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Merge pull request #3 from legend-exp/fit_components
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Add `aoecorrectionplot!` and `lplot!` for fits with components and A/E correction plots
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fhagemann authored Feb 20, 2025
2 parents e95e826 + 9eb0e34 commit c2294aa
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Showing 7 changed files with 220 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
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Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ jobs:
- x64
- version: 1
os: ubuntu-latest
arch: x86
- version: 1
os: macOS-latest
arch: arm64
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ Format = "1fa38f19-a742-5d3f-a2b9-30dd87b9d5f8"
LaTeXStrings = "b964fa9f-0449-5b57-a5c2-d3ea65f4040f"
Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"
MathTeXEngine = "0a4f8689-d25c-4efe-a92b-7142dfc1aa53"
Measurements = "eff96d63-e80a-5855-80a2-b1b0885c5ab7"
RadiationDetectorSignals = "bf2c0563-65cf-5db2-a620-ceb7de82658c"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

LegendMakieExt = ["Makie", "Dates", "FileIO", "Format", "LaTeXStrings", "MathTeXEngine", "StatsBase", "Unitful"]
LegendMakieMeasurementsExt = ["Makie", "LaTeXStrings", "Measurements"]
LegendMakieRadiationDetectorSignalsExt = "RadiationDetectorSignals"

Expand All @@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ LaTeXStrings = "1.2"
Makie = "0.22"
MakieCore = "0.9"
MathTeXEngine = "0.6.1"
Measurements = "2.5"
RadiationDetectorSignals = "0.3.8"
StatsBase = "0.33.7, 0.34"
Unitful = "1.6"
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions ext/LegendMakieMeasurementsExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# This file is a part of LegendMakie.jl, licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

module LegendMakieMeasurementsExt

import LegendMakie

import LaTeXStrings
import Makie
import Measurements

import LegendMakie: pt, aoecorrectionplot!

Makie.@recipe(AoECorrectionPlot, report) do scene
color = (LegendMakie.AchatBlue,0.5),
markercolor = :black

# Needed for creatings legend using Makie recipes
function Makie.get_plots(p::AoECorrectionPlot)
return p.plots

function Makie.plot!(p::AoECorrectionPlot{<:Tuple{NamedTuple{(:par, :f_fit, :x, :y, :gof, :e_unit, :label_y, :label_fit)}}})
report =[]
Makie.lines!(p, 0:1:3000, report.f_fit Measurements.value, color = p.color, label = LaTeXStrings.latexstring("\\fontfamily{Roboto}" * report.label_fit))
Makie.errorbars!(p, report.x, Measurements.value.(report.y), Measurements.uncertainty.(report.y), color = p.markercolor)
Makie.scatter!(p, report.x, Measurements.value.(report.y), color = p.markercolor, label = "Compton band fits: Gaussian $(report.label_y)(A/E)")

149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions ext/recipes/lplot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,5 +56,154 @@ function LegendMakie.lplot!(

watermark && LegendMakie.add_watermarks!(; kwargs...)


function LegendMakie.lplot!(
report::NamedTuple{(:v, :h, :f_fit, :f_components, :gof)};
xlabel = "", ylabel = "Counts / bin",
title::AbstractString = "", legend_position = :lt,
xlims = extrema(first(report.h.edges)), ylims = (0.9,maximum(report.h.weights) * 2),
show_label::Bool = true, show_components::Bool = true, yticks = Makie.automatic,
watermark::Bool = true, show_residuals::Bool = true, col::Int = 1, kwargs...

fig = Makie.current_figure()

# create plot
g = Makie.GridLayout(fig[1,col])
ax = Makie.Axis(g[1,1],
title = title, titlefont = :bold, titlesize = 16pt,
xlabel = xlabel, ylabel = ylabel, yticks = yticks,
limits = (xlims, ylims),
yscale = Makie.log10

Makie.hist!(ax, StatsBase.midpoints(first(report.h.edges)), weights = report.h.weights, bins = first(report.h.edges), color = LegendMakie.DiamondGrey, label = "Data")
Makie.lines!(range(xlims..., length = 1000), x -> report.f_fit(x) * step(first(report.h.edges)), color = :black, label = ifelse(show_label, "Best Fit" * (!isempty(report.gof) ? " (p = $(round(report.gof.pvalue, digits=2)))" : ""), ""))

if show_components
for (idx, component) in enumerate(keys(report.f_components.funcs))
range(extrema(first(report.h.edges))..., length = 1000),
x -> report.f_components.funcs[component](x) * step(first(report.h.edges)),
color = report.f_components.colors[component],
label = ifelse(show_label, report.f_components.labels[component], ""),
linestyle = report.f_components.linestyles[component],
linewidth = 4

if legend_position != :none
Makie.axislegend(ax, position = legend_position)

if !isempty(report.gof) && show_residuals

ax.xticklabelsize = 0
ax.xticksize = 0
ax.xlabel = ""

ax2 = Makie.Axis(g[2,1],
xlabel = xlabel, ylabel = "Residuals (σ)",
yticks = -3:3:3, limits = (xlims,(-5,5))
LegendMakie.residualplot!(ax2, (x = StatsBase.midpoints(first(report.h.edges)), residuals_norm = report.gof.residuals_norm))

Makie.linkxaxes!(ax, ax2)
Makie.rowgap!(g, 0)
Makie.rowsize!(g, 1, Makie.Auto(3))

# align ylabels
yspace = maximum(Makie.tight_yticklabel_spacing!, (ax, ax2))
ax.yticklabelspace = yspace
ax2.yticklabelspace = yspace

all = Makie.Axis(g[:,:])

# add watermarks
watermark && LegendMakie.add_watermarks!(; kwargs...)


function LegendMakie.lplot!(
report::NamedTuple{(:par, :f_fit, :x, :y, :gof, :e_unit, :label_y, :label_fit)};
title::AbstractString = "", show_residuals::Bool = true,
xticks = 500:250:2250, xlims = (500,2300), ylims = nothing,
legend_position = :rt, col = 1, watermark::Bool = false, kwargs...

fig = Makie.current_figure()

# create plot
g = Makie.GridLayout(fig[1,col])
ax = Makie.Axis(g[1,1],
title = title, titlefont = :bold, titlesize = 16pt,
xlabel = "E ($(report.e_unit))", ylabel = report.label_y * " (a.u.)",
xticks = xticks, limits = (xlims, ylims)

LegendMakie.aoecorrectionplot!(ax, report)
if legend_position != :none
Makie.axislegend(ax, position = legend_position)

# add residuals
if !isempty(report.gof) && show_residuals

ax.xticklabelsize = 0
ax.xticksize = 0
ax.xlabel = ""

ax2 = Makie.Axis(g[2,1],
xlabel = "E ($(report.e_unit))", ylabel = "Residuals (σ)",
xticks = xticks, yticks = -3:3:3, limits = (xlims,(-5,5))
LegendMakie.residualplot!(ax2, (x = report.x, residuals_norm = report.gof.residuals_norm))

# link axis and put plots together
Makie.linkxaxes!(ax, ax2)
Makie.rowgap!(g, 0)
Makie.rowsize!(g, 1, Makie.Auto(3))

# align ylabels
yspace = maximum(Makie.tight_yticklabel_spacing!, (ax, ax2))
ax.yticklabelspace = yspace
ax2.yticklabelspace = yspace

all = Makie.Axis(g[:,:])

# add watermarks
watermark && LegendMakie.add_watermarks!(; kwargs...)


function LegendMakie.lplot!(
report::NamedTuple{(:par, :f_fit, :x, :y, :gof, :e_unit, :label_y, :label_fit)},
com_report::NamedTuple{(:values, :label_y, :label_fit, :energy)};
legend_position = :rt, col = 1, kwargs...

fig = LegendMakie.lplot!(report, legend_position = :none, col = col; kwargs...)

g = last(Makie.contents(fig[1,col]))
ax = Makie.contents(g)[1]
Makie.lines!(ax,, com_report.values, linewidth = 4, color = :red, linestyle = :dash, label = LaTeXStrings.latexstring("\\fontfamily{Roboto}" * com_report.label_fit))
Makie.axislegend(ax, position = legend_position)

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/lplot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ export lsavefig

# recipes
function residualplot! end
function aoecorrectionplot! end

# watermark functions
function add_logo! end
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
Aqua = "4c88cf16-eb10-579e-8560-4a9242c79595"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
LegendSpecFits = "18221496-77af-46cf-bab8-820da09f7f97"
Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"
RadiationDetectorSignals = "bf2c0563-65cf-5db2-a620-ceb7de82658c"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

Documenter = "1"
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions test/test_lplot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ using LegendMakie
using Makie

import LegendSpecFits
import Distributions
import Unitful: @u_str

using Test

Expand All @@ -28,5 +30,34 @@ using Test
result, report = LegendSpecFits.fit_single_trunc_gauss(randn(10000), (low = -4.0, high = 4.0, max = NaN))
@test_nowarn lplot(report, xlabel = "x")

@testset "A/E correction" begin
# generate fake A/E distribution
e_cal = rand(Distributions.Exponential(300), 5_000_000) .+ 300
μA, μB, σA, σB = 1.01, 4e-6, 5e-3, 12.0
myμ(E) = μA - μB * E
myσ(E) = sqrt(σA^2 + σB^2/E^2)
aoe = [let= myμ(E), _σ = myσ(E); (rand() < 0.2 ? -rand(Distributions.Exponential(5*_σ)) : 0) +*randn() + _μ; end for E in e_cal]

compton_bands = collect((550:50:2350)u"keV")
compton_window = 20u"keV"
compton_band_peakhists = LegendSpecFits.generate_aoe_compton_bands(aoe, e_cal*u"keV", compton_bands, compton_window)
result_fit, report_fit = LegendSpecFits.fit_aoe_compton(compton_band_peakhists.peakhists, compton_band_peakhists.peakstats, compton_bands, uncertainty=true)
μs = [result_fit[band].μ for band in compton_bands]
σs = [result_fit[band].σ for band in compton_bands]
result_fit_single, report_fit_single = LegendSpecFits.fit_aoe_corrections(compton_bands, μs, σs)
result_fit_combined, report_fit_combined = LegendSpecFits.fit_aoe_compton_combined(compton_band_peakhists.peakhists, compton_band_peakhists.peakstats, compton_bands, result_fit_single, uncertainty=true)

# Compton band (individual) fit
@test_nowarn lplot(report_fit[first(compton_bands)])

# A/E correction plots
@test_nowarn lplot(report_fit_single.report_μ, col = 1, figsize = (1200,420))
@test_nowarn lplot!(report_fit_single.report_σ, col = 2)

# A/E combined fit plots
@test_nowarn lplot(report_fit_single.report_μ, report_fit_combined.report_μ, col = 1, figsize = (1200,420))
@test_nowarn lplot!(report_fit_single.report_σ, report_fit_combined.report_σ, col = 2)

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