We propose a binding region-guided Transformer-based architecture (TAG-DTA) that simultaneously predicts the 1D binding pocket and the binding affinity of DTI pairs, where the prediction of the 1D binding pocket guides and conditions the prediction of DTA. The framework comprises two models, specifically a 1D binding pocket classifier and a binding affinity regressor, and shares three core layers, including lower Transformer-Encoders and a condition-based concatenation block. The architecture uses two parallel Transformer-Encoders to compute contextual embeddings and capture the proteomics and chemical context present in the protein sequences and SMILES strings, respectively, where the SMILES Transformer-Encoder is pre-trained using an MLM approach. The aggregated representation of the SMILES string, which corresponds to the final hidden state of the start token added to the SMILES strings, is concatenated with the resulting protein tokens, followed by conditional and positional encoding. The binding site classifier block, which comprises a Transformer-Encoder with a position-wise FFN, uses the resulting condition-based concatenated tokens as input for binary token labeling learning, predicting the 1D binding pocket. The predicted 1D binding pocket is used to condition the attention mechanism of the Transformer-Encoder of the binding affinity regressor, which also uses the condition-based concatenated tokens as input, by masking non-binding residues. The resulting aggregated representations of the binding affinity Transformer-Encoder, protein Transformer-Encoder, and SMILES Transformer-Encoder are concatenated and used as input for an FCNN, which outputs the binding affinity measured in terms of pKd.
- Training Scheme: : (I) pre-training of the 1D binding pocket classifier; (II) training of the binding affinity regressor; and (III) training of the 1D binding pocket classifier.
- Training Cycle: training of the binding affinity regressor + training of the 1D binding pocket classifier
- davis_dataset_processed: Davis Dataset Processed : prot sequences + rdkit SMILES strings + pkd values
- test_cluster: independent test set indices
- train_cluster_X: train indices
- scPDB + PDBBind + BioLip: Training/Validation Binding Pocket Dataset (TFRecords Format)
- Coach Test: Testing Binding Pocket Dataset (TFRecords Format)
- ChEMBL Dataset: Training/Validation SMILES Dataset (TFRecords Format)
- smiles_chembl_dict: SMILES char-integer dictionary
- protein_codes_uniprot/subword_units_map_uniprot: Protein Subwords Dictionary
- Python 3.9.6
- Tensorflow 2.8.0
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Scikit-learn
- Itertools
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Glob
- Json
- periodictable
- subword_nmt
- Need to unpack data files
- The architecture supports the use of the Linear Multi-Head Attention arXiv:2006.04768
python main.py --inference_option Train --prot_emb_size 256 --bert_smiles_train 1 --prot_enc_depth 3 --prot_enc_heads 4 --prot_enc_dff 1024 --prot_atv_fun gelu --dropout_rate 0.1 --smiles_pooler_dense_opt 1 --smiles_pooler_atv gelu --bind_enc_depth 1 --bind_enc_heads 4 --bind_enc_dff 1024 --bind_enc_atv_fun gelu --bind_fc_depth 3 --bind_fc_units 128 64 32 --bind_fc_atv_fun gelu --affinity_enc_depth 1 --affinity_enc_heads 4 --affinity_enc_dff 1024 --affinity_enc_atv_fun gelu --affinity_fc_depth 3 --affinity_fc_units 1536 1536 1536 --affinity_fc_atv_fun gelu --batch_size 32 --epoch_num 500 --pre_train_epochs 20 --bind_vector_epochs 1 --bind_affinity_epochs 3 --smiles_bert_opt radam 1e-05 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --binding_bert_opt radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --affinity_bert_opt radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --bind_loss_opt standard 0.40 0.60
python main.py --inference_option Validation --prot_emb_dff 256 1024 --bert_smiles_train 1 --prot_enc_depth 3 --prot_enc_heads 4 --prot_atv_fun gelu --dropout_rate 0.1 --smiles_pooler_dense_opt 1 --smiles_pooler_atv gelu --bind_enc_depth 1 --bind_enc_heads 4 --bind_enc_atv_fun gelu --bind_fc_depth 3 --bind_fc_units 128 64 32 --bind_fc_atv_fun gelu --affinity_enc_depth 1 --affinity_enc_heads 4 --affinity_enc_atv_fun gelu --affinity_fc_depth 3 --affinity_fc_units 384 192 96 --affinity_fc_atv_fun gelu --batch_size 32 --epoch_num 500 --pre_train_epochs 20 --bind_vector_epochs 1 --bind_affinity_epochs 3 --smiles_bert_opt radam 1e-05 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --binding_bert_opt radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --affinity_bert_opt radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05 0 0 0 --bind_loss_opt standard 0.40 0.60
python main.py --inference_option Evaluation
python bert_mlm.py --num_epochs 500 --batch_dim 246 --transformer_depth 3 --transformer_heads 8 --d_ff_dim 2048 --d_model 512 --dropout_rate 0.1 --dense_atv_fun gelu --optimizer_fn radam 1e-03 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-04 --dim_k 0 --parameter_sharing ''