Meeting Scheduler is a graphical application developed as part of the "Programming in Python" course. This application is designed to efficiently schedule meetings, manage attendees, and provide export functionality to a standard calendar format.
- PostgreSQL Database Integration:
- Meeting Scheduler integrates with a PostgreSQL database to store and manage meeting-related information and attendee details.
- Interactive Menu Interface:
- The application interacts with users through an intuitive menu system, offering the following commands:
- Add a person to the database.
- Schedule a future meeting (start date, end date, list of participants).
- Display meetings within a specific time interval.
- Export/Import to/from a standard calendar format(iCal).
- Data Validation and Error Handling:
- The application ensures validation of user input and provides error handling.
- Informative messages are displayed in case of exceptions, guiding users on correct input.
- Export/Import Functionality:
- Users can export and import meeting data to/from a chosen standard calendar format.
- The export/import functionality is implemented exclusively for a single calendar format to maintain simplicity.
Example commands in the interactive menu:
adauga persoana Popescu Ion
adauga sedinta care va incepe la 2020-11-20 14:00, se va termina la 2020-11-20 14:30 si la care vor participa Ion Popescu, Ana Maria
adauga sedinta 2020-11-20 17:00 2020-11-20 18:00, cu participantii Ion Popescu, Ana Maria
afiseaza sedintele din intervalul 2020-11-20 08:00, 2020-11-20 23:59
exporta sedintele
importa sedintele din meetings.ics