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DBMS for IndexedDB engine, based on Rx principles (type safety, resilience, backpressure, user friendly (reduces all Idb CRUD features to 4 API methods)


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(Legacy software - not maintained anymore due to many breaking changes in dependencies)

Indexed Database reactive (Rx) wrapper written in [scala.js]1 using [monix]2, [uPickle]3 and [uTest]4.

  • Scala.js version : 0.6.19
resolvers in ThisBuild ++= Seq(
  Resolver.bintrayRepo("pragmaxim", "maven")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.pragmaxim" %%% "scalajs-rx-idb" % "0.0.9")

Primarily it is trying to be :

type safe

  • thanks to [uPickle]3 and its Reader/Writer type classes user just declares input/return types and uPickle does the rest. It even allows you to deserialize objects in a type safe manner without knowing what type of object you're gonna get from database (See uPickle's tagged values in sealed hierarchies)
  • a key validation type class doesn't let you store keys of unsupported types
  • there is an abstraction over CRUD operations allowing seamlessly work with both scala collections and idb key ranges over store or index

user friendly because

  • there is too much mutability and confusion regarding request result value, versioning, transactions and error handling in IndexedDb API
  • it should prevent lock starvation which is a common problem of indexeddb
  • it should supervise transaction boundaries. There are a few edge cases though I haven't covered yet, I asked a question on SO
  • Rx based API has a clean contract by definition

handling asynchrony, resilience and back-pressure the Rx way because

  • IndexedDb API imho leads to inevitable callback hell and I couldn't really say when it crashes and why
  • it makes it easier to implement new features like profiling
  • you get a full control over returned data streams in form of higher-order functions
  • thanks to Monifu's back pressure implementation you get a way to asynchronously processing results requested lazily with the possibility to cancel.

In other words, doing complicated stuff with IndexedDb directly is not that easy as one might expect. I came to conclusion that IndexedDb is rather a db engine that is meant to be used by Databases built around it


  • Just the main operations are tested so far, it's a work in progress, there is no time to test edge cases
  • The performance might get a little worse in comparison with direct IDB access
    • But after you spend some time with IDB you'll know that loosing a few milliseconds is always better than lock starvation that might put the entire application down or waste hours of troubleshooting
  • This library is suitable for bulk operations rather than requests targeting one record. That's why all methods are passed either Iterable or KeyRange


  • There was a significant resistance doing abstraction over a javascript application that itself doesn't even have a common interface for IDBObjectStore and IDBIndex even though both being a Store, sharing common interface
  • I was fighting scalac a lot
    • [Scalac type inference sometimes really surprises (unpleasantly)]5 - I had to combine path dependent types with type classes which is always a bad thing (I'll personally never do it again)
    • [Scalac doesn't look into descendants of associated types]6 - which also made my day
    • [After I rewrote API to path dependent style to spare user from having to explicitly specify types all the time]7 - I found out that I should have probably rewritten the entire application from scratch because due to these unexpected issues the interface turned out to be a little less self explanatory than I intended it to be, I'd like to rewrite it a little in future

Important API - Store

There is lot to abstract over in regards to querying IDB, especially key autogeneration, key being on value's keypath, KeyRanges, Indexes, operations on Last and First record etc. I could use scala Marcos to generate the API based on DB Schema, but unfortunately I decided not to, there are just 4 methods that basically do everything based on type of input.

//      v - either store Value OR (Key,Value) type     v - type class abstracting over the possibility of key being on value keypath, autogenerated or explicitly specified
def add[I, C[X] <: Iterable[X]](values: C[I])(implicit p: StoreKeyPolicy[I], tx: Tx[C]): Observable[(K,V)]
//         ^ - type constructor of any type that is iterable                  ^ - type class for ad-hoc polymorphism regarding transaction handling 

//       v - type constructor that might be either an Iterable or KeyRange of Keys                           
def get[C[_]](keys: C[K])(implicit e: Tx[C]): Observable[(K,V)]
//                                 ^ - type class allows you to add a custom logic for the request, there is just an evidence for Iterable and KeyRange

//                                                   v - usually an observable of Key Value pairs is returned, delete just completes
def delete[C[_]](keys: C[K])(implicit e: Tx[C]): Observable[Nothing]

// update works similar to add except it supports KeyRange - beware you must supply KeyRange entries
def update[I, C[_]](input: C[I])(implicit p: StoreKeyPolicy[I], e: Tx[C]): Observable[(K,V)]


  • The best place to look at examples is IndexedDbSuite

  • Note that the crud operations accept either anything that is Iterable or any com.pragmaxim.idb.Store.Key

  • working with iterables

val obj1 = Map("x" -> 0) // store values might be anything that upickle manages to serialize
val obj2 = Map("y" -> 1)
val db = IndexedDb( // you may create new db, open, upgrade or recreate existing one
  new NewDb("dbName", db => db.createObjectStore("storeName", lit("autoIncrement" -> true)))
val store = db.openStore[Int,Map[String, Int]]("storeName") //declare Store's key and value type information
// db requests should be combined with `onCompleteNewTx` combinator which honors idb transaction boundaries
store.add(List(obj1, obj2)).onCompleteNewTx { appendTuples =>
  assert(appendTuples.length == 2)
  val (keys, values) = appendTuples.unzip
  assert(values.head == Map("x" -> 0))
  store.get(keys).onCompleteNewTx { getTuples =>
    val (keys2, _) = getTuples.unzip
    store.delete(keys2).onCompleteNewTx { empty =>
      store.count.onCompleteNewTx { counts =>
        assert(counts(0) == 0)
  • working with key ranges
val store = db.openStore[Int, Int](storeName)
store.add(1 to 10).onCompleteNewTx { tuples =>
  store.delete(store.lastKey).onCompleteNewTx { empty => { count =>
      assert(count == 9)
    store.delete(store.firstKey).onCompleteNewTx { empty => { count =>
        assert(count == 8)
      store.delete(store.rangedKey(IDBKeyRange.bound(3,5), Direction.Prev)).onCompleteNewTx { empty => { count =>
          assert(count == 5)
  • working with Index
val db = IndexedDb(recreateDB(dbName))
val store = db.openStore[Int,AnInstance](dbName)
val index = store.index[String]("testIndex")
store.add(List(obj)).onCompleteNewTx { appendTuples =>
  index.get(List("index")).onCompleteNewTx { tuples =>




  3. 2






DBMS for IndexedDB engine, based on Rx principles (type safety, resilience, backpressure, user friendly (reduces all Idb CRUD features to 4 API methods)








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