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Normal forms for compositions of degeneracies
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robin-carlier committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent 12bbc18 commit 0e442a8
Showing 1 changed file with 314 additions and 6 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2025 Robin Carlier. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Robin Carlier
import Mathlib.Tactic.Zify
import Mathlib.Data.List.Sort
import Mathlib.Tactic.Linarith
import Mathlib.Tactic.NormNum.Ineq
import Mathlib.Tactic.Ring.Basic
import Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplexCategory.GeneratorsRelations.EpiMono
/-! # Normal forms for morphisms in `SimplexCategoryGenRel`.
In this file, we establish that `P_δ` and `P_σ` morphisms in `SimplexCategoryGenRel`
Expand All @@ -33,12 +29,13 @@ stones towards proving that the canonical functor
* [Kerodon Tag 04FT](
## TODOs:
- Show that every `P_σ` admits a unique normal form.
- Show that every `P_δ` admits a unique normal form.

namespace SimplexCategoryGenRel

open CategoryTheory

section AdmissibleLists
-- Impl. note: We are not bundling admissible lists as a subtype of `List ℕ` so that it remains
-- easier to perform inductive constructions and proofs on such lists, and we instead bundle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,4 +221,315 @@ theorem simplicialInsert_isAdmissible (L : List ℕ) (hL : isAdmissible (m + 1)

end AdmissibleLists

section NormalFormsP_σ

-- Impl note.: The definition is a bit akward with the extra parameter `k`, but this
-- is necessary in order to avoid some type theory hell when proving that `orderedInsert`
-- behaves as expected...

/-- Given a sequence `L = [ i 0, ..., i b ]`, `standardσ m L` i is the morphism
`σ (i b) ≫ … ≫ σ (i 0)`. The construction is provided for any list of natural numbers,
but it is intended to behave well only when the list is admissible. -/
def standardσ (m : ℕ) (L : List ℕ) (k : ℕ) (hK : L.length = k): mk (m + k) ⟶ mk m :=
match L with
| .nil => eqToHom (by rw [← hK]; rfl)
| .cons a t => eqToHom
(by rw [← hK, List.length_cons, Nat.add_comm t.length 1, Nat.add_assoc]) ≫
standardσ (m + 1) t t.length rfl ≫ σ a

variable (m : ℕ) (L : List ℕ)
-- Because we gave a degree of liberty with the parameter `k`, we need this kind of lemma to ease
-- working with different `k`s
lemma standardσ_heq (k₁ : ℕ) (hk₁ : L.length = k₁) (k₂ : ℕ) (hk₂ : L.length = k₂) :
HEq (standardσ m L k₁ hk₁) (standardσ m L k₂ hk₂) := by
subst hk₁
subst hk₂

/-- `simplicialEvalσ` is a lift to ℕ of ` (standardσ m L _ _)).toOrderHom`,
but we define it this way to enable for less painful inductive reasoning,
and we keep the eqToHom shenanigans in the proof that it is indeed such a lift
(see `simplicialEvalσ_of_isAdmissible`). It is expected to produce the "correct result" only if
`L` is admissible, but as usual, it is more convenient to have it defined for any list. -/
def simplicialEvalσ (L : List ℕ) : ℕ → ℕ :=
fun j ↦ match L with
| [] => j
| a :: L => if a < simplicialEvalσ L j then simplicialEvalσ L j - 1 else simplicialEvalσ L j

private lemma eqToHom_toOrderHom_eq_cast {m n : ℕ}
(h : m = n) :
(eqToHom h).toOrderHom =
(Fin.castOrderIso (congrArg (fun x ↦ x.len + 1) h)).toOrderEmbedding.toOrderHom := by
haveI := congrArg (fun x ↦ x.len + 1) h
simp only [SimplexCategory.len_mk, add_left_inj] at this
subst this

variable {m}
-- most of the proof is about fighting with `eqToHom`s...
/- We prove that simplicialEvalσ is indeed the lift we claimed when the list is admissible. -/
lemma simplicialEvalσ_of_isAdmissible (hL : isAdmissible m L)
(k : ℕ) (hk : L.length = k)
(j : ℕ) (hj : j < m + k + 1) :
(( (standardσ m L k hk)).toOrderHom ⟨j, hj⟩ : ℕ)
= simplicialEvalσ L j := by
induction L generalizing m k with
| nil =>
simp [simplicialEvalσ, standardσ, eqToHom_map]
| cons a L h_rec =>
subst hk
haveI := h_rec (isAdmissible_tail a L hL) L.length rfl <|
by simpa [← Nat.add_comm 1 L.length, ← Nat.add_assoc] using hj
simp only [toSimplexCategory_obj_mk, SimplexCategory.len_mk, List.length_cons, standardσ,
Functor.map_comp, eqToHom_map, toSimplexCategory_map_σ, SimplexCategory.σ,
SimplexCategory.mkHom, SimplexCategory.comp_toOrderHom, SimplexCategory.Hom.toOrderHom_mk,
eqToHom_toOrderHom_eq_cast, Nat.add_eq, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, OrderHom.comp_coe,
OrderHom.coe_mk, OrderEmbedding.toOrderHom_coe, OrderIso.coe_toOrderEmbedding,
Function.comp_apply, Fin.predAbove, simplicialEvalσ, ← this]
split_ifs with h₁ h₂ h₂
· generalize_proofs _ pf
rw [Fin.castOrderIso_apply pf ⟨j, hj⟩] at h₁
simp only [Fin.cast_mk, Fin.coe_pred] at h₁ ⊢
· exfalso
rw [Fin.lt_def] at h₁
simp only [Fin.coe_castSucc, Fin.val_natCast, not_lt] at h₁ h₂
haveI := Nat.mod_eq_of_lt (isAdmissibleHead a L hL).prop
dsimp [isAdmissibleHead] at this
rw [this] at h₁
haveI := h₂.trans_lt h₁
simp only [Fin.val_fin_lt] at this
generalize_proofs _ pf at this
conv_rhs at this =>
arg 2
equals ⟨j, pf⟩ => ext; rfl
exact (lt_self_iff_false _).mp this
· exfalso
rw [Fin.lt_def] at h₁
simp only [Fin.coe_castSucc, Fin.val_natCast, not_lt] at h₁ h₂
haveI := Nat.mod_eq_of_lt (isAdmissibleHead a L hL).prop
dsimp [isAdmissibleHead] at this
rw [this] at h₁
haveI := h₁.trans_lt h₂
simp only [Fin.val_fin_lt] at this
generalize_proofs pf1 pf2 pf3 at this
conv_rhs at this =>
arg 2
equals ⟨j, pf3⟩ => ext; rfl
exact (lt_self_iff_false _).mp this
· generalize_proofs _ pf
rw [Fin.castOrderIso_apply pf ⟨j, hj⟩] at h₁
simp only [Fin.cast_mk, not_lt, Fin.coe_castPred] at h₁ ⊢

lemma simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem (j : ℕ) (hj : ∀ k ∈ L, j ≤ k) :
simplicialEvalσ L j = j := by
induction L with
| nil => simp [simplicialEvalσ]
| cons a h h_rec =>
dsimp only [simplicialEvalσ]
split_ifs with h1 <;> {
simp only [List.mem_cons, forall_eq_or_imp] at hj
obtain ⟨hj₁, hj₂⟩ := hj
haveI := h_rec hj₂
linarith }

lemma simplicialEvalσ_monotone (L : List ℕ) : Monotone (simplicialEvalσ L) := by
intro a b hab
induction L generalizing a b with
| nil => exact hab
| cons head tail h_rec =>
dsimp only [simplicialEvalσ]
haveI := h_rec hab
split_ifs with h h' h' <;> omega

/-- Performing a simplicial insert in a list is (up to some unfortunate `eqToHom`) the same
as composition on the right by the corresponding degeneracy operator. -/
lemma standardσ_simplicialInsert (hL : isAdmissible (m + 1) L) (j : ℕ)
(hj : j < m + 1) :
standardσ m (simplicialInsert j L) (L.length + 1) (simplicialInsert_length _ _) =
eqToHom (by rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm 1]) ≫
standardσ (m + 1) L L.length rfl ≫
σ j := by
induction L generalizing m j with
| nil => simp [standardσ, simplicialInsert]
| cons a L h_rec =>
simp only [List.length_cons, eqToHom_refl, simplicialInsert, Category.id_comp]
split_ifs <;> rename_i h <;> simp only [standardσ]
simp only [eqToHom_trans_assoc, Category.assoc]
haveI := h_rec
(isAdmissible_tail a L hL)
(j + 1)
(by simpa)
simp only [eqToHom_refl, Category.id_comp] at this
slice_rhs 3 5 => equals σ (↑(j + 1)) ≫ σ a =>
have ha : a < m + 1 := Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt ( h) hj
haveI := σ_comp_σ_nat a j ha hj ( h)
generalize_proofs p p' at this
-- We have to get rid of the natCasts...
have ha₁ : (⟨a, p⟩ : Fin (m + 1 + 1)) = ↑a := by
simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt p]
have ha₂ : (⟨a, ha⟩ : Fin (m + 1)) = ↑a := by
simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt ha]
have hj₁ : (⟨j + 1, p'⟩ : Fin (m + 1 + 1)) = ↑(j + 1) := by
simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt p']
have hj₂ : (⟨j, hj⟩ : Fin (m + 1)) = ↑j := by
simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt hj]
rwa [← ha₁, ← ha₂, ← hj₁, ← hj₂]
rw [← eqToHom_comp_iff] at this
· ext; simp [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm 1, Nat.add_comm 2]
· rw [← reassoc_of%this]
simp only [eqToHom_trans_assoc]
rw [← heq_iff_eq, eqToHom_comp_heq_iff, HEq.comm, eqToHom_comp_heq_iff]
apply heq_comp <;> try simp [simplicialInsert_length, heq_iff_eq]
apply standardσ_heq

/-- Using the above property, we can prove that every morphism satisfying `P_σ` is equal to some
`standardσ` for some admissible list of indices. Because morphisms of the form `standardσ` have a
rather constrained sources and targets, we have again to splice in some `eqToHom`'s to make
everything work. -/
theorem exists_normal_form_P_σ {x y : SimplexCategoryGenRel} (f : x ⟶ y) (hf : P_σ f) :
∃ L : List ℕ,
∃ m : ℕ,
∃ b : ℕ,
∃ h₁ : mk m = y,
∃ h₂ : x = mk (m + b),
∃ h: (L.length = b),
isAdmissible m L ∧ f = eqToHom h₂ ≫ standardσ m L b h ≫ eqToHom h₁ := by
induction hf with
| @id n =>
use [], n, 0, rfl, rfl, rfl, isAdmissible_nil _
simp [standardσ]
| @σ m j =>
use [j.val], m, 1 , rfl, rfl, rfl
constructor <;> simp [isAdmissible, Nat.le_of_lt_add_one j.prop, standardσ]
| @comp m j x' g hg h_rec =>
obtain ⟨L₁, m₁, b₁, h₁', h₂', h', hL₁, e₁⟩ := h_rec
have hm₁ : m₁ = m + 1 := by haveI := h₁'; apply_fun (fun x ↦ x.len) at this; exact this
use simplicialInsert j.val L₁, m, b₁ + 1, rfl, ?_, ?_, ?_
rotate_right 3
· rwa [← Nat.add_comm 1, ← Nat.add_assoc, ← hm₁]
· rw [simplicialInsert_length, h']
· exact simplicialInsert_isAdmissible _ (by rwa [← hm₁]) _ (j.prop)
· subst e₁
subst h'
rw [standardσ_simplicialInsert]
· simp only [Category.assoc, Fin.cast_val_eq_self, eqToHom_refl, Category.comp_id,
subst m₁
· subst m₁
exact hL₁
· exact j.prop

section MemIsAdmissible

lemma mem_isAdmissible_of_lt_and_eval_eq_eval_succ (hL : isAdmissible m L)
(j : ℕ) (hj₁ : j < m + L.length) (hj₂ : simplicialEvalσ L j = simplicialEvalσ L j.succ) :
j ∈ L := by
induction L generalizing m with
| nil => simp [simplicialEvalσ] at hj₂
| cons a L h_rec =>
simp only [List.mem_cons]
by_cases hja : j = a
· left; exact hja
· right
haveI := (h_rec (isAdmissible_tail a L hL))
apply this
· simpa [← Nat.add_comm 1 L.length, ← Nat.add_assoc] using hj₁
· simp only [simplicialEvalσ, Nat.succ_eq_add_one] at hj₂
split_ifs at hj₂ with h₁ h₂ h₂
· simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
· rw [← hj₂, Nat.eq_self_sub_one]
rw [not_lt] at h₂
haveI : simplicialEvalσ L j ≤ simplicialEvalσ L (j + 1) :=
simplicialEvalσ_monotone L (by simp)
· rw [hj₂, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Eq.comm, Nat.eq_self_sub_one]
rw [not_lt] at h₁
simp only [isAdmissible, List.sorted_cons, List.length_cons] at hL
obtain ⟨⟨hL₁, hL₂⟩, hL₃⟩ := hL
obtain h | h | h := Nat.lt_trichotomy j a
· haveI : simplicialEvalσ L j ≤ simplicialEvalσ L (j + 1) :=
simplicialEvalσ_monotone L (by simp)
have ha := simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem L a (fun x h ↦ (le_of_lt (hL₁ x h)))
have hj₁ := (simplicialEvalσ_monotone L h)
· exfalso; exact hja h
· haveI := simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem L a (fun x h ↦ (le_of_lt (hL₁ x h)))
rw [← this] at h₁ h₂
have ha₁ := le_antisymm (simplicialEvalσ_monotone L (le_of_lt h)) h₁
have ha₂ := simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem L (a + 1) (fun x h ↦ (hL₁ x h))
rw (occs := .pos [2]) [← this] at ha₂
rw [ha₁, hj₂] at ha₂
by_cases h': simplicialEvalσ L (j + 1) = 0
· exact h'
· rw [Nat.sub_one_add_one h'] at ha₂
have ha₃ := simplicialEvalσ_monotone L h
rw [Nat.succ_eq_add_one] at ha₃
· exact hj₂

lemma lt_and_eval_eq_eval_succ_of_mem_isAdmissible (hL : isAdmissible m L) (j : ℕ) (hj : j ∈ L) :
j < m + L.length ∧ simplicialEvalσ L j = simplicialEvalσ L j.succ := by
induction L generalizing m with
| nil => simp [simplicialEvalσ] at hj
| cons a L h_rec =>
· simp only [isAdmissible, List.sorted_cons] at hL
obtain ⟨⟨hL₁, hL₂⟩, hL₃⟩ := hL
haveI : ∀ (k : ℕ), (_ : k < (a::L).length) → (a::L)[k] < m + (a::L).length := by
intro k hk
apply (hL₃ k hk).trans_lt
simpa using hk
obtain ⟨k, hk, hk'⟩ := hj
subst hk'
exact this k hk
· simp only [List.mem_cons] at hj
obtain h | h := hj
· subst h
simp only [simplicialEvalσ, Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
simp only [isAdmissible, List.sorted_cons] at hL
obtain ⟨⟨hL₁, hL₂⟩, hL₃⟩ := hL
rw [simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem L j (fun x hx ↦ le_of_lt (hL₁ x hx)),
simplicialEvalσ_of_lt_mem L (j + 1) (fun x hx ↦ (hL₁ x hx))]
· simp only [simplicialEvalσ, Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
obtain ⟨h_rec₁, h_rec₂⟩ := h_rec (isAdmissible_tail a L hL) h
split_ifs with h₁ h₂ h₂
· rw [h_rec₂]
· rw [h_rec₂]
rw [not_lt] at h₂
haveI : simplicialEvalσ L j ≤ simplicialEvalσ L (j + 1) :=
simplicialEvalσ_monotone L (by simp)
· rw [not_lt] at h₁
· rw [h_rec₂]

/-- The key point: we can characterize elements in an admissible list as
exactly those for which `simplicialEvalσ` takes the same value two times successively. -/
lemma mem_isAdmissible_iff (hL : isAdmissible m L) (j : ℕ) :
j ∈ L ↔
j < m + L.length ∧
simplicialEvalσ L j =
simplicialEvalσ L j.succ := by
· intro hj
exact lt_and_eval_eq_eval_succ_of_mem_isAdmissible _ hL j hj
· rintro ⟨hj₁, hj₂⟩
exact mem_isAdmissible_of_lt_and_eval_eq_eval_succ L hL j hj₁ hj₂

end MemIsAdmissible

end NormalFormsP_σ

end SimplexCategoryGenRel

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