A Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040)-based 2114 SRAM Emulator, SD Card Interface, and Multi-Expansion for the Busch 2090 Microtronic Computer System from 1981.
Full Feature Demonstration (Breadboard Prototype)
New assembly & demo video by "Mein Elektronik Hobby" (in German)!
PicoRAM 2090 won the "Grand Prize" in the RetroChallenge 2023/10! Thanks much, guys - it's the project that I am most proud of, and I feel very honored that it got recognized with the renown and reputable "RetroChallenge Grand Prize Winner" label. After all, the RetroChallenge gave us fantastic retro computer projects such as the RC2014.
Firmware update - version 1.1. Still need to update the source code folder.
Version 1.1 brings an improved .MIC
file reader. It is now possible
to specify the address, use lower case hex characters, and the reader
accepts common typos (e.g., o -> 0
). Have a look at this example
file that demonstrates the extended .MIC
format. The file format is particularly useful
if you are developing Microtronic programs on the PC.
There is also a new interesting demo programs: a recursive implementation of the infamous text-book example, towers of Hanoi. This works for up to 4 disks. I emulated the stack using the 2nd register bank and shift operations, and also implemented a return stack, using integer labels and conditional branching. This is a fully general pattern for implementing recursion on the Microtronic. Obviously, the "emulated" stack is limited, but still useful and surprising, as towers of Hanoi demonstrates.
Mr. Jörg Vallen of Busch was so kind to include links to my PicoRAM 2090 as well as the Busch 2090 Arduino Emulator repositories on the Busch Microtronic main page.
PicoRAM 2090 started out as a simple project to emulate the Microtronic 2114 SRAM in early September 2023, and evolved into a powerful and versatile multi-expansion for the Microtronic. It reached its current state end of November 2023 (Thanksgiving weekend).
As a contribution to the RetroChallenge 2023/10 I developed the firmware to maturity, still using the breadboard prototype; see my Hackaday IO page and YouTube videos.
The project got covered by a number of sites:
Hackaday: Pi Pico Becomes SRAM For 1981 Educational Computer
Hackster: Michael Wessel Turns a Raspberry Pi Pico Into an Add-On for the Four-Bit Busch 2090 Microtronic SBC
PiShop Blog: Pi Pico Becomes SRAM for 1981 Educational Computer
PicoRAM 2090 is the ultimate expansion for the Microtronic.
It offers:
SD card interface: loading and saving of programs (full SRAM memory dumps) and easy file exchange with the PC (FAT32 filesystem).
Comfortable UI: 5 buttons and OLED display.
16 user memory banks: the currently active memory bank can selected manually via the UI or by program; each bank hosts a full Microtronic RAM.
Mnemonics display: PicoRAM can show the current Microtronic instruction, address, and even mnemonics on its OLED display. Various display modes are offered - the mnemonics display greatly facilitates programming, debugging, and learning of the Microtronic machine language.
Hardware extensions: speech synthesis (DECtalk-based), battery backed-up Real Time Clock (DS3231 RTC), monophonic sound, ASCII text and even graphics output on the OLED display. Extended "vacuous" op-codes (see below) are used to access (drive) these extensions.
Full integration: for example, the Microtronic's
op-code (F06
) is intercepted so that the actual time from the RTC is loaded instead of the Microtronic's (volatile, not battery backed-up) clock. -
Easy build & installation: requires only simple modifications to the Microtronic PCB, and PicoRAM uses pre-assembled off-the-shelf modules and through-hole components only.
Full Feature Demonstration (Breadboard Prototype)
PicoRAM 2090 plugs into the 2114 SRAM socket of the Microtronic. The 2114 has a capacity of 1024 4bit words, i.e., it has a 10bit address bus and a 4bit data bus. The tristate (HighZ) capability of the 2114 is not utilized by the the Microtronic, so CS is not connected.
Interestingly, the "CPU" of the Microtronic, the mask-programmed TMS1600 Microcontroller, does not cater for external RAM or ROM, so the 2114 is connected via GPIO to the TMS1600. This can be seen clearly in the Microtronic schematics:
Naturally, the WE (Write Enable) line is utilized to distinguish read from write accesses to the 2114.
Microtronic's RAM is organized as 256 12bit words. Thus, three 2114 memory locations are required to store one Microtronic 12bit instruction word. Interestingly, this also leaves 256 memory locations of the 2114 unused. To the best of my knowledge, these SRAM locations are just void.
As can be seen in the schematics, the "address" bus to the 2114 is
utilizing general-purpose TMS1600 output ports - 6 bits from the R
port, and 4
bits from the O
port. These are also shared with the
6-digit 7-segment LED display and keyboard! Since CS is not utilized
in this design, it is thus challenging to distinguish Microtronic's
SRAM accesses from keyboard scanning and LED display driving
activities on these ports (see below).
For the purpose of serving the SRAM, the Pico just runs a tight loop and presents the content of its "C memory array" on the 4 data lines as reactively as possible.
Luckily, for the mere purpose of SRAM emulation, it is not necessary to distinguish the "real SRAM" accesses from the ones resulting from driving the display and scanning the keyboard - the 2114 is actually presenting data for these addresses as well, but the Microtronic firmware just ignores them (it obviously knows whether it addressed the SRAM, the display, or the keyboard).
This situation isn't different with the Pico RAM emulating the 2114. It, too, reacts to all presented addresses and presents data for each of them on the data port; some of them are just meaningless and are ignored by the Microtronic OS. Ideally, the CS signal would have been used to unambiguously identify the "real" SRAM accesses from the involuntary ones, but as explained this is not possible with the Microtronic design.
As for write requests, the situation is much simpler - we have a clear
signal in form of the WE signal going low. This tells us when to
update the PicoRAM's C array holding the memory contents. PicoRAM
simply stores the current 4bit value on the data lines (L1
, L2
, L8
) into its memory C array when WE goes low.
Given that the Microtronic memory is just a big C array, it is straight-forward to support banked memory (given the abundance of SRAM on the PicO!), simply by adding one more index / dimension to this array: the bank number. Switching the currently active bank does not require any copying, but merely changing the value of the "active bank" index variable:
val = ram[cur_bank][adr];
gpio_put_masked(data_mask, ~ (val << DATA_GPIO_START));
PicoRAM offers 16 user RAM banks that can be selected via the UI (OK
button), or programmatically (extended op-code 70x
). Moreover, a few
temporary banks are used for implementing and managing the extended
op-codes (see below).
Identifying the 12bit instruction words that is currently addressed (executed, displayed, ...) by the Microtronic is not straight-forward due to the missing 2114 CS signal.
Even though the Pico sees all activity on the 10bit "address bus" and 4bit "data bus" (bus in double quotes here because these "buses" are really just TMS1600 GPIO lines, as explained) it is not straight-forward to distinguish true SRAM accesses for fetching the current 12bit instruction word from "involuntarily" accesses that happen as a side effect whilst driving the LED display or scanning the keyboard.
However, by monitoring the last four addresses on the address bus, a necessary condition for identifying the current Microtronic 12bit instruction word was found by analyzing the address bus:
if (adr & (1 << 8)) {
if (adr3 & (1 << 9)) {
if ( (adr & adr3 ) == adr4) {
where adr
is the current address on the address bus, and adr4
are the last four addresses that have been seen.
If the Pico detects such a sequence of addresses, then the Microtronic
has fetched a 12bit instruction starting at Microtronic memory address
adr4 & 0xFF
. Note that three 4bit 2114 SRAM words make up one 12bit
Microtronic op-code / instruction word. Moreover, these 4bit words are
not at consecutive memory locations in the 2114. Instead, set bits 8
and 9 are used to group the three 4bit words into one 12bit word.
Unfortunately, this mechanism does not work for Microtronic word at
Microtronic address 00
. Moreover, there are still false
positives that are caused by display multiplexing! In principle,
these false positives are indistinguishable from real SRAM accesses
from PicoRAM's external perspective - only the Microtronic firmware
knows whether it is addressing the SRAM or the keyboard or display.
To eliminate these false positives, and also turn this necessary
condition into a sufficient condition, it has to be strengthened
by adding one more input signal from the TMS1600 - the R12
line. As
can be seen in the schematics, the TMS1600 GPIO port R12
is used to
drive the individual digits of the display. We can hence eliminate all
addresses for which R12
is active, provided that the display is on,
i.e., at least one of the six 7segment digits is shown on the LED
PicoRAM hence requires the R12 (DISP)
signal to robustly identify
the current instruction that is executed (or on the LED display).
Without the extra DISP
wire for robust operation it will still
perfectly function as SRAM emulator and SD card storage device, but
extended op-codes and hardware extensions (sound, speech, text and
graphics display, RTC) will not function properly, and neither will
the op-code OLED display. Hence, I strongly recommend to add the extra
wire to the Microtronic PCB; it's a simple mod (see below).
It should be clear by now that extended op-codes will not work
reliably for programs that turn off the LED display using the FO2 (DISP OUT)
op-code. Moreover, there can be no extended op-code at
address 00
. These are not severe restrictions, but have to be
followed for programs that wish to take advantage of the hardware
extensions and extended op-codes.
Vacuous, extended op-codes are used to access the hardware
extensions. A vacuous op-code is a Microtronic op-code that does
something, but basically boils down to a convoluted no-op. These
op-codes are being executed by the Microtronic and leave the register
contents unchanged; hence, no real Microtronic program is using them
(moreover, in case a NOP is required, the F01 (NOP)
op-code can be
used instead). PicoRAM monitors the current instruction, detects these
vacuous op-codes, and puts them to work by implementing extra side
effects for them, i.e., for driving the PicoRAM hardware extensions.
A simple example is the op-code 502 = ADDI 0 to register 2
, which
means "add zero to register 2". This is semantically a vacuous,
meaningless operation - a convoluted no-op. No existing Microtronic
program uses it. It is hence available for use in PicoRAM! PicoRAM
detects this op-code and implements an extra side-effect semantics for
it: clear the OLED display.
Unlike 502
, many extended op-codes require operands / arguments.
For example, the PicoRAM's extended op-code 50D (Play Note)
initiates a sound output command. This command requires arguments -
the octave and note number to be played. The Pico then awaits
additional vacuous op-codes that specify these arguments, and when all
required arguments have been supplied, the extended op-code is
executed by PicoRAM (e.g., the specified musical note is played on the
To specify these operands / arguments literally in the machine code
("immediate" style), the vacuous op-codes 0xx
, mnemonic MOV x->x
are used: "copy content of register x
to F
) onto itself". The
number of operand nibbles x
required varies for the different
extended op-codes (usually, from 0 to 8, see the Table below). For
example, the op-code sequence 50D 011 022
plays note 2 from octave
1; 2 nibbles are supplied.
Specifying arguments directly (literally, immediately) in-code via
op-codes is fast, but lacks flexibility - these arguments can
not be computed at runtime! Since the Microtronic is a Harvard
architecture, it is not possible to modify the program memory by
program. Instead, registers have to be used as program-writeable
In order to feed the contents of a register as an operand / argument
to an extended op-code, e.g., say to play note number x
register 0, we need a special trick. The problem here is that PicoRAM
does not have access to the register memory, as Microtronic registers
are stored directly on the TMS1600 chip, not on the 2114! So how can
PicoRAM get to know the current content of a register? Answer: By
temporarily "banking-in" a register interrogation program. This
interrogation program shows certain address access patterns
characteristic for a register x
having a value of y
. The
Microtronic executes this interrogation program and the Pico observes
the addresses that are accessed by the Microtronic. Certain observed
target addresses are then indicative of the value y
in register x
Here is an example. Suppose we want to supply the (maybe computed)
note number to the 50D (Play Note)
extended op-code from register
0. Instead of using 0xx
to supply the nibble immediately in the
code, we are now using the vacuous op-code 3Fx = ANDI F x
("do a
logical AND of the immediate value F with the content of register x")
to mean supply the content of register x
as an argument to the
currently active extended instruction.
When the Pico detects 3Fx
, it now immediately switches to a
temporary memory bank containing the interrogation program, i.e.,
materializes this program for the Microtronic, and then presents a
jump to address 00
(C00 = GOTO 00
) to the Microtronic as the next
instruction. The Microtronic has now left the user program and starts
executing the interrogation program from the temporary memory bank,
starting at address 00. The interrogation program performs a binary
search to determine the current register value. The Microtronic cannot
simply write the current value of the register into program memory for
the Pico to see, due to its Harvard architecture. It can, however, do
a number of compares and conditional branches to determine the
register value via binary search! The Pico observes the addresses that
are reached during the execution of the banked-in interrogation
program, and watches for characteristic, unique target addresses
that are indicative of the register value y
. There is one target
address for each possible value y
. Once the target address has been
detected, and Pico knows the value of the interrogated register, and
it supplies it as next argument for the currently active extended
op-code waiting for it. When all arguments have been supplied, PicoRAM
executes the extended op-code. Now that the register value has been
inferred and supplied to the extended op-code, PicoRAM instructs the
Microtronic to resume execution of the original program simply by
restoring the original memory bank, and by materializing a GOTO to the
address after the 3Fx
. Microtronic executes the jump, and continues
the execution of the original program as if nothing had happened.
From the user program's point of view, this register interrogation process happened transparently. However, it is quite slow - determining the current value of a register takes almost one quarter of a second or so, as a few dozen operations have to be executed from the interrogation program (the Microtronic is a very slow machine indeed; the TMS1600 is clocked at 500 kHz, and the Microtronic OS firmware is a complex program that uses a lot of TMS1600 cycles for itself, so not much processing power is left for executing Microtronic machine language - after all, this is a complex virtual machine and "interpreted" instruction set).
Note that immediate / code-supplied and register-supplied arguments can be mixed. For example, here is a program that uses register 0 to supply the note number to be played, but specifies the octave number as a constant in the code:
00 F10 # display register 0 on display
01 50D # sound output op-code
02 011 # supply value 1 (= octave 1) immediately
03 3F0 # use content of register 0 for note number
04 510 # increment register 0
05 C01 # jump to address 01 (50D, ...)
PicoRAM utilizes both cores of the RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico).
The first core of the Pico is implementing the SRAM emulation, including bank-switching, identifying the current address and instruction, etc.
The second core is driving the OLED display, implements the UI, extended op-codes, and access to the hardware extensions.
The Pico is overclocked to 250 Mhz - this is still well within range and not problematic at all (some folks have successfully overclocked the Pico to frequencies as high as 1 GHz!).
This is the current list of extended op-codes; note that future firmware versions might contain additional sets (and different sets might be selectable from the UI).
In the following, <CHAR>
, <NOTE>
and <OCTAVE>
represent single
bytes, in little endian order (a sequence of two nibbles: <LOW>, <HIGH>
). Moreover, all graphics coordinates X,Y,X1,X2,Y1,Y2
bytes and require 2 nibbles each. In contrast, TX, TY
are text
display cursor location (text screen column / row coordinates), and
only require a single nibble (<LOW>
), or two nibbles (<LOW>
) each:
Op-Code | # Operand / Argument Nibbles | Explanation |
0xx |
0 | Enter Literal Data Nibble x |
3Fx |
0 | Enter Data Nibble from Register x |
500 |
0 | Hexadecimal Data Entry Mode |
501 |
0 | Decimal Data Entry Mode |
502 |
0 | Clear OLED Display |
503 |
0 | Auto or manual OLED display updates |
504 |
0 | Refresh OLED Display |
505 |
1 | Display Clear Line <LOW> |
506 |
2 | Display Show ASCII Character <CHAR> |
507 |
1 | Display Set Cursor at Line <TY> |
508 |
2 | Display Set Cursor at Pos <TX><TY> |
509 |
4 | Display Plot <LOW><HIGH> (=X) <LOW'><HIGH'> (=Y) |
50A |
8 | Display Line <X1><Y1><X2><Y2> |
50B |
4 | Display Line From <X><Y> |
50C |
4 | Display Line To <X><Y> |
50D |
2 | Play Note <OCTAVE><NOTE> (Sound Model Only) |
50E |
0 | Enable TTS Display Echo |
50F |
1 | Send <CHAR> to TTS (Speech Mode Only) |
70x |
1 | Select Memory Bank x |
Please have a look at the provided example programs.
Here is an example program demonstrating graphics, text, and speech output - ensure that TTS is enabled:
The following instructions should explain how to operate PicoRAM from a user perspective.
Power to the PicoRAM is supplied either directly from the Microtronic
(2090 VCC
), or from an optional external and stabilized standard 5V
power supply with positive center polarity (EXT VCC
). The LEDs 2090 VCC
indicate which power sources are available.
Note that the EXT VCC
LED will not come on if you have the wrong
polarity! In this case, do not power on the PicoRAM! External VCC
is not fed into the Microtronic - only GND
is shared. Use the SEL VCC
switch to determine the power source.
The Microtronic PSU is strong enough to drive PicoRAM, so an external
additional PSU is usually not required. But you may choose to use one
to be on the safe side anyway. Before powering on the Microtronic,
make sure PicoRAM 2090 is running! Turn on PicoRAM by pushing the
button. The PWR
LED on the MikroE speech daughter board
should come on immediately, as well as the OLED display.
Use a standard mini stereo jack connector
cable to connect the
MikroE TextToSpeech click board output to the LINE IN
mini stereo
jack. Determine the VOLUME
with the potentiometer.
PicoRAM is equipped with a PAM8403 class D audio amplifier powering a little (4 or 8 Ohm) loudspeaker of your choice.
PicoRAM offers either TextToSpeech (TTS), using the MikroE click
board for DECtalk, or sound (generated by the Pico
itself). Unfortunately, only one at a time can be used due to a
shortage of GPIO pins on the Pico. Hence, use the switch labeled TTS or SOUND
to select either. A push to the RESET
button is required
for the new audio mode to become effective.
The current audio mode is also shown on the OLED display (TTS-
or SND
indicators in the first display line).
button resets the Pico and hence all emulated memory
banks. Memory banks can be saved to SD card if required.
Use a FAT32 formatted micro SD card. Note that ERROR 2
will be
displayed if PicoRAM boots without SD card, the SD card is write
protected, not properly formatted, or faulty in any way.
The PicoRAM OLED display looks as follows:
The first line shows
the number of the memory bank the PicoRAM is currently serving:
. -
the current Microtronic address:
. -
the current Microtronic 12bit instruction word / op-code:
. -
the current audio mode:
, orTTSE
means sound output, elseTTS
is active. See theTTS or SOUND
means "TTS Echo", i.e., everything printed to the OLED display is automatically sent to the TTS as well, and uttered when an end-of-line character (CR or LF) is sent. TTS Echo is enabled with the op-code50E
. -
whether extended op-codes are enabled (
) or disabled (-
The second line shows the current bank, address and instruction using Microtronic mnemonics.
The third line is shown when extended op-codes are enabled, and mostly useful for single stepping and debugging of a program. It shows the status and kind of the current extended op-code (i.e., it's internal op-code type and arguments):
The fourth line is used for file operations, displaying the current time of the Real Time Clock, etc.
It is important that the OLED display is switched off when a program with extended op-codes is running - not only might the Microtronic program want to utilize the display for text or graphics output, but also from a performance point of view, as the 2nd core will have less cycles available to implement the extended op-codes when it also has to update the OLED display.
Using the CANCEL
button, the modes of the display are:
Display off: this should be the default when the Microtronic is running a program with extended op-codes, as updating the display requires cycles from the 2nd core which might then glitch on extended op-codes.
Op-code display: first line only.
Op-code & mnemonics display: first and second line. The third line showing the extended op-codes status is only displayed when extended op-codes are enabled. This should be the default for programm development, single stepping, and debugging of Microtronic programs.
The button legend on the PCB silkscreen lists the button labels (first column), as well as their primary and secondary functions (second and third column).
The primary function is selected with a short press to the button, and the secondary function with a longer press (i.e., hold the button down for about half a second before releasing it).
The button labels are indicative of their functions during file creation and file selection operations:
In file load mode (
button), theUP
buttons are used to select a file from the list of files on the SD card.OK
is used to confirm loading of the current file, whereasCANCEL
is used to abort the load process. -
In file save mode (
button), theUP
buttons are used to determine the next ASCII character of the filename under constructions. A short press ofNEXT/PREV
advances to the next character, and a longer press jumps back to the previous character.OK
have their normal meaning. The buttons have analog functions for setting the RTC (see secondary function ofCANCEL
In a nutshell, the primary functions of the buttons are (if executed from the main loop / context of PicoRAM):
: Load a memory dump from SD card, using the file selector. -
: Save a memory dump to SD card, using the file name creator. -
: Increment the current active memory bank number by 1; 16 user banks are available. These banks are pre-loaded with some programs, see below for the list. The currently active memory bank can simply be erased using Microtronic's standard clear memory procedure:HALT-PGM-5
op-codes). Note that this only affects the currently active bank! All banks are reset to default contents upon reset or power cycle of the Pico. -
: En-/disable extended op-codes. When extended op-codes are enabled, PicoRAM acts as a co-processor and the already discussed vacuous op-codes are utilized to drive the hardware extension, i.e., for sound, speech, text, graphics output, and programmatic bank switching. A*
in the (first line of the) status display indicates enabled extended op-code, and a-
means they are disabled. When extended op-codes are enabled, and a Microtronic program is running, the OLED display should always be turned off, as explained above. -
: toggle OLED display mode (off, op-code display, op-code & mnemonics display).
The secondary functions of the buttons are (if execute from the main loop / context of PicoRAM):
: Test the audio output - either sound or speech (depending on the current audio mode, seeTTS or SOUND
switch). -
: List all the.MIC
files on SD card. -
: In TTS mode, speak the current time of the RTC. -
: Show the current time of the RTC on the OLED display. -
: Set the current time of the RTC using the OLED display and buttons.
The default / power-on memory bank programs are as follows. A *
indicates that op-code extensions must be enabled for this program to
work properly. All programs are started normally via
Bank # | Extended Op-Codes? | Description |
0 | * | Demonstrates F06 (GET TIME) op-code via RTC |
1 | 17+4 Blackjack | |
2 | Nim Game | |
3 | Three Digit Counter | |
4 | Electronic Die (Random Generator from 1 to 6) | |
5 | Three Digit Counter | |
6 | Scrolling LED Light ("Lauflicht") | |
7 | Digital Input Port Test (DIN Op-Code) | |
8 | Lunar Lander Game | |
9 | Prime Numbers | |
A | Tic Tac Toe | |
B | Car Racing | |
C | Blockade | |
D | * | Regload Test Program |
E | Empty | |
F | Empty |
These programs may change without notice in future version of the firmware.
The standard operation-sequence for loading a bank / program from SD card should look as follows:
Load a memory dump from SD card using the
button; select a.MIC
file usingUP
, andOK
to quit). -
Set the Microtronic to address
. -
Disable the OLED display using the
button. -
Ensure that extended op-codes are enabled: hit the
button untilOP-EXT ON (*)
is shown. -
Now start the Microtronic program:
. -
Important note: when the Microtronic program has finished, DISABLE extended op-codes, else you might encounter weird behavior in the Microtronic monitor.
The last step is important because some of the extended op-codes
require temporarily banked-in auxiliary program fragments. If the
program is interrupted whilst running one of the banked-in "helper"
programs, then the currently active memory bank is no longer the user
bank. The Microtronic will appear to have a lost its program! But
don't panic - if you don't find your program in memory, simply disable
extended op-codes (hit OK
until OP-EXT OFF (-)
is shown), set the
Microtronic monitor to a well-defined address (i.e., HALT-NEXT-0-0
and make sure the right user memory bank gets re-selected (toggle
through the memory banks with the NEXT/PREV
button). The will
restore the original user program.
Note that your program will also appear to "disappear" if you hit the
button accidentally - you have accidentally changed the
active memory bank. Simply re-select the original memory bank with the
Example programs demonstrating the hardware extensions via extended op-codes are here.
They are also demonstrated in the YouTube Breadboard Prototype Demo.
Here you will find the firmware, the PDF schematics, and the Gerbers.
Firmware sources will be provided soon. Note that the sources are not required to flash the Pico; the firmware file suffices.
The Microtronic's 2114 SRAM socket must be replaced with a standard (ideally, machined) DIP socket so that the ribbon cable can be plugged in:
Moreover, the R12 (DISP)
line requires a pin-connector on the
Microtronic PCB - there is a via on the Microtronic PCB which can be
The modified Microtronic PCB should then look as follows:
PicoRAM is easy to assemble: all components are through-hole, and readily available and pre-assembled off-the-shelf modules are used. No SMD soldering skills are required.
I recommend using a machined DIP socket for the ribbon wire cable connector (these crimp connectors are hard to come by, btw):
Reference | Description |
C1 | 100 uF Polarized |
C2 | 100 nF |
R1, R7, R8 | 2k Ohm |
R2 | 330 Ohm |
R3 | 620 Ohm |
R4 | 1k Ohm |
R5 | 3.3k Ohm |
R6 | 120 Ohm |
RN1, RN2 | 20k Ohm Isolated Resistor Network (DIP-16 W=7.62 mm) |
RN5 | 1k Ohm Isolated Resistor Network (DIP-16 W=7.62 mm) |
RN6 | 2k Ohm Isolated Resistor Network (DIP-16 W=7.62 mm) |
RV1 | 101 (100 Ohm) Potentiomer / Trimmer |
SW1, SW2, SW6 | DPDT 8.5 mm Switch (GRAY, NOT BLUE!!) |
D1, D2 | 3.0 mm LEDs |
J5 | Stereo Socket |
LS1 | Loudspeaker |
J1, J2 | PAM8403 Class D audio amplifier |
Brd1 | SSD1306 128x64 OLED Display |
U1 | RTC DS3231 |
U2 | Raspberry Pi Pico |
U3 | MIKROE-2253 TextToSpeech Click! |
U4 | AdaFruit MICROSD Module |
U5 | Machined Socket (DIP-18, W=7.62mm) |
For SW
, SW2
, SW6
, note that the common pin of these switches
needs to be in the middle! The blue and gray switches from Amazon have
a different pinout - get the gray ones, the blue ones don't work for
my Gerbers / schematics! Use the 8.5 x 8.5 mm version of these
switches - the 7 x 7 mm version doesn't fit the footprint, and the
8 x 8 mm "blue" version has an incompatible pin out.
Moreover, I am using Mounting Feet and crimpable 18-pin DIP rectangular cable assembly connectors (hard to find!). But ordinary DuPont cables will also do.
Harry Fairhead for his execellent book
Hans Hübner (aka Pengo) for motivating me to abandon the BluePill, ATmegas and Arduinos, and for helping to get started and troubleshooting!
The authors of the libraries that I am using:
Carl J Kugler III carlk3: https://github.com/carlk3/no-OS-FatFS-SD-SPI-RPi-Pico
Raspberry Pi Foundation for the
Dedicated to my late father, Rudolf Wessel (26.12.1929 - 15.10.2023).
R.I.P, Papa - I will always fondly remember the days following Christmas 1983 (for which you and Mom got me the Microtronic) when we entered the dauntingly big "Lunar Lander" program together. In loving memory!