Date: 2017-11-09
One place to store all bookmarks to AWS Accounts and Cross-Accounts Access Roles.
Keeping AWS account links in one place.
Keeping AWS Cross-Account Access Roles links in on place.
Fast Cross-Account access link generation.
All data are stored locally,
Fast Navigation to AWS account
No servers required, just install on AWS S3, Github Pages etc.
You can try/use on or grab a copy and install where ever you want.
- Clone repo:
git clone:
- Create a S3 bucket:
aws s3 mb s3://bucket_name --region preffered_region
- Configure S3 bucket as static website:
aws s3 website s3://bucket_name --index-document index.html --error-document error.html
- Sync data to S3 (only necessary):
aws s3 sync --acl public-read myawsbookmarks/ s3://bucket_name/ --exclude "*" --include "index.html" --include "assets/*"
- Get you website endpoint form S3 Console & Enjoy!
Author: Lukasz Dorosz @mrdoro
Inspired by Naveen Vijay project