The CLI that helps you manage your Kuzzle instances.
$ npm install -g kourou
$ kourou COMMAND
running command...
$ kourou (-v|--version|version)
kourou/1.0.1 linux-x64 node-v22.12.0
$ kourou --help [COMMAND]
$ kourou COMMAND
Commands that needs to send requests to Kuzzle API can specify the Kuzzle server address and authentication informations.
By command line:
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle user
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--ssl [default: true for port 443] Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--protocol [default: ws] Protocol used to connect to Kuzzle ( `http` or `ws` )
By environment variables:
KUZZLE_HOST [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
KUZZLE_PORT [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
KUZZLE_USERNAME [default: anonymous] Kuzzle user
KUZZLE_PASSWORD Kuzzle user password
KUZZLE_API_KEY Kuzzle user api-key
KUZZLE_SSL Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
KUZZLE_PROTOCOL Protocol used to connect to Kuzzle ( `http` or `ws` )
You can impersonate a user before executing a command with the --as
flag and a user kuid
User impersonation require the following rights for the authenticated user: security:createApiKey
, security:deleteApiKey
$ kourou sdk:query auth:getCurrentUser --as gordon --username admin --password admin
🚀 Kourou - Executes an API query.
[â„ą] Connecting to http://localhost:7512 ...
[â„ą] Impersonate user "gordon"
When no command is found, Kourou will try to execute the given command with the sdk:query
The first argument has to be the name of the controller and the action separated by a semicolon (eg document:create
Kourou will try to infer common arguments like index
, collection
, _id
or body
It will automatically infer and accept the following lists of arguments:
<command> <index>
- _eg:
kourou collection:list iot
- _eg:
<command> <body>
- _eg:
kourou security:createUser '{"content":{"profileIds":["default"]}}' --id yagmur
- _eg:
<command> <index> <collection>
- _eg:
kourou collection:truncate iot sensors
- _eg:
<command> <index> <collection> <body>
- _eg:
kourou bulk:import iot sensors '{bulkData: []}'
- _eg:
<command> <index> <collection> <id>
- _eg:
kourou document:delete iot sensors sigfox-123
- _eg:
<command> <index> <collection> <id> <body>
- _eg:
kourou document:create iot sensors sigfox-123 '{temperature: 42}'
- _eg:
All other arguments and options will be passed as-is to the sdk:query
Note: you can pass arguments to the API actions with the
option in your command, e.g.kourou security:createFirstAdmin '{ ...credentials here... }' -a reset=true
kourou api-key:check TOKEN
kourou api-key:create USER
kourou api-key:delete USER ID
kourou api-key:search USER
kourou app:debug-proxy
kourou app:doctor
kourou app:scaffold DESTINATION
kourou app:start-services
kourou autocomplete [SHELL]
kourou collection:create INDEX COLLECTION [BODY]
kourou collection:export INDEX COLLECTION
kourou collection:import PATH
kourou collection:migrate SCRIPT PATH
kourou config:diff FIRST SECOND
kourou document:search INDEX COLLECTION [QUERY]
kourou es:aliases:cat
kourou es:indices:cat
kourou es:indices:get INDEX ID
kourou es:indices:insert INDEX
kourou es:migrate
kourou es:snapshot:create REPOSITORY NAME
kourou es:snapshot:create-repository REPOSITORY LOCATION
kourou es:snapshot:list REPOSITORY
kourou es:snapshot:restore REPOSITORY NAME
kourou file:decrypt FILE
kourou file:encrypt FILE
kourou file:test FILE
kourou help [COMMAND]
kourou import PATH
kourou index:export INDEX
kourou index:import PATH
kourou instance:kill
kourou instance:list
kourou instance:logs
kourou instance:spawn
kourou paas:login
kourou profile:export
kourou profile:import PATH
kourou realtime:subscribe INDEX COLLECTION [FILTERS]
kourou redis:list-keys [MATCH]
kourou role:export
kourou role:import PATH
kourou sdk:execute [CODE]
kourou sdk:query CONTROLLER:ACTION
kourou user:export
kourou user:export-mappings
kourou user:import PATH
kourou user:import-mappings PATH
kourou vault:add SECRETS-FILE KEY VALUE
kourou vault:decrypt FILE
kourou vault:encrypt FILE
kourou vault:show SECRETS-FILE [KEY]
kourou vault:test SECRETS-FILE
Checks an API key validity
$ kourou api-key:check TOKEN
TOKEN API key token
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou api-key:check eyJhbG...QxfQrc
See code: lib/commands/api-key/check.js
Creates a new API Key for a user
$ kourou api-key:create USER
USER User kuid
-d, --description=description (required) API Key description
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--expire=expire [default: -1] API Key validity
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--id=id API Key unique ID
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/api-key/create.js
Deletes an API key.
$ kourou api-key:delete USER ID
USER User kuid
ID API Key unique ID
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou vault:delete sigfox-gateway 1k-BF3EBjsXdvA2PR8x
See code: lib/commands/api-key/delete.js
Lists a user's API Keys.
$ kourou api-key:search USER
USER User kuid
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--filter=filter Filter to match the API Key descriptions
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/api-key/search.js
Create a Proxy Server that allows Chrome to debug Kuzzle remotely using the DebugController
$ kourou app:debug-proxy
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--forwardPort=forwardPort [default: 9222] Port of the forwarding server
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--keepAuth Keep the user authenticated
--noAutoEnableDebugger True if Kourou should not enable and disable the Debugger automatically before and after
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--showDebuggerEvents Verbose mode to display events sent to the Chrome Debugger
--showDebuggerPayloads Verbose mode to display payloads sent by and to the Chrome Debugger
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--ttl=ttl [default: 1h] Kuzzle login TTL
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/app/debug-proxy.js
Analyze a Kuzzle application
$ kourou app:doctor
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--elasticsearch=elasticsearch [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/app/doctor.js
Scaffolds a new Kuzzle application
$ kourou app:scaffold DESTINATION
DESTINATION Directory to scaffold the app
--flavor=flavor [default: generic] Template flavor ("generic", "iot").
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/app/scaffold.js
Starts Kuzzle services (Elasticsearch and Redis)
$ kourou app:start-services
--check Check prerequisite before running services
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/app/start-services.js
display autocomplete installation instructions
$ kourou autocomplete [SHELL]
SHELL shell type
-r, --refresh-cache Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)
$ kourou autocomplete
$ kourou autocomplete bash
$ kourou autocomplete zsh
$ kourou autocomplete --refresh-cache
See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete
Creates a collection
$ kourou collection:create INDEX COLLECTION [BODY]
INDEX Index name
COLLECTION Collection name
BODY Collection mappings and settings in JS or JSON format. Will be read from STDIN if available
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/collection/create.js
Exports a collection (JSONL format)
$ kourou collection:export INDEX COLLECTION
INDEX Index name
COLLECTION Collection name
Kuzzle user api-key
Impersonate a user
[default: 2000] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsFetchCount config)
Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the query before sending
[CSV format only] The list of fields to be included in the CSV export in dot-path format.
--fields oneField,anotherField,yetAnotherOne.nested.moarNested
Note that the '_id' field is always included in the CSV export. Leaving this option empty implies that all
exportable fields in the mapping will be exported.
[default: jsonl] "kuzzle" will export in Kuzzle format usable for internal fixtures,
"jsonl" allows to import that data back with kourou,
"csv" allows to import data into Excel (please, specify the fields to export using the --fields option).
show CLI help
[default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
Kuzzle user password
Dump root directory
[default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
[default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
[default: {}] Only dump documents matching the query (JS or JSON format)
[default: 20s] The scroll TTL option to pass to the dump operation (which performs a under the
expressed in ms format, e.g. '2s', '1m', '3h'.
Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
[default: all] Type of the export: all, mappings, data
[default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou collection:export nyc-open-data yellow-taxi
kourou collection:export nyc-open-data yellow-taxi --query '{ term: { city: "Saigon" } }'
See code: lib/commands/collection/export.js
Imports a collection
$ kourou collection:import PATH
PATH Dump directory path
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 200] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsWriteCount config)
--collection=collection If set, override the collection destination name
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--index=index If set, override the index destination name
--no-mappings Skip collection mappings
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/collection/import.js
Migrate a collection by transforming documents from a dump file and importing them into Kuzzle
$ kourou collection:migrate SCRIPT PATH
SCRIPT Migration script path
PATH Collection dump path
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 200] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsWriteCount config)
--collection=collection If set, override the collection destination name
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--index=index If set, override the index destination name
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/collection/migrate.js
Returns differences between two Kuzzle configuration files (kuzzlerc)
$ kourou config:diff FIRST SECOND
FIRST First configuration file
SECOND Second configuration file
--strict Exit with an error if differences are found
--values Also displays value changes
kourou config:diff config/local/kuzzlerc config/production/kuzzlerc
See code: lib/commands/config/diff.js
Searches for documents
$ kourou document:search INDEX COLLECTION [QUERY]
INDEX Index name
COLLECTION Collection name
QUERY Search query in JS or JSON format.
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--editor Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the request before sending
--from=from Optional offset
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--lang=lang [default: koncorde] Specify the query language to use
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--scroll=scroll Optional scroll TTL
--size=size Optional page size
--sort=sort [default: {}] Sort in JS or JSON format.
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou document:search iot sensors '{ equals: { name: "corona" } }'
kourou document:search iot sensors '{ match: { name: "cOrOnna" } }' -a lang=elasticsearch
kourou document:search iot sensors --editor
See code: lib/commands/document/search.js
Lists available ES aliases
$ kourou es:aliases:cat
-g, --grep=grep Match output with pattern
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/aliases/cat.js
Lists available ES indexes
$ kourou es:indices:cat
-g, --grep=grep Match output with pattern
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/indices/cat.js
Gets a document from ES
$ kourou es:indices:get INDEX ID
INDEX ES Index name
ID Document ID
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/indices/get.js
Inserts a document directly into ES (will replace if exists)
$ kourou es:indices:insert INDEX
INDEX ES Index name
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--body=body [default: {}] Document body in JSON
--help show CLI help
--id=id Document ID
See code: lib/commands/es/indices/insert.js
Migrate all the index from an Elasticsearch (or a file) to another Elasticsearch
$ kourou es:migrate
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 1000] How many documents to move in batch per operation
--dest=dest (required) Migration destination provider
--dry-run Print witch collections will be migrated
--help show CLI help
--no-interactive Skip confirmation interactive prompts (perfect for scripting)
--pattern=pattern Pattern to match indices to migrate
--reset Reset destination Elasticsearch server
--scroll=scroll [default: 30s] Scroll duration for Elasticsearch scrolling
--src=src (required) Migration source provider
kourou es:migrate --src http://elasticsearch:9200 --dest ./my-backup --batch-size 2000 --pattern
kourou es:migrate --src ./my-backup --dest http://elasticsearch:9200 --reset --batch-size 2000 --no-interactive
See code: lib/commands/es/migrate.js
Create a snapshot repository inside an ES instance
$ kourou es:snapshot:create REPOSITORY NAME
REPOSITORY ES repository name
NAME ES snapshot name
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/snapshot/create.js
Create a FS snapshot repository inside an ES instance
$ kourou es:snapshot:create-repository REPOSITORY LOCATION
REPOSITORY ES repository name
LOCATION ES snapshot repository location
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--compress Compress data when storing them
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/snapshot/create-repository.js
List all snapshot from a repository acknowledge by an ES instance
$ kourou es:snapshot:list REPOSITORY
REPOSITORY Name of repository from which to fetch the snapshot information
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/snapshot/list.js
Restore a snapshot repository inside an ES instance
$ kourou es:snapshot:restore REPOSITORY NAME
REPOSITORY ES repository name
NAME ES snapshot name
-n, --node=node [default: http://localhost:9200] Elasticsearch server URL
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/es/snapshot/restore.js
Decrypts an encrypted file.
$ kourou file:decrypt FILE
FILE Encrypted file
-f, --force Overwrite the output file if it already exists
-o, --output-file=output-file Output file (default: remove ".enc")
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
kourou file:decrypt books/cryptonomicon.txt.enc --vault-key <vault-key>
kourou file:decrypt books/cryptonomicon.txt.enc -o books/cryptonomicon.txt --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/file/decrypt.js
Encrypts an entire file.
$ kourou file:encrypt FILE
FILE Filename
-f, --force Overwrite the output file if it already exists
-o, --output-file=output-file Output file (default: <filename>.enc)
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
kourou file:encrypt books/cryptonomicon.txt --vault-key <vault-key>
kourou file:encrypt books/cryptonomicon.txt -o books/cryptonomicon.txt.enc --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/file/encrypt.js
Tests if an encrypted file can be decrypted.
$ kourou file:test FILE
FILE Encrypted file
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
kourou file:test books/cryptonomicon.txt.enc --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/file/test.js
display help for kourou
$ kourou help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Recursively imports dump files from a root directory
$ kourou import PATH
PATH Root directory containing dumps
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 200] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsWriteCount config)
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--preserve-anonymous Preserve anonymous rights
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/import.js
Exports an index (JSONL or Kuzzle format)
$ kourou index:export INDEX
INDEX Index name
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 2000] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsFetchCount config)
--format=format [default: jsonl] "jsonl or kuzzle - kuzzle will export in Kuzzle format usable for internal
fixtures and jsonl allows to import that data back with kourou
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--path=path Dump root directory
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--query=query [default: {}] Only dump documents in collections matching the query (JS or JSON format)
--scrollTTL=scrollTTL [default: 20s] The scroll TTL option to pass to the dump operation (which performs a under the hood),
expressed in ms format, e.g. '2s', '1m', '3h'.
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--type=type [default: all] Type of the export: all, mappings, data
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou index:export nyc-open-data
kourou index:export nyc-open-data --query '{"range":{"_kuzzle_info.createdAt":{"gt":1632935638866}}}'
See code: lib/commands/index/export.js
Imports an index (JSONL format)
$ kourou index:import PATH
PATH Dump directory or file
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 200] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsWriteCount config)
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--index=index If set, override the index destination name
--no-mappings Skip collections mappings
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou index:import ./dump/iot-data
kourou index:import ./dump/iot-data --index iot-data-production --no-mappings
See code: lib/commands/index/import.js
Stop and remove all the containers of a running kuzzle instance
$ kourou instance:kill
-a, --all Kill all instances
-i, --instance=instance Kuzzle instance name [ex: stack-0]
See code: lib/commands/instance/kill.js
Lists the Kuzzle running instances
$ kourou instance:list
See code: lib/commands/instance/list.js
Displays the logs of a running Kuzzle
$ kourou instance:logs
-f, --follow Follow log output
-i, --instance=instance Kuzzle instance name
See code: lib/commands/instance/logs.js
Spawn a new Kuzzle instance
$ kourou instance:spawn
-v, --version=version [default: 2] Core-version of the instance to spawn
--check Check prerequisite before running Kuzzle
--help show CLI help
See code: lib/commands/instance/spawn.js
Login for a PaaS project
$ kourou paas:login
--help show CLI help
--only_npm Only perform the login on the private NPM registry
--project=project Current PaaS project
--username=username PaaS username
See code: lib/commands/paas/login.js
Exports profiles
$ kourou profile:export
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--path=path [default: profiles] Dump directory
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/profile/export.js
Imports profiles
$ kourou profile:import PATH
PATH Dump file
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/profile/import.js
Subscribes to realtime notifications
$ kourou realtime:subscribe INDEX COLLECTION [FILTERS]
INDEX Index name
COLLECTION Collection name
FILTERS Set of Koncorde filters
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--display=display [default: result] Path of the property to display from the notification (empty string to display
--editor Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the filters before subscribing.
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: websocket] Kuzzle protocol (only websocket for realtime)
--scope=scope [default: all] Subscribe to document entering or leaving the scope (all, in, out, none)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
--users=users [default: all] Subscribe to users entering or leaving the room (all, in, out, none)
--volatile=volatile [default: {}] Additional subscription information used in user join/leave notifications
kourou realtime:subscribe iot-data sensors
kourou realtime:subscribe iot-data sensors '{ range: { temperature: { gt: 0 } } }'
kourou realtime:subscribe iot-data sensors '{ exists: "position" }' --scope out
kourou realtime:subscribe iot-data sensors --users all --volatile '{ clientId: "citizen-kane" }'
kourou realtime:subscribe iot-data sensors --display result._source.temperature
See code: lib/commands/realtime/subscribe.js
Lists keys stored in Redis
$ kourou redis:list-keys [MATCH]
MATCH [default: *] Match Redis keys with a pattern
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--max=max [default: -1] Maximum number of page to retrieve (-1 to retrieve everything)
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--remove Remove matching keys
--size=size [default: 100] Page size
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
kourou redis:list-keys "*cluster*"
kourou redis:list-keys "counters/*" --remove
See code: lib/commands/redis/list-keys.js
Exports roles
$ kourou role:export
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--path=path [default: roles] Dump directory
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/role/export.js
Import roles
$ kourou role:import PATH
PATH Dump file
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--preserve-anonymous Preserve anonymous rights
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/role/import.js
Executes arbitrary code.
$ kourou sdk:execute [CODE]
CODE Code to execute. Will be read from STDIN if available.
-v, --var=var Additional arguments injected into the code. (eg: --var 'index="iot-data"'
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--editor Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the code before executing it.
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--keep-alive Keep the connection running (websocket only)
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--print-raw Print only the script result to stdout
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
Executes arbitrary code.
Code Execution
Provided code will be executed in an async method.
You can access a connected and authenticated SDK with the "sdk" variable.
Templated variable passed as the command arguments are also accessible within the same name.
Returned value will be printed on the standard output (e.g. 'return await;').
Errors will be caught and printed on the error output (e.g. 'throw new Error("failure");').
Provide code
code can be passed as an argument
code will be read from STDIN if available
- kourou sdk:execute 'return await'
- kourou sdk:execute 'return await sdk.index.exists(index)' --var 'index="iot-data"'
- kourou sdk:execute < snippet.js
- echo 'return await' | kourou sdk:execute
use the --editor flag to modify the code before executing it
- kourou sdk:execute 'return await' --editor
See code: lib/commands/sdk/execute.js
Executes an API query.
$ kourou sdk:query CONTROLLER:ACTION
CONTROLLER:ACTION Controller and action (eg: "server:now")
-a, --arg=arg Additional argument. Repeatable. (e.g. "-a refresh=wait_for")
-c, --collection=collection Collection argument
-i, --index=index Index argument
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--body=body [default: {}] Request body in JS or JSON format. Will be read from STDIN if available.
--body-editor Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the body before sending.
--display=display [default: result] Path of the property to display from the response (empty string to
display the result)
--editor Open an editor (EDITOR env variable) to edit the request before sending.
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--id=id ID argument (_id)
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--print-raw Print only the query result to stdout
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or ws)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
Executes an API query.
Query arguments
Arguments can be passed and repeated using the --arg or -a flag.
Index and collection names can be passed with --index (-i) and --collection (-c) flags
ID can be passed with the --id flag.
- kourou sdk:query document:delete -i iot -c sensors -a refresh=wait_for
Query body
Body can be passed with the --body flag with either a JSON or JS string.
Body will be read from STDIN if available
- kourou sdk:query document:create -i iot -c sensors --body '{creation:}'
- kourou sdk:query admin:loadMappings < mappings.json
- echo '{dynamic: "strict"}' | kourou sdk:query collection:create -i iot -c sensors
Use the --editor flag to modify the query before sending it to Kuzzle
Use the --display flag to display a specific property of the response
- kourou sdk:query document:create -i iot -c sensors --editor
- kourou sdk:query server:now --display ''
Default fallback to API action
It's possible to use the "sdk:query" command by only specifying the corresponding controller
and action as first argument.
Kourou will try to infer the first arguments to one the following pattern:
- <command> <index>
- <command> <body>
- <command> <index> <collection>
- <command> <index> <collection> <id>
- <command> <index> <collection> <body>
- <command> <index> <collection> <id> <body>
If a flag is given (-i, -c, --body or --id), then the flag value has priority over
argument infering.
- kourou collection:list iot
- kourou security:createUser '{ "content": { "profileIds": ["default"] } }' --id yagmur
- kourou collection:delete iot sensors
- kourou document:createOrReplace iot sensors sigfox-1 '{}'
- kourou bulk:import iot sensors '{ bulkData: [...] }'
- kourou admin:loadMappings < mappings.json
See code: lib/commands/sdk/query.js
Exports users to JSON.
$ kourou user:export
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--batch-size=batch-size [default: 2000] Maximum batch size (see limits.documentsFetchCount config)
--exclude=exclude Exclude users by matching their IDs with a regexp
--generate-credentials Generate credentials with a random password for users
--generated-username=generated-username [default: _id] User content property used as a username for local credentials
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--path=path [default: users] Dump directory
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
Exports users to JSON.
The users will be exported WITHOUT their credentials since Kuzzzle can't access them.
You can either:
- Manually re-create credentials for your users
- Use the "mustChangePasswordIfSetByAdmin" option Kuzzle password policies (see
- Use the "--generate-credentials" flag to auto-generate credentials for your users
Auto-generation of credentials
With the "--generate-credentials" flag, Kourou will add credentials for the "local" strategy.
By default, the username will be the user ID.
Use the "generated-username" flag to use an other property than the user ID for the generated username
The password will be a strong random 40 characters string
- kourou user:export
- kourou user:export --exclude '.*admin.*' --exclude 'supervisor.*'
- kourou user:export --generate-credentials
- kourou user:export --generate-credentials --generated-username
See code: lib/commands/user/export.js
Exports users collection mappings to JSON.
$ kourou user:export-mappings
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--path=path [default: users] Dump directory
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/user/export-mappings.js
Imports users
$ kourou user:import PATH
PATH Dump file
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/user/import.js
Imports users collection mappings
$ kourou user:import-mappings PATH
PATH Dump file
--api-key=api-key Kuzzle user api-key
--as=as Impersonate a user
--help show CLI help
--host=host [default: localhost] Kuzzle server host
--password=password Kuzzle user password
--port=port [default: 7512] Kuzzle server port
--protocol=protocol [default: ws] Kuzzle protocol (http or websocket)
--ssl Use SSL to connect to Kuzzle
--username=username [default: anonymous] Kuzzle username (local strategy)
See code: lib/commands/user/import-mappings.js
Adds an encrypted key to an encrypted secrets file.
$ kourou vault:add SECRETS-FILE KEY VALUE
SECRETS-FILE Encrypted secrets file
KEY Path to the key (lodash style)
VALUE Value to encrypt
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
Adds an encrypted key to an encrypted secrets file.
A new secrets file is created if it does not yet exist.
Encrypted secrets are meant to be loaded inside an application with Kuzzle Vault.
See for more information.
kourou vault:add config/secrets.enc.json aws.s3.keyId b61e267676660c314b006b06 --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/vault/add.js
Decrypts an entire secrets file.
$ kourou vault:decrypt FILE
FILE File containing encrypted secrets
-f, --force Overwrite the output file if it already exists
-o, --output-file=output-file Output file (default: remove ".enc")
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
Decrypts an entire secrets file.
Decrypted secrets file must NEVER be committed into the repository.
See for more information.
kourou vault:decrypt config/secrets.enc.json --vault-key <vault-key>
kourou vault:decrypt config/secrets.enc.json -o config/secrets.json --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/vault/decrypt.js
Encrypts an entire secrets file.
$ kourou vault:encrypt FILE
FILE File containing unencrypted secrets
-f, --force Overwrite the output file if it already exists
-o, --output-file=output-file Output file (default: <file>.enc.json)
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
Encrypts an entire secrets file.
The secrets file must be in JSON format and it must contain only strings or objects.
aws: {
s3: {
keyId: 'b61e267676660c314b006b06'
Encrypted secrets are meant to be loaded inside an application with Kuzzle Vault.
See for more information.
kourou vault:encrypt config/secrets.json --vault-key <vault-key>
kourou vault:encrypt config/secrets.json -o config/secrets_prod.enc.json --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/vault/encrypt.js
Prints an encrypted secrets file content.
$ kourou vault:show SECRETS-FILE [KEY]
SECRETS-FILE Encrypted secrets file
KEY Path to a key (lodash style)
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
Prints an encrypted secrets file content.
This method can display either:
- the entire content of the secrets file
- a single key value
See for more information.
kourou vault:show config/secrets.enc.json --vault-key <vault-key>
kourou vault:show config/secrets.enc.json aws.s3.secretKey --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/vault/show.js
Tests if an encrypted secrets file can be decrypted.
$ kourou vault:test SECRETS-FILE
SECRETS-FILE Encrypted secrets file
--vault-key=vault-key Kuzzle Vault Key (or KUZZLE_VAULT_KEY)
Tests if an encrypted secrets file can be decrypted.
See for more information.
kourou vault:test config/secrets.enc.json --vault-key <vault-key>
See code: lib/commands/vault/test.js
We liked the idea that this CLI is like a launchpad for the Kuzzle rocket. The place where you launch and pilot your Kuzzle instance. The place where the European Space Agency launches their rockets is in the country near the city of Kourou, in French Guiana, so we liked the idea that the Kuzzle rockets would take off from there.
Quine are programs able to print their own source code.
$ kourou sdk:execute --print-raw '(
function quine() {
const quote = String.fromCharCode(39);
const lparen = String.fromCharCode(40);
const rparen = String.fromCharCode(41);
console.log("kourou sdk:execute --print-raw " + quote + lparen + quine.toString() + rparen + lparen + rparen + ";" + quote)
(Kuzzle must be accessible and running in local)
We use a custom Open Source analytics backend (you can check the code here) to record the use of Kourou by users.
Collected metrics will allow us to study the use of our products in order to improve them. We do not collect any personal data about users.
You can disable usage metrics collection by setting the KOUROU_USAGE
environment variable to false