These examples are copied from the main terraform-google-lb-http repo.
However, their source module is set to my own changes from issue-112-dual-stack branch. Idea is to exactly test the changes as requested in this issue comment.
There are 2 cases to be verified for IPv6 address changes - as outlined in the discussion thread:
- new automatically allocated IPv6 address (folder: new_ipv6)
- pre-created IPv6 address (either EIP in GCP or bring-your-own-address) (folder: precreated_ipv6)
I have also included exact changes I made to the https-redirect
example in the corresponding .diff
The output from terraform
commands is included in some .txt
files in the respective example directories.
To run the examples, change into the corresponding directory, edit the values in test.tfvars
file (mainly, project id, region, zone and network_name) and run following commands:
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var-file=test.tfvars # to see the changes before applying them
$ terraform apply -var-file=test.tfvars # to finally apply the changes.
To destroy the infra created, run:
$ terraform destroy -var-file=test.tfvars