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feat(CategoryTheory): Define subobject classifier (#21281)
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This creates the folder `CategoryTheory/Topos` and the file `CategoryTheory/Topos/Classifier.lean`. The proposed code includes the definition of what it means to be a subobject classifier in a category `C` with a terminal object, and relevant basic results about such a category. This is done in the "internal" sense, for the purpose of eventually defining what it means for a category to be a topos utilizing this definition; see also [#21269](#21269).
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CharredLee committed Feb 24, 2025
1 parent 991bdb7 commit ab84c0e
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2376,6 +2376,7 @@ import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Subterminal
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sums.Associator
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Sums.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Thin
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Topos.Classifier
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Adjunction
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Basic
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Functor
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Balanced.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ section

attribute [local instance] isIso_of_mono_of_epi

theorem balanced_opposite [Balanced C] : Balanced Cᵒᵖ :=
instance balanced_opposite [Balanced C] : Balanced Cᵒᵖ :=
{ isIso_of_mono_of_epi := fun f fmono fepi => by
rw [← Quiver.Hom.op_unop f]
exact isIso_of_op _ }
Expand Down
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Topos/Classifier.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Charlie Conneen. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Charlie Conneen
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.Pullback.CommSq
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Limits.Shapes.RegularMono

# Subobject Classifier
We define what it means for a morphism in a category to be a subobject classifier
as `CategoryTheory.HasClassifier`.
c.f. the following Lean 3 code, where similar work was done:
## Main definitions
Let `C` refer to a category with a terminal object.
* `CategoryTheory.Classifier C` is the data of a subobject classifier in `C`.
* `CategoryTheory.HasClassifier C` says that there is at least one subobject classifier.
`Ω C` denotes a choice of subobject classifier.
## Main results
* It is a theorem that the truth morphism `⊤_ C ⟶ Ω C` is a (split, and
therefore regular) monomorphism, simply because its source is the terminal object.
* An instance of `IsRegularMonoCategory C` is exhibited for any category with
a subobject classifier.
## References
* [S. MacLane and I. Moerdijk, *Sheaves in Geometry and Logic*][MLM92]
* Exhibit the equivalence between having a classifier and the functor `B => Subobject B`
being representable.
* Make API for constructing a subobject classifier without reference to limits (replacing
`⊤_ C` with an arbitrary `Ω₀ : C` and including the assumption `mono truth`)

universe u v u₀ v₀

open CategoryTheory Category Limits Functor

variable (C : Type u) [Category.{v} C] [HasTerminal C]

namespace CategoryTheory

/-- A morphism `truth : ⊤_ C ⟶ Ω` from the terminal object of a category `C`
is a subobject classifier if, for every monomorphism `m : U ⟶ X` in `C`,
there is a unique map `χ : X ⟶ Ω` such that the following square is a pullback square:
U ---------m----------> X
| |
terminal.from U χ
| |
v v
⊤_ C ------truth--------> Ω
An equivalent formulation replaces the object `⊤_ C` with an arbitrary object, and instead
includes the assumption that `truth` is a monomorphism.
structure Classifier where
/-- The target of the truth morphism -/
Ω : C
/-- the truth morphism for a subobject classifier -/
truth : ⊤_ C ⟶ Ω
/-- For any monomorphism `U ⟶ X`, there is an associated characteristic map `X ⟶ Ω`. -/
χ {U X : C} (m : U ⟶ X) [Mono m] : X ⟶ Ω
/-- `χ m` forms the appropriate pullback square. -/
isPullback {U X : C} (m : U ⟶ X) [Mono m] : IsPullback m (terminal.from U) (χ m) truth
/-- `χ m` is the only map `X ⟶ Ω` which forms the appropriate pullback square. -/
uniq {U X : C} (m : U ⟶ X) [Mono m] (χ' : X ⟶ Ω)
(hχ' : IsPullback m (terminal.from U) χ' truth) :
χ' = χ m

/-- A category `C` has a subobject classifier if there is at least one subobject classifier. -/
class HasClassifier : Prop where
/-- There is some classifier. -/
exists_classifier : Nonempty (Classifier C)

namespace HasClassifier

variable [HasClassifier C]

noncomputable section

/-- Notation for the object in an arbitrary choice of a subobject classifier -/
abbrev Ω : C := HasClassifier.exists_classifier.some.Ω

/-- Notation for the "truth arrow" in an arbitrary choice of a subobject classifier -/
abbrev truth : ⊤_ C ⟶ Ω C := HasClassifier.exists_classifier.some.truth

variable {C}
variable {U X : C} (m : U ⟶ X) [Mono m]

/-- returns the characteristic morphism of the subobject `(m : U ⟶ X) [Mono m]` -/
def χ : X ⟶ Ω C :=
HasClassifier.exists_classifier.some.χ m

/-- The diagram
U ---------m----------> X
| |
terminal.from U χ m
| |
v v
⊤_ C -----truth C-------> Ω
is a pullback square.
lemma isPullback_χ : IsPullback m (terminal.from U) (χ m) (truth C) :=
HasClassifier.exists_classifier.some.isPullback m

/-- The diagram
U ---------m----------> X
| |
terminal.from U χ m
| |
v v
⊤_ C -----truth C-------> Ω
lemma comm : m ≫ χ m = terminal.from _ ≫ truth C := (isPullback_χ m).w

/-- `χ m` is the only map for which the associated square
is a pullback square.
lemma unique (χ' : X ⟶ Ω C) (hχ' : IsPullback m (terminal.from _) χ' (truth C)) : χ' = χ m :=
HasClassifier.exists_classifier.some.uniq m χ' hχ'

/-- `truth C` is a regular monomorphism (because it is split). -/
noncomputable instance truthIsRegularMono : RegularMono (truth C) :=
RegularMono.ofIsSplitMono (truth C)

/-- The following diagram
U ---------m----------> X
| |
terminal.from U χ m
| |
v v
⊤_ C -----truth C-------> Ω
being a pullback for any monic `m` means that every monomorphism
in `C` is the pullback of a regular monomorphism; since regularity
is stable under base change, every monomorphism is regular.
Hence, `C` is a regular mono category.
It also follows that `C` is a balanced category.
instance isRegularMonoCategory : IsRegularMonoCategory C where
regularMonoOfMono :=
fun m => ⟨regularOfIsPullbackFstOfRegular (isPullback_χ m).w (isPullback_χ m).isLimit⟩

/-- If the source of a faithful functor has a subobject classifier, the functor reflects
isomorphisms. This holds for any balanced category.
instance reflectsIsomorphisms (D : Type u₀) [Category.{v₀} D] (F : C ⥤ D) [Functor.Faithful F] :
Functor.ReflectsIsomorphisms F :=
reflectsIsomorphisms_of_reflectsMonomorphisms_of_reflectsEpimorphisms F

/-- If the source of a faithful functor is the opposite category of one with a subobject classifier,
the same holds -- the functor reflects isomorphisms.
instance reflectsIsomorphismsOp (D : Type u₀) [Category.{v₀} D] (F : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ D)
[Functor.Faithful F] :
Functor.ReflectsIsomorphisms F :=
reflectsIsomorphisms_of_reflectsMonomorphisms_of_reflectsEpimorphisms F

end CategoryTheory.HasClassifier

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