Graviton is a symfony2 based REST server.
While this project is still in its infancy it already implements some REST resources.
exposes app objects and supports rw operation/core/product
exposes a ro collection of products that are expected to be loaded for an erp/entity/country
exposes a list of countries from The World Bank, it only supports ro operation/person/consultant
exposes a list of customer sales reps and only supports ro operation/i18n/language
expose rw collections that may be used for various i18n purposes
The implemented resources are mainly for validating the server and we will be adding more services as soon as that has been done.
The data available in the services are loaded with DataFixtures to ease development but will also be populated by external means when we get nearer to production.
The graviton server returns a list of all the available resource collections in response to GET /
Clone the Repo and install composer dependencies to start.
git clone
cd graviton
composer install
You can now start a development server.
php app/console server:run
Please run ./vendor/bin/phpunit
and ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/
before commiting changes.
There are various code generators available at you disposal.
If you are prompted for a config type you should always choose xml since xml is the only format we are currently supporting. If you use other formats, chances are you will have to fix and/or implement features that where only added to the xml templates.
php app/console graviton:generate:bundle --namespace=Graviton/FooBundle --dir=src --bundle-name=GravitonFooBundle
The generated bundle assumes thaet you will be adding resources to it. If you do not plan on doing so
you will need to fix this by removing the doctrine and serializer config in Resources/config/config.xml
php app/console graviton:generate:resource --entity=GravitonFooBundle:Bar --format=xml --fields="name:string" --with-repository
php app/console graviton:generate:resource --entity=GravitonFooBundle:Baz --format=xml --fields="name:string isTrue:boolean consultant:Graviton\\PersonBundle\\Document\\Consultant" --with-repository
You will need to clean up the models Resource/schema/.json file after generation. You may replace titles and you must add descriptions in the fields marked @todo.
Graviton uses travis-ci and scrutinizer-ci.
You will need to log in to scrutinizer once using you github account so you may be added to the project as admin or moderator as needed.
If you expect performance issues you may try to find them by profiling the code.
php -d xdebug.profiler_enable=1 -d xdebug.profiler_output_dir=./ vendor/bin/phpunit -c app/
This generates a files called cachegrind.out.<PPID>
that you may inspect using kcachegrind or a similar tool.
Graviton supports Cloudfoundry out of the box. You need to define a mongodb service called graviton-dev-mongo
. Pushing to the cloud
will push the bare code and run composer install
on the target. Currently cloud installs get populated with mongodb fixtures on each
cf push graviton-dev
Add the connection data from vcap_services.mongodb-2.2[0].credentials.url
to app/config/parameters_local.xml
but replace
the <ip>:<port>
part with localhost:8001
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container xmlns=""
<parameter key="mongodb.default.server.uri">mongodb://user:[email protected]:8001/db</parameter>
Open a local connection using the service connector console.
bash sc connect 8001 -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD graviton-dev-mongo
Load the fixtures using app/console.
bash php app/console doctrine:mongodb:fixtures:load