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feat(CategoryTheory): any monomorphism in a Grothendieck abelian cate…
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…gory is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in a small family (#22157)

Let `C` be a Grothendieck abelian category. Assume that `G : C` is a generator of `C`. Then, any morphism in `C` is a transfinite composition of pushouts of morphisms of the form `Y ⟶ G` for some subobject `Y` of `G`.

Co-authored-by: Joël Riou <[email protected]>
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joelriou and joelriou committed Feb 21, 2025
1 parent f8a3148 commit b075189
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Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Abelian.CommSq
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Generator.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Abelian.GrothendieckCategory.Subobject
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.IsSmall
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.Limits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.TransfiniteComposition
import Mathlib.Order.TransfiniteIteration

# Grothendieck abelian categories have enough injectives
Expand All @@ -28,8 +29,9 @@ namespace IsGrothendieckAbelian

/-- Given an object `G : C`, this is the family of morphisms in `C`
given by the inclusions of all subobjects of `G`. If `G` is a separator,
we shall show (TODO) that any monomorphism in `C` is a transfinite composition
of pushouts of monomorphisms in this family. -/
and `C` is a Grothendieck abelian category, then any monomorphism in `C`
is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in this family
(see `generatingMonomorphisms.exists_transfiniteCompositionOfShape`). -/
def generatingMonomorphisms (G : C) : MorphismProperty C :=
MorphismProperty.ofHoms (fun (X : Subobject G) ↦ X.arrow)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +102,153 @@ lemma exists_larger_subobject {X : C} (A : Subobject X) (hA : A ≠ ⊤) :
simp only [← cancel_mono p', assoc, fac,
Subobject.underlyingIso_hom_comp_eq_mk, Subobject.ofLE_arrow]

variable {X : C}

open Classical in
/-- Assuming `G : C` is a generator, `X : C`, and `A : Subobject X`,
this is a subobject of `X` which is `⊤` if `A = ⊤`, and otherwise
it is a larger subobject given by the lemma `exists_larger_subobject`.
The inclusion of `A` in `largerSubobject hG A` is a pushout of
a monomorphism in the family `generatingMonomorphisms G`
(see `pushouts_ofLE_le_largerSubobject`). -/
noncomputable def largerSubobject (A : Subobject X) : Subobject X :=
if hA : A = ⊤ thenelse (exists_larger_subobject hG A hA).choose

variable (X) in
lemma largerSubobject_top : largerSubobject hG (⊤ : Subobject X) = ⊤ := dif_pos rfl

lemma lt_largerSubobject (A : Subobject X) (hA : A ≠ ⊤) :
A < largerSubobject hG A := by
dsimp only [largerSubobject]
rw [dif_neg hA]
exact (exists_larger_subobject hG A hA).choose_spec.choose

lemma le_largerSubobject (A : Subobject X) :
A ≤ largerSubobject hG A := by
by_cases hA : A = ⊤
· subst hA
simp only [largerSubobject_top, le_refl]
· exact (lt_largerSubobject hG A hA).le

lemma pushouts_ofLE_le_largerSubobject (A : Subobject X) :
(generatingMonomorphisms G).pushouts
(Subobject.ofLE _ _ (le_largerSubobject hG A)) := by
by_cases hA : A = ⊤
· subst hA
have := (Subobject.isIso_arrow_iff_eq_top (largerSubobject hG (⊤ : Subobject X))).2 (by simp)
exact (MorphismProperty.arrow_mk_iso_iff _
(Arrow.isoMk (asIso (Subobject.arrow _)) (asIso (Subobject.arrow _)) (by simp))).2
(isomorphisms_le_pushouts_generatingMonomorphisms G (𝟙 X)
(MorphismProperty.isomorphisms.infer_property _))
· refine (MorphismProperty.arrow_mk_iso_iff _ ?_).1
(exists_larger_subobject hG A hA).choose_spec.choose_spec
exact Arrow.isoMk (Iso.refl _)
(Subobject.isoOfEq _ _ ((by simp [largerSubobject, dif_neg hA])))

variable [IsGrothendieckAbelian.{w} C]

lemma top_mem_range (A₀ : Subobject X) {J : Type w} [LinearOrder J] [OrderBot J] [SuccOrder J]
[WellFoundedLT J] (hJ : HasCardinalLT (Subobject X) ( J)) :
∃ (j : J), transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j A₀ = ⊤ :=
top_mem_range_transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) A₀ (lt_largerSubobject hG) (by simp)
(fun h ↦ by simpa [hasCardinalLT_iff_cardinal_mk_lt] using hJ.of_injective _ h)

lemma exists_ordinal (A₀ : Subobject X) :
∃ (o : Ordinal.{w}) (j : o.toType), transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j A₀ = ⊤ := by
let κ := Order.succ ( (Shrink.{w} (Subobject X)))
have : OrderBot κ.ord.toType := Ordinal.toTypeOrderBot (by
simp only [ne_eq, Cardinal.ord_eq_zero]
apply Cardinal.succ_ne_zero)
exact ⟨κ.ord, top_mem_range hG A₀ (lt_of_lt_of_le (Order.lt_succ _) (by simp [κ]))⟩


variable (A₀ : Subobject X) (J : Type w) [LinearOrder J] [OrderBot J] [SuccOrder J]
[WellFoundedLT J]

/-- Let `C` be a Grothendieck abelian category with a generator (`hG`),
`X : C`, `A₀ : Subobject X`. Let `J` be a well ordered type. This is
the functor `J ⥤ MonoOver X` which corresponds to the evaluation
at `A₀` of the transfinite iteration of the map
`largerSubobject hG : Subobject X → Subobject X`. -/
noncomputable def functorToMonoOver : J ⥤ MonoOver X where
obj j :=' (transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j A₀).arrow
map {j j'} f := MonoOver.homMk (Subobject.ofLE _ _
(monotone_transfiniteIterate _ _ (le_largerSubobject hG) (leOfHom f)))

/-- The functor `J ⥤ C` induced by `functorToMonoOver hG A₀ J : J ⥤ MonoOver X`. -/
noncomputable abbrev functor : J ⥤ C :=
functorToMonoOver hG A₀ J ⋙ MonoOver.forget _ ⋙ Over.forget _

instance : (functor hG A₀ J).IsWellOrderContinuous where
nonempty_isColimit m hm := ⟨by
have : Nonempty (Set.Iio m) := ⟨⟨⊥, Ne.bot_lt (by simpa using hm.not_isMin)⟩⟩
let c := (Set.principalSegIio m).cocone (functorToMonoOver hG A₀ J ⋙ MonoOver.forget _)
have : Mono := by dsimp [c]; infer_instance
apply IsGrothendieckAbelian.isColimitMapCoconeOfSubobjectMkEqISup
((Set.principalSegIio m).monotone.functor ⋙ functorToMonoOver hG A₀ J) c
dsimp [c]
simp only [Subobject.mk_arrow]
exact transfiniteIterate_limit (largerSubobject hG) A₀ m hm⟩

variable {J} in
/-- For any `j`, the map `(functor hG A₀ J).map (homOfLE bot_le : ⊥ ⟶ j)`
is a transfinite composition of pushouts of monomorphisms in the
family `generatingMonomorphisms G`. -/
noncomputable def transfiniteCompositionOfShapeMapFromBot (j : J) :
(generatingMonomorphisms G).pushouts.TransfiniteCompositionOfShape (Set.Iic j)
((functor hG A₀ J).map (homOfLE bot_le : ⊥ ⟶ j)) where
F := (Set.initialSegIic j).monotone.functor ⋙ functor hG A₀ J
isoBot := Iso.refl _
incl :=
{ app k := (functor hG A₀ J).map (homOfLE k.2)
naturality k k' h := by simp [MonoOver.forget] }
isColimit := colimitOfDiagramTerminal isTerminalTop _
map_mem k hk := by
dsimp [MonoOver.forget]
convert pushouts_ofLE_le_largerSubobject hG
(transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) k.1 A₀) using 2
rw [Set.Iic.succ_eq_of_not_isMax hk,
transfiniteIterate_succ _ _ _ (Set.not_isMax_coe _ hk)]


variable {A : C} {f : A ⟶ X} [Mono f]

/-- If `transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j ( f) = ⊤`,
then the monomorphism `f` is a transfinite composition of pushouts of
monomorphisms in the family `generatingMonomorphisms G`. -/
noncomputable def transfiniteCompositionOfShapeOfEqTop
{J : Type w} [LinearOrder J] [OrderBot J] [SuccOrder J] [WellFoundedLT J] {j : J}
(hj : transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j ( f) = ⊤) :
(generatingMonomorphisms G).pushouts.TransfiniteCompositionOfShape (Set.Iic j) f := by
let t := transfiniteIterate (largerSubobject hG) j ( f)
have := (Subobject.isIso_arrow_iff_eq_top t).2 hj
apply (transfiniteCompositionOfShapeMapFromBot hG ( f) j).ofArrowIso
refine Arrow.isoMk ((Subobject.isoOfEq _ _ (transfiniteIterate_bot _ _) ≪≫
Subobject.underlyingIso f)) (asIso t.arrow) ?_
dsimp [MonoOver.forget]
rw [assoc, Subobject.underlyingIso_hom_comp_eq_mk, Subobject.ofLE_arrow,

variable (f)

/-- Let `C` be a Grothendieck abelian category. Assume that `G : C` is a generator
of `C`. Then, any morphism in `C` is a transfinite composition of pushouts
of monomorphisms in the family `generatingMonomorphisms G` which consists
of the inclusions of the subobjects of `G`. -/
lemma exists_transfiniteCompositionOfShape :
∃ (J : Type w) (_ : LinearOrder J) (_ : OrderBot J) (_ : SuccOrder J)
(_ : WellFoundedLT J),
Nonempty ((generatingMonomorphisms G).pushouts.TransfiniteCompositionOfShape J f) := by
obtain ⟨o, j, hj⟩ := exists_ordinal hG ( f)
letI : OrderBot o.toType := Ordinal.toTypeOrderBot (by
simpa only [← Ordinal.toType_nonempty_iff_ne_zero] using Nonempty.intro j)
exact ⟨_, _, _, _, _, ⟨transfiniteCompositionOfShapeOfEqTop hG hj⟩⟩

end generatingMonomorphisms

end IsGrothendieckAbelian
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