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new version with generalization to bilinear maps
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j-loreaux committed Feb 12, 2025
1 parent 2b5bfb4 commit 00c0a83
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 202 deletions.
344 changes: 142 additions & 202 deletions Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Function/Holder.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,36 @@
Copyright (c) 2025 Jireh Loreaux. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jireh Loreaux
import Mathlib.Analysis.InnerProductSpace.Basic
import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Module.Dual
import Mathlib.Data.Real.StarOrdered
import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Bochner
import Mathlib.Order.CompletePartialOrder

/-! # Hölder triples and actions on `MeasureTheory.Lp` spaces
This file defines a new class: `ENNReal.HolderTriple` which takes arguments `p q r : ℝ≥0∞`,
with `r` marked as a `semiOutParam`, and states that `p⁻¹ + q⁻¹ = r⁻¹`. This is exactly the
condition for which **Hölder's inequality** is valid (see `MeasureTheory.Memℒp.smul`).
This allows us to declare a heterogeneous scalar multiplication (`HSMul`) instance on
`MeasureTheory.Lp` spaces.
More generally, given a continuous bilinear map `B : E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G`, we define an
associated map `MeasureTheory.Lp.ofBilin : Lp E p μ → Lp F q μ → Lp G r μ` where `p q r` are
a Hölder triple. We bundle this into a bilinear map `ContinuousLinearMap.holderₗ` and a continuous
bilinear map `ContinuousLinearMap.holderL`.
When `p q : ℝ≥0∞` are Hölder conjugate (i.e., `HolderTriple p q 1`), we can construct the
natural continuous linear map `Lp.toDualCLM : Lp (Dual 𝕜 E) p μ →L[𝕜] Dual 𝕜 (Lp E q μ)` given by
`fun φ f ↦ ∫ x, (φ x) (f x) ∂μ`.

open ENNReal

/-! ### Hölder triples -/

namespace ENNReal

/-- A class stating that `p q r : ℝ≥0∞` satisfy `p⁻¹ + q⁻¹ = r⁻¹`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,8 +70,6 @@ and a more canonical value of `r` can be used. -/
lemma of (p q : ℝ≥0∞) : HolderTriple p q (p⁻¹ + q⁻¹)⁻¹ where
inv_add_inv := inv_inv _ |>.symm


instance instTwoTwoOne : HolderTriple 2 2 1 where
inv_add_inv := by
rw [← two_mul, ENNReal.mul_inv_cancel]
Expand All @@ -71,6 +94,123 @@ noncomputable section
namespace MeasureTheory
namespace Lp

/-! ### Induced bilinear maps -/

section Bilinear

open scoped NNReal

variable {α 𝕜 E F G : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
{p q r : ENNReal} [hpqr : HolderTriple p q r] [NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜]
[NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedAddCommGroup F] [NormedAddCommGroup G]

theorem _root_.MeasureTheory.Memℒp.of_bilin (b : E → F → G) (c : ℝ≥0)
{f : α → E} {g : α → F} (hf : Memℒp f p μ) (hg : Memℒp g q μ)
(h : AEStronglyMeasurable (fun x ↦ b (f x) (g x)) μ)
(hb : ∀ᵐ (x : α) ∂μ, ‖b (f x) (g x)‖₊ ≤ c * ‖f x‖₊ * ‖g x‖₊) :
Memℒp (fun x ↦ b (f x) (g x)) r μ :=
.intro h <| (eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_mul_eLpNorm_of_nnnorm hf.1 hg.1 b c hb hpqr.div_eq').trans_lt <|
by have := hf.2; have := hg.2; finiteness

variable [NormedSpace 𝕜 E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 F] [NormedSpace 𝕜 G]
(B : E →L[𝕜] F →L[𝕜] G)

/-- The map between `MeasuryTheory.Lp` spaces satisfying the `ENNReal.HolderTriple`
condition induced by a continuous bilinear map on the underlying spaces. -/
def ofBilin (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) : Lp G r μ :=
Memℒp.toLp (fun x ↦ B (f x) (g x)) <| by
refine .of_bilin (B · ·) ‖B‖₊ (Lp.memℒp f) (Lp.memℒp g) ?_ <|
.of_forall fun _ ↦ B.le_opNorm₂ _ _
exact B.aestronglyMeasurable_comp₂ (Lp.memℒp f).1 (Lp.memℒp g).1

lemma coeFn_ofBilin (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
(ofBilin B f g : Lp G r μ) =ᵐ[μ] fun x ↦ B (f x) (g x) := by
rw [ofBilin]
exact Memℒp.coeFn_toLp _

lemma nnnorm_ofBilin_apply_apply_le (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
‖(ofBilin B f g : Lp G r μ)‖₊ ≤ ‖B‖₊ * ‖f‖₊ * ‖g‖₊ := by
simp_rw [← ENNReal.coe_le_coe, ENNReal.coe_mul, ← enorm_eq_nnnorm, Lp.enorm_def]
apply eLpNorm_congr_ae (coeFn_ofBilin B f g) |>.trans_le
exact eLpNorm_le_eLpNorm_mul_eLpNorm_of_nnnorm (Lp.memℒp f).1 (Lp.memℒp g).1 (B · ·) ‖B‖₊
(.of_forall fun _ ↦ B.le_opNorm₂ _ _) hpqr.div_eq'

lemma norm_ofBilin_apply_apply_le (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
‖(ofBilin B f g : Lp G r μ)‖ ≤ ‖B‖ * ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ :=
NNReal.coe_le_coe.mpr <| nnnorm_ofBilin_apply_apply_le B f g

lemma ofBilin_add_left (f₁ f₂ : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
(ofBilin B (f₁ + f₂) g : Lp G r μ) = ofBilin B f₁ g + ofBilin B f₂ g := by
simp only [ofBilin, ← Memℒp.toLp_add]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [AEEqFun.coeFn_add f₁.val f₂.val] with x hx
simp [hx]

lemma ofBilin_add_right (f : Lp E p μ) (g₁ g₂ : Lp F q μ) :
(ofBilin B f (g₁ + g₂) : Lp G r μ) = ofBilin B f g₁ + ofBilin B f g₂ := by
simp only [ofBilin, ← Memℒp.toLp_add]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [AEEqFun.coeFn_add g₁.val g₂.val] with x hx
simp [hx]

lemma ofBilin_smul_left (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
(ofBilin B (c • f) g : Lp G r μ) = c • ofBilin B f g := by
simp only [ofBilin, ← Memℒp.toLp_const_smul]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [Lp.coeFn_smul c f] with x hx
simp [hx]

lemma ofBilin_smul_right (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp E p μ) (g : Lp F q μ) :
(ofBilin B f (c • g) : Lp G r μ) = c • ofBilin B f g := by
simp only [ofBilin, ← Memℒp.toLp_const_smul]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [Lp.coeFn_smul c g] with x hx
simp [hx]

variable (μ p q r) in
/-- `MeasureTheory.Lp.ofBilin` as a bilinear map. -/
@[simps! apply_apply]
def _root_.ContinuousLinearMap.holderₗ : Lp E p μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp F q μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp G r μ :=
.mk₂ 𝕜 (ofBilin B) (ofBilin_add_left B) (ofBilin_smul_left B)
(ofBilin_add_right B) (ofBilin_smul_right B)

variable [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)] [Fact (1 ≤ r)]

variable (μ p q r) in
/-- `MeasureTheory.Lp.ofBilin` as a continuous bilinear map. -/
@[simps! apply_apply]
def _root_.ContinuousLinearMap.holderL : Lp E p μ →L[𝕜] Lp F q μ →L[𝕜] Lp G r μ :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂ (B.holderₗ μ p q r) ‖B‖ (norm_ofBilin_apply_apply_le B)

lemma _root_.ContinuousLinearMap.norm_holderL_le : ‖(B.holderL μ p q r)‖ ≤ ‖B‖ :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂_norm_le _ (norm_nonneg B) _

end Bilinear

section Dual

open NormedSpace

variable {α 𝕜 E : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
{p q : ENNReal} [hpqr : HolderTriple p q 1] [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)]
[RCLike 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]

variable (𝕜 μ p q E) in
def toDualCLM : Lp (Dual 𝕜 E) p μ →L[𝕜] Dual 𝕜 (Lp E q μ) :=
(L1.integralCLM' 𝕜 |>.postcomp <| Lp E q μ) ∘L ((inclusionInDoubleDual 𝕜 E).flip.holderL μ p q 1)

end Dual

/-! ### Heterogeneous scalar multiplication
While the previous section is *nominally* more general than this one, and indeed, we could
use the constructions of the previous section to define the scalar multiplication herein,
we would lose some slight generality as we would need to require that `𝕜` is a nontrivially
normed field everywhere. Moreover, it would only simplify a few proofs.

section SMul

variable {α 𝕜' 𝕜 E : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,209 +315,9 @@ protected lemma smul_comm [SMulCommClass 𝕜' 𝕜 E]
filter_upwards [Lp.coeFn_smul c f, Lp.coeFn_smul c g] with x hfx hgx
simp [smul_comm, hfx, hgx]

-- we have no instance `One (Lp 𝕜 p μ)` under the assumption
-- variable [IsFiniteMeasure μ]

end Module

section LinearMap

variable {𝕜 𝕜' α E : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
{p q r : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple p q r]
[NormedField 𝕜'] [NormedRing 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜' 𝕜] [Module 𝕜 E] [BoundedSMul 𝕜 E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜' E] [IsScalarTower 𝕜' 𝕜 E] [SMulCommClass 𝕜' 𝕜 E]

variable (𝕜' 𝕜 E μ p q r) in
/-- Heterogeneous multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions as a bilinear map. -/
def lsmul : Lp 𝕜 p μ →ₗ[𝕜'] Lp E q μ →ₗ[𝕜'] Lp E r μ :=
.mk₂ 𝕜' (· • ·) Lp.smul_add Lp.smul_smul_assoc Lp.add_smul <| (Lp.smul_comm · · · |>.symm)

end LinearMap

section ContinuousLinearMap

variable {𝕜 𝕜' α E : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
{p q r : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple p q r]
[Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)] [Fact (1 ≤ r)]
[NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜'] [NormedRing 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜' 𝕜] [Module 𝕜 E] [BoundedSMul 𝕜 E]
[NormedSpace 𝕜' E] [IsScalarTower 𝕜' 𝕜 E] [SMulCommClass 𝕜' 𝕜 E]

variable (𝕜' 𝕜 E μ p q r) in
/-- Heterogeneous multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions as a continuous bilinear map. -/
def Lsmul : Lp 𝕜 p μ →L[𝕜'] Lp E q μ →L[𝕜'] Lp E r μ :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂ (lsmul 𝕜 𝕜' E μ p q r) 1 fun f g ↦
one_mul (_ : ℝ) ▸ MeasureTheory.Lp.norm_smul_le f g

lemma norm_Lsmul : ‖Lsmul 𝕜 𝕜' E μ p q r‖ ≤ 1 :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂_norm_le _ zero_le_one _

end ContinuousLinearMap

section Dual

open NormedSpace

variable {𝕜 α E : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
[NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace 𝕜 E]
{p q : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple p q 1] [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)]

def dualMap : Lp (Dual 𝕜 E) p μ →L[𝕜] Lp E q μ →L[𝕜] Lp 𝕜 1 μ := sorry

section Dual

variable {𝕜 α A : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
[NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 A]
{p q : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple 1 p q] [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)]

variable (𝕜 A μ p q) in
/-- The integral of the product of Hölder conjugate functions.
When `A := 𝕜`, this is the natural map `Lp 𝕜 q μ → NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 r μ)`.
See `MeasureTheory.Lp.toDual`. -/
def integralLMul [NormedSpace ℝ A] [SMulCommClass ℝ 𝕜 A] [CompleteSpace A] :
Lp A p μ →L[𝕜] Lp A q μ →L[𝕜] A :=
(L1.integralCLM' 𝕜 |>.postcomp <| Lp A q μ) ∘L (Lmul 𝕜 A μ p q 1)

variable (𝕜 μ p q) in
/-- The natural map from `Lp 𝕜 q μ` to `NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 r μ)` for a Hölder conjugate pair
`q r : ℝ≥0∞` given by integrating the product of the two functions. This is a special case of
`MeasureTheory.Lp.integralLMul`. -/
def toDualCLM (𝕜 : Type*) [RCLike 𝕜]:
Lp 𝕜 p μ →L[𝕜] NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 q μ) :=
integralLMul 𝕜 𝕜 μ p q

end Dual
end SMul
section NormedRing

variable {α R : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} [NormedRing R]
{p q r : ℝ≥0∞} {μ : Measure α} [hpqr : HolderTriple p q r]

/-- Heterogeneous scalar multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions. -/
instance : HMul (Lp R p μ) (Lp R q μ) (Lp R r μ) where
hMul f g := (Lp.memℒp g).mul (Lp.memℒp f) (hpqr.div_eq (r := r)).symm |>.toLp (f * g)

lemma mul_def {f : Lp R p μ} {g : Lp R q μ} :
f * g = ((Lp.memℒp g).mul (Lp.memℒp f) (hpqr.div_eq (r := r)).symm).toLp (⇑f * ⇑g) :=

lemma coeFn_mul (f : Lp R p μ) (g : Lp R q μ) :
(f * g : Lp R r μ) =ᵐ[μ] f * g := by
rw [mul_def]
exact MeasureTheory.Memℒp.coeFn_toLp _

protected lemma norm_mul_le (f : Lp R p μ) (g : Lp R q μ) :
‖f * g‖ ≤ ‖f‖ * ‖g‖ := by
simp only [Lp.norm_def, ← ENNReal.toReal_mul, coeFn_mul]
refine ENNReal.toReal_mono ?_ ?_
· exact ENNReal.mul_ne_top (eLpNorm_ne_top f) (eLpNorm_ne_top g)
· rw [eLpNorm_congr_ae (coeFn_mul f g), ← smul_eq_mul]
exact MeasureTheory.eLpNorm_smul_le_mul_eLpNorm (Lp.aestronglyMeasurable g)
(Lp.aestronglyMeasurable f) (by simpa using hpqr.eq.symm)

protected lemma mul_add (f₁ f₂ : Lp R p μ) (g : Lp R q μ) :
(f₁ + f₂) * g = f₁ * g + f₂ * g := by
simp only [mul_def, ← Memℒp.toLp_add]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [AEEqFun.coeFn_add f₁.val f₂.val] with x hx
simp [hx, add_mul]

protected lemma add_mul (f : Lp R p μ) (g₁ g₂ : Lp R q μ) :
f * (g₁ + g₂) = f * g₁ + f * g₂ := by
simp only [mul_def, ← Memℒp.toLp_add]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr _ _ ?_
filter_upwards [AEEqFun.coeFn_add g₁.val g₂.val] with x hx
simp [hx, mul_add]

protected lemma mul_comm {R : Type*} [NormedCommRing R] (f : Lp R p μ) (g : Lp R q μ) :
f * g = g * f := by
-- the specification of `r` below is necessary because it is a `semiOutParam`.
filter_upwards [coeFn_mul (r := r) f g, coeFn_mul (r := r) g f] with x hx₁ hx₂
simp [hx₁, hx₂, mul_comm]

end NormedRing

section LinearMap

variable {𝕜 α A : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
[NormedField 𝕜] [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 A]
{p q r : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple r p q]
/-- Heterogeneous multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions as a bilinear map. -/
def lmul : Lp A p μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp A q μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp A r μ :=
LinearMap.mk₂ 𝕜 (· * ·) Lp.mul_add Lp.smul_mul_assoc Lp.add_mul Lp.mul_smul_comm

protected lemma smul_mul_assoc (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp A p μ) (g : Lp A q μ) :
(c • f) * g = c • (f * g) := by
simp only [mul_def, ← Memℒp.toLp_const_smul]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [Lp.coeFn_smul c f] with x hx
simp [hx]

protected lemma mul_smul_comm (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp A p μ) (g : Lp A q μ) :
f * (c • g) = c • (f * g) := by
simp only [mul_def, ← Memℒp.toLp_const_smul]
apply Memℒp.toLp_congr
filter_upwards [Lp.coeFn_smul c g] with x hx
simp [hx]

/-- Heterogeneous multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions as a bilinear map. -/
def lmul : Lp A p μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp A q μ →ₗ[𝕜] Lp A r μ :=
LinearMap.mk₂ 𝕜 (· * ·) Lp.mul_add Lp.smul_mul_assoc Lp.add_mul Lp.mul_smul_comm

end LinearMap

section ContinuousLinearMap

variable {𝕜 α A : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
[NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 A]
{p q r : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple r p q] [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)] [Fact (1 ≤ r)]

variable (𝕜 A μ p q r) in
/-- Heterogeneous multiplication of `MeasureTheory.Lp` functions as a continuous bilinear map. -/
def Lmul : Lp A p μ →L[𝕜] Lp A q μ →L[𝕜] Lp A r μ :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂ lmul 1 fun f g ↦
one_mul (_ : ℝ) ▸ MeasureTheory.Lp.norm_mul_le f g

-- this is necessary :(
set_option maxSynthPendingDepth 2 in
lemma norm_Lmul : ‖Lmul 𝕜 A μ p q r‖ ≤ 1 :=
LinearMap.mkContinuous₂_norm_le _ zero_le_one _

end ContinuousLinearMap

section Dual

variable {𝕜 α A : Type*} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : Measure α}
[NontriviallyNormedField 𝕜] [NormedRing A] [NormedAlgebra 𝕜 A]
{p q : ℝ≥0∞} [HolderTriple 1 p q] [Fact (1 ≤ p)] [Fact (1 ≤ q)]

variable (𝕜 A μ p q) in
/-- The integral of the product of Hölder conjugate functions.
When `A := 𝕜`, this is the natural map `Lp 𝕜 q μ → NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 r μ)`.
See `MeasureTheory.Lp.toDual`. -/
def integralLMul [NormedSpace ℝ A] [SMulCommClass ℝ 𝕜 A] [CompleteSpace A] :
Lp A p μ →L[𝕜] Lp A q μ →L[𝕜] A :=
(L1.integralCLM' 𝕜 |>.postcomp <| Lp A q μ) ∘L (Lmul 𝕜 A μ p q 1)

variable (𝕜 μ p q) in
/-- The natural map from `Lp 𝕜 q μ` to `NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 r μ)` for a Hölder conjugate pair
`q r : ℝ≥0∞` given by integrating the product of the two functions. This is a special case of
`MeasureTheory.Lp.integralLMul`. -/
def toDualCLM (𝕜 : Type*) [RCLike 𝕜]:
Lp 𝕜 p μ →L[𝕜] NormedSpace.Dual 𝕜 (Lp 𝕜 q μ) :=
integralLMul 𝕜 𝕜 μ p q

end Dual

end Lp
end MeasureTheory

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