Before you start, you have to change the provider of Anchor.toml
If you want to use other network than devnet, you have to change cluster.
# "local" or "testnet"
cluster = "devnet"
# Change this if your wallet is in other path
wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"
Then, you can build binary by
anchor build
solana program deploy <project_root_folder_path>/solana-tic-tac-toe/target/deploy/
Make sure you have enough SOL to deploy the program. (More than 6sol)
Then Program Id will appear on command line.
Program Id: <programId>
You have to paste it on programs/solana-tic-tac-toe/srs/
and app/constant.ts
// programs/solana-tic-tac-toe/src/
// app/constant.ts
export const PROGRAM_ACCOUNT = new PublicKey('<programId>');
Before you init the program data, you have to prepare two player account and replace it on test/solana-tic-tac-toe.ts
// test/solana-tic-tac-toe.ts
const playerOne = new PublicKey("<player one publicKey>");
const playerTwo = new PublicKey("<player two publicKey>");
Now you have to re-build, deploy and init the program data account by
anchor test
When test is passed successfully, you will see this line on command line.
export const PROGRAM_DATA_ACCOUNT = new PublicKey('<program data account>');
✔ setup game!
Replace that line to app/constant.ts
// app/constant.ts
export const PROGRAM_DATA_ACCOUNT = new PublicKey('<program data account>');
Finally you have to deploy idl for the program by
anchor idl init --filepath ./target/idl/tic_tac_toe.json <programId>
Done! Let's run app.
cd app
yarn && yarn dev
If you run the app and connect the browser wallet extension, than board will appear.
Note that you have to connect to the address that you set on
If it's not, the board will not appear because that address is not a player.
Init the new program data account by
anchor test --skip-build --skip-deploy
When test is passed successfully, replace the under line to app/constant.ts
// app/constant.ts
export const PROGRAM_DATA_ACCOUNT = new PublicKey('<programId>');