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This repository contains examples (and errata) for Learning Hadoop 2.


Throughout the book we use Cloudera CDH 5.0 and Amazon EMR as reference systems. All examples target, and have been tested with Java 7.

Update (2021-05-16): as of February 2021 Cloudera CDH is not available to the general public anymore.

More information about the transition to private repositories can be found at

Building the examples

While (some) jar dependencies are still available at, we updated the chapters build scripts to use vanilla version of the dependencies available through regular maven channels.

The updated build scripts have been tested with Java 8 on the AdoptOpenJDK virtual machine.

Original codes and build scripts can be found at

Running the examples

Alternatives to the (virtualized) Hadoop environment that was provided by CDH VM are avaialble at:


We use Gradle to compile Java code and collect the required class files into a single JAR file.

$ ./gradlew jar

JARs can then be submitted to Hadoop with:

$ hadoop jar <job jarfile> <main class> <argument 1> ... <argument 2>

Example - Chapter 3 (Mapreduce and beyond)

To build ch3 examples

$ git clone
$ cd book-examples/ch3
$ ./gradlew jar

The script will take care of downloading a Gradle distribution from the official repo (, and use it to build the code under src/main/java/com/learninghadoop2/mapreduce/. You will find the resulting jar in build/libs/mapreduce-example.jar.

We can run the WordCount example as described in Chapter 3:

$ hadoop jar build/libs/mapreduce-example.jar \
com.learninghadoop2.mapreduce.WordCount \
input.txt \

For more information on how gradle is bootstrapped to run the build, refer to The gradle_wrapper plugin is distributed with the examples (gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar).


We use sbt to build, manage, and execute the Spark examples in Chapter 5.

The build.sbt file controls the codebase metadata and software dependencies.

The source code for all examples can be compiled with:

$ cd ch5
$ sbt compile

Or, it can be packaged into a JAR file with:

$ sbt package

And run with

$ target/start <class name> <master> <param1> … <param n>


To run the examples on a YARN grid, you can build a JAR file using:

$ sbt package

and then ship it to the Resource Manager using the spark-submit command:

./bin/spark-submit --class --master yarn-cluster [options] target/scala-2.10/chapter-4_2.10-1.0.jar [<param1> … <param n>]

Unlike the standalone mode, we don't need to specify a URI.

More information on launching Spark on YARN can be found at