  // A boolean value indicating whether the instance has been booted
  booted: boolean,

  // A boolean value indicating whether the instance has been built
  built: boolean,

  // A boolean value indicating whether the instance has been locked, preventing actions by users
  locked: boolean,

  // The RAM memory of instance in MB
  memory: number,

  // The size of instance diks in GB
  // `total_disk_size` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `totalDiskSize` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  total_disk_size: number,
  totalDiskSize: number,

  // The number of virtual CPUs
  cpus: number,

  // The friendly name set for the instance
  label: string,

  // An array of ips addresses set in the instance
  // `ip_addresses` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `ipAddresses` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  ip_addresses: string[],
  ipAddresses: string[],

  // The name of the operating system set for the instance
  // `template_label` is the raw property name returned from API
  // `templateLabel` is a getter that follow js variables naming convension
  template_label: string,
  templateLabel: string,

  // The hostname set for the instance.
  hostname: string,

  // Fetch the instance data and returns itself allowing chaining
  fetchInstance: () => Promise<Instance>,

  // Destroy the instance.
  deleteInstance: () => Promise<void>,

  // Pass `true` to turn on and `false` to turn off the instance.
  changePower: (turnOn: boolean) => Promise<void>,

  // Reboot the instance.
  rebootInstance: () => Promise<void>,

  // Reset the root passowrd of the instance.
  resetPassword: () => Promise<void>,



Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details