GCG is a GitHub Changelog Generator.
The generator use only Pull Requests.
Usage: gcg [flags] <command> [<arguments>]
Use "gcg <command> --help" for help on any command.
version Display the version.
Flag's usage: gcg [--flag=flag_argument] [-f[flag_argument]] ... set flag_argument to flag(s)
or: gcg [--flag[=true|false| ]] [-f[true|false| ]] ... set true/false to boolean flag(s)
-b, --base-branch Base branch name. PR branch destination. (default "master")
--bug-label Bug Label. (default "bug")
--config-file A configuration file. [optional]
-c, --current-ref Current commit reference. Can be a tag, a branch, a SHA.
--debug Debug mode. (default "false")
--display-label Display labels (default "true")
--dl-options Label display options. (default "true")
--dl-options.prefix-exclude Excluded label prefixes.
--dl-options.prefix-filter Included label prefixes.
--dl-options.prefix-trim Trim label with the following prefixes.
--dl-options.suffix-exclude Excluded label suffixes.
--dl-options.suffix-filter Included label suffixes.
--doc-label Documentation Label. (default "documentation")
--enhancement-label Enhancement Label. (default "enhancement")
--exclude-label Label to exclude.
--file-name Name of the changelog file. (default "CHANGELOG.md")
-f, --future-ref-name The future name of the current reference.
--output-type Output destination type. (file|Stdout) (default "file")
-o, --owner Repository owner.
-p, --previous-ref Previous commit reference. Can be a tag, a branch, a SHA.
-r, --repo-name Repository name.
--th-after Threshold in seconds after the current ref date. (default "5")
--th-before Threshold in seconds after the previous ref date. (default "1")
--tmpl-file A template file. [optional]
-t, --token GitHub Token. [optional]
-h, --help Print Help (this message) and exit
OS | Command | |
Linux |
MacOS |
brew tap ldez/tap
brew update
brew install gcg |
Windows |
scoop bucket add ldez https://github.com/ldez/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install gcg |
all |
all |
go get -u github.com/ldez/gcg |
gcg -p"v1.2.0-rc1" -c"v1.3.0-rc1" -o"containous" -r"traefik" -t"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
ex: for the (non-existing) next version 1.4.0-rc1
commit id:"a"
commit id:"b" tag:"v1.3.0-rc1" type:HIGHLIGHT
commit id:"c"
commit id:"d"
commit id:"e" tag:"HEAD" type:HIGHLIGHT
gcg -b"master" -p"v1.3.0-rc1" -c"master" -f"v1.4.0-rc1" \
-o"containous" -r"traefik" -t"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
ex: for the (non-existing) version 1.3.0-rc2
commit id:"a"
commit id:"b" tag:"v1.3.0-rc1" type:HIGHLIGHT
branch v1.3
checkout main
commit id:"c"
checkout v1.3
commit id:"d"
commit id:"e"tag:"HEAD" type:HIGHLIGHT
checkout main
commit id:"f"
commit id:"g"
gcg -b"v1.3" -p"v1.3.0-rc1" -c"v1.3" -f"v1.3.0-rc2" \
-o"containous" -r"traefik" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
ex: for the (existing) version 1.3.0-rc1
commit id:"a"
commit id:"b" tag:"v1.2.0-rc1" type:HIGHLIGHT
branch v1.2
commit id:"c"
commit id:"d" tag:"v1.2.0"
commit id:"e"
commit id:"f" tag:"v1.2.1"
checkout main
commit id:"g"
merge v1.2
commit id:"h"
commit id:"i" tag:"v1.3.0-rc1" type:HIGHLIGHT
branch v1.3
commit id:"j"
commit id:"k"
checkout main
commit id:"l"
commit id:"m"
gcg -b"master" -p"v1.2.0-rc1" -c"v1.3.0-rc1" \
-o"containous" -r"traefik" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
ex: for the (existing) version 1.3.0-rc2
commit id:"a"
commit id:"b" tag:"v1.3.0-rc1" type:HIGHLIGHT
branch v1.3
commit id:"c"
commit id:"d" tag:"v1.3.0-rc2" type:HIGHLIGHT
commit id:"e"
commit id:"f"
checkout main
commit id:"g"
commit id:"h"
gcg -b"v1.3" -p"v1.3.0-rc1" -c"v1.3.0-rc2" \
-o"containous" -r"traefik" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
gcg -b"v1.3" -p"v1.3.0-rc1" -c"v1.3" -f"v1.3.0" \
-o"containous" -r"traefik" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
--dl-options.prefix-filter="area/,platform/" \
--dl-options.suffix-exclude="documentation" \
--dl-options.prefix-trim="area/provider/,area/middleware/,area/,platform/" \
gcg \
--base-branch="v1.3" --previous-ref="v1.3.0-rc1" \
--current-ref="v1.3" --future-ref-name="v1.3.0" \
--owner="containous" --repo-name="traefik" \
--exclude-label="area/infrastructure" \
--enhancement-label="kind/enhancement" --doc-label="area/documentation" --bug-label="kind/bug/fix" \
--dl-options.prefix-filter="area/,platform/" \
--dl-options.suffix-exclude="documentation" \
--dl-options.prefix-trim="area/provider/,area/middleware/,area/,platform/" \