- Ghent
- Pro
Workflow for somatic variant calling of long read data
Guides, FAQ, and how-tos for VSC related activities
ClairS-TO - a deep-learning method for tumor-only somatic variant calling
A program pipeline to run through multiple programs from sequence alignment fasta file to the resuts ready to publish on phylobook server
Analysis components from Oxford Nanopore Research
HIV Intactness pipeline - run locally with Docker or parallel runs for HPC
Bam Error Stats Tool (best): analysis of error types in aligned reads.
A Nextflow pipeline for generating consensus sequences from Nanopore reads tagged with UMIs
A list of interesting genome browser and genome visualization programs
Minimal but speedy quality control for nanopore reads in Rust 🐻
baltic - backronymed adaptable lightweight tree import code for molecular phylogeny manipulation, analysis and visualisation. Development is back on the evogytis/baltic branch (i.e. here).
Software package for assigning SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences to global lineages.