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LavaPasswordFactory is a simple little script for both generating password lists for online and offline attacks as well as cleaning existing password lists based on given password policies. The script can be invoked in one of two modes of operation: generation mode and cleaning mode.

Generation Mode

In generation mode the script will first create a password list based on the words passed to the script. The length of the resulting password list is based on a number of factors, but the largest factor is whether or not the --is-offline command line argument is present at invocation. When --is-offline is NOT present, the resulting password list is intended to be used in online attacks, such as brute-forcing a login for a Web application or network service. When --is-offline IS present, the resulting password list is intended to be used to crack hashes in offline fashion. The main difference between these two is that an offline attack does not require going through a third-party to validate passwords, and as such the password list for offline attacks can be much larger. It should be noted that the difference in scale between password lists generated for online versus offline attacks can be order of magnitude, or less than a million versus billions. It follows that the amount of time and storage space required to generate an offline list is much larger than an online list.

When generating password lists, the number of words passed to the script should typically only be two to four words long. Passing longer lists of words is technically supported, but for accuracy and effectiveness is not recommended. The words that are passed to the script should be directly related to the target to attack, meaning that a password list for a Web application that exists at and sells shoes could be generated using the list of "foo shoes sales".

The user has the option of supplying additional parameters at invocation time that map to common password policy restrictions. For instance, passing "--min-length 8" will set a requirement that all returned passwords must be at least eight characters long and passing "--illegal-chars !@#" will ensure that no returned passwords contain the characters !, @, or #. In online mode the password list is generated and stored in memory in its entirety and then cleaned before being written to disk. In offline mode, as each password is generated it is validated against the input set of rules and written to disk before the next password is generated.

Cleaning Mode

In cleaning mode the script will read passwords from an input file, validate those passwords against the input set of rules, and then write all of the valid passwords into the specified output file. This is handy for use with tools such as CeWL ( where an effective list may be created, but the resulting list contains many phrases which do not abide by the password policy of whatever the target may be.

Tool Help

Generic help:

usage: [-h]
                              [--log-level <DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL>]
                              {generate,clean} ...

LavaPasswordFactory - for all your password list

positional arguments:
  {generate,clean}      sub-command help
    generate            generate help
    clean               clean help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The log message level to receive when running the
                        script. Validvalues are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,

Generation mode help:

usage: generate [-h] [--special-chars <chars>]
                                       [--illegal-chars <chars>]
                                       [--max-special <num>]
                                       [--min-special <num>]
                                       [--max-caps <num>] [--min-caps <num>]
                                       [--is-offline] [--min-length <len>]
                                       [--max-length <len>] --words
                                       <word_list> --output-file <file_path>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --special-chars <chars>
                        The characters to be considered as 'special
                        characters' for thepurpose of filtering out ineligible
  --illegal-chars <chars>
                        Characters that are not allowed in the generated
  --max-special <num>   The maximum number of special characters per generated
  --min-special <num>   The minimum number of special characters per generated
  --max-caps <num>      The maximum number of capital letters per generated
  --min-caps <num>      The minimum number of capital letters per generated
  --is-offline          Whether or not to configure the LavaPasswordFactory to
                        produce a passwordlist suited for offline attacks
                        (significantly larger than for onlineattacks). Flying
                        this flag enables the offline mode.
  --min-length <len>    The minimum length for generated passwords.
  --max-length <len>    The maximum length for generated passwords.
  --words <word_list>   The list of words used as the seeds for the password
                        generation process,seperated by spaces. For instance,
                        "hello goodbye" would result in ['hello', 'goodbye']
                        as the input words
  --output-file <file_path>
                        Path to the file that the resulting passwords should
                        be written to.      

Cleaning mode help:

usage: clean [-h] [--special-chars <chars>]
                                    [--illegal-chars <chars>]
                                    [--max-special <num>]
                                    [--min-special <num>] [--max-caps <num>]
                                    [--min-caps <num>] [--min-length <len>]
                                    [--max-length <len>] --input-file
                                    <file_path> --output-file <file_path>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --special-chars <chars>
                        The characters to be considered as 'special
                        characters' for thepurpose of filtering out ineligible
  --illegal-chars <chars>
                        Characters that are not allowed in the generated
  --max-special <num>   The maximum number of special characters per generated
  --min-special <num>   The minimum number of special characters per generated
  --max-caps <num>      The maximum number of capital letters per generated
  --min-caps <num>      The minimum number of capital letters per generated
  --min-length <len>    The minimum length for generated passwords.
  --max-length <len>    The maximum length for generated passwords.
  --input-file <file_path>
                        Path to the file that the existing password list to
                        clean resides in.
  --output-file <file_path>
                        Path to the file that the resulting passwords should
                        be written to.


Create a password list for use in online mode based on the words "hello" and "world". The resulting password list should only contain passwords that have at least one capital letter, at least one special character, are between eight and twelve characters long, and do not include that characters (, ), or %. The resulting passwords will be written to /tmp/test.txt.

python generate --words "hello world" --min-caps 1 --min-special 1 --min-length 8 --max-length 12 --illegal-chars "()%" --output-file /tmp/test.txt

Create a password list for use in offline mode based on the words "hello" and "world". The resulting password list should only contain passwords that have at least one capital letter, at least one special character, are between eight and twelve characters long, and do not include that characters (, ), or %. The resulting passwords will be written to /tmp/test.txt.

python generate --is-offline --words "hello world" --min-caps 1 --min-special 1 --min-length 8 --max-length 12 --illegal-chars "()%" --output-file /tmp/test.txt

Clean the list of passwords found in /tmp/pass.txt of all passwords that are not at least eight characters long, do not contain at least two capital letters, and do not contain at least two special characters. The resulting password list will be written to /tmp/clean.txt.

python clean --input-file /tmp/pass.txt --output-file /tmp/clean.txt --min-length 8 --min-caps 2 --min-special 2

Future Directions and Features

  • Add a mode that 1337-speaks all words within an input file
  • Take care of the TODOs in the file


Your last stop for password list generation needs!







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