Training, deployment and testing code for a sentiment analysis model trained on the IMDB dataset.
Author: Leonardo Espín
Date: 4/25/2021
This repo uses a containerized workflow in Google Cloud to train the model. In a VM or cloud shell:
Build the container by running
docker build -t lstm .
Test the container locally by running
docker run lstm --job-dir=gs://$BUCKET/lstm_model/ \ --epochs=1 \ --max-seq-len=25
this will limit the text-sequence size to 25 words, to speed up the test training
Push the container to your container registry
docker image tag lstm$MY_PROJECT/lstm docker push$MY_PROJECT/lstm
Submit the training job to the AI Platform using the default model arguments. The configuration file requests a Tesla T4 GPU
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training lstm_$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") \ --job-dir gs://$BUCKET/lstm_model/ \ --region $REGION \ --master-image-uri$MY_PROJECT/lstm \ --config config/config.yaml
The trained model can be tested through the test.ipynb
notebook in the test folder. Tests include making predictions through a rest api using the tensorflow/serving