Example REST API on Laravel Framework. Based on Avito test task about rest json for announcements.
In the future, it is planned to make different branches for creating applications with various frameworks and libraries (like Slim, Symphony and may be others).
To start app in docker use docker-compose up --build
in the root directory. After the docker containers are started, execute:
# Pull up all composer dependencies
docker-compose exec app composer install
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose exec app vim .env
#Change the database configuration as below.
# Additional rights settings
docker-compose exec app chown -R www-data:www-data storage
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
# If the connection to the database is configured correctly,
# the migrations will be performed
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate --seed
docker-compose exec app php artisan config:cache
GET | api/announcements - get lists of all announcements with pagination 10 items on page
POST | api/announcements - create new announcement. Expect data: title (max 200), description (max 1000), user_id integer, photos array (optional) - list of url (string) for photos linked with this announcement. Max 3 photos for announcement.
Expect options sort (price, crated_at) and return ordered by this field list of items. If before field setted -
than return items in DESC order. By default, without options, return all items sorted by created_at DESC.
GET|HEAD | api/announcements/{id} - get one announcement. Expect options fields that can contain params photos and description. In that case return additional data.
Execute this command to run tests:
docker-compose exec app composer test