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SCDL Library

Andrea Lamparelli edited this page Mar 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Version Downloads/week License

This library provides an programmatic way to interact with different smart contracts simply using their descriptors (i.e. Smart Contract Description Language). The interaction is implemented with a SCIP compliant communication, which is performed through the scip-lib module.

Table of Contents


This package can be installed via npm as follow:

npm install --save @toolscip/scdl-lib


In order to use this module you just have to import it like any other package:

JavaScript import

const scdl = require('@toolscip/scdl-lib');

Typescript import

import scdl from '@toolscip/scdl-lib';
// or
import { scdl } from '@toolscip/scdl-lib';

This package was mainly written to provide an automatic way to interact with smart contracts simply using their SCDL-based descriptors. In order to do so the package simply provide a single class object Contract that must be instantiated providing a descriptor as parameter and then once instantiated the resulting object is a new one that exposes new properties, which are exactly named as its functions and events. These properties are instances of specific classes (i.e. Method and Event respectively) which allow a client to perform all allowed SCIP requests (i.e. invocation, subscription, unsubscription and query) by simply invoking the corresponding function on the property object (i.e. invoke, subscribe, unsubscribe, and query). All these function, since perform http requests, returns AxiosResponse promises.

// import the 'Contract' class
import { Contract } from '@toolscip/scdl-lib';
// or using the package 'scdl.Contract'

const descriptor = {
}; // scdl descriptor
const contract = new Contract(descriptor); // new contract instance

Now once you have created the Contract object, you can easily access its functions and events simply accessing the methods and events property respectively.

contract.methods; // all contract's functions; // all contract's events

Suppose that you want to invoke a specific function (e.g. named 'send'), then you just have to use its name as property of the contract.methods object and then call the invoke [^1]function on it.

// performs a SCIP invocation request
  .then(res => {
    // ...
  .catch(err => {
    // ...

In addition this library provides an interface definition of an SCDL descriptor object, which can be imported as follow:

import { ISCDL } from '@toolscip/scdl-lib';

[^1]: In order to understand how to correctly invoke, subscribe, unsubscribe and query specific functions and/or events please refer to the scip-lib documentation, which fully describe the meaning of all required parameters.

SCDL Specification

The following table defines each individual language construct in detail and equips it with a respective domain of possible values.

Note: a complete SCDL specification can be found in the scdl repository.


Given an SCDL descriptor

const model = {
  scdl_version: '1.0',
  name: 'Token',
  version: '^0.4.18',
  latest_url: '',
  author: '0xBfE4aA5c37D223EEBe0A1F7111556Ae49bE0dcD2',
  description: 'Contract token implementation following the ERC20 standars, the new created token is called ZIL',
  created_on: 'Jan-12-2018 09:44:42 AM +UTC',
  updated_on: 'Jan-12-2018 09:44:42 AM +UTC',
  internal_address: '0x05f4a42e251f2d52b8ed15E9FEdAacFcEF1FAD27',
  blockchain_type: 'ethereum',
  blockchain_version: 'v0.4.18+commit.9cf6e910',
  metadata: '',
  hash: 'b311edaec5a164050cede3219bf28cc6ce4c0ca43b8bf34d6fd309fb60c4d1d8  -',
  is_stateful: true,
  lifecycle: 'ready',
  functions: [
      name: 'balanceOf',
        '* @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. @param _owner The address to query the the balance of. @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.',
      scope: 'public',
      has_side_effects: false,
      inputs: [
          name: '_owner',
          type: {
            type: 'string',
            pattern: '^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$',
      outputs: [
          name: '',
          type: {
            type: 'integer',
            minimum: 0,
            maximum: '2^256 - 1',
      events: [],
      dispatcher: '',
  events: [
      name: 'Transfer',
      description: 'Triggered when tokens are transferred',
      outputs: [
          name: 'from',
          type: {
            type: 'string',
            pattern: '^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$',
          is_indexed: true,
          name: 'to',
          type: {
            type: 'string',
            pattern: '^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$',
          is_indexed: true,
          name: 'value',
          type: {
            type: 'integer',
            minimum: 0,
            maximum: '2^256 - 1',
          is_indexed: false,

You can just create the contract object by simply using the new keyword on the Contract class providing the descriptor as parameter.

import { Contract } from '@toolscip/scdl-lib';

const contract = new Contract(model);

/* Retrieve the function object */

/* Retrieve the event object */;

On these last objects (i.e. Method and Event) you can call perform all allowed SCIP operations, such as invocation (only for methods), subscription, unsubscription and query.

/* Invoke a method/function */
	.then(res) {
    	// handle response
	.catch(err) {
        // handle error

/* Subscribe an event */*...*/)
	.then(res) {
    	// handle response
	.catch(err) {
        // handle error

If you want to see a more complete example of usage please take a look at the clisc, a Node.js command line interface, which was built for automating the SCIP request invocations starting from an SCDL descriptor.


Feel free to post questions and problems on the issue tracker. Pull requests are welcome!

Feel free to fork and modify or add new features and functionality to the library

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