This assumes you have a working go environment with a GOPATH env var setup, and nodejs and npm installed:
sudo apt install nodejs-legacy npm
Install global npm modules without sudo:
cat > ~/.npmrc <<-EOF
root = $HOME/node/lib/node_modules
prefix = $HOME/node
binroot = $HOME/node/bin
manroot = $HOME/node/man
Setup the environment:
mkdir ~/node
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/node/bin
export NODE_PATH=$HOME/node/lib/node_modules
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone [email protected]:snapcore/snapweb.git
cd snapweb
npm install -g --prefix=$(npm config get prefix) gulp
npm install
cd $GOPATH/src/
Once you have a snap you can transfer it onto a running snappy system and from there install it by running:
sudo snap install [snap]
Given that the snappy system where it was installed on was created with
kvm -m 768 -redir :8022::22 -redir :4200::4200 -hda snappy.img
Then pointing the browser to [http://localhost:4200] will take you to the portal.
To install a package:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"package":"xkcd-webserver"}' http://localhost:4200/api/v2/packages/
To uninstall a package:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4200/api/v2/packages/xkcd-webserver
To list packages:
curl http://localhost:4200/api/v2/packages/
To get a specific package:
curl http://localhost:4200/api/v2/packages/xkcd-webserver
To generate dependencies.tsv you need godeps
, so
go get
To obtain the correct dependencies for the project, run:
godeps -t -u dependencies.tsv
If the dependencies need updating
godeps -t ./... > dependencies.tsv