This is a starting point for all Spree/Rails related projects at Spark Solutions, it contains:
- Ruby on Rails 5
- Spree Commerce 3.2
- Webpack for asset bundling (JS/CSS/Sass/images) with hot reload
- Babel 6 for EcmaScript 2015 / ES6 support
- ReactJS with Hot Reload, Redux, React-router and server side rendering via therubyracer and react-rails gem
- SPA frontend + classic rails views (simple layout switcher)
Heavily inspired by react-webpack-rails-tutorial
To start the project just type:
foreman start -f
This repository is prepared for Heroku deployment with assets hosting on Amazon S3 for production and Amazon Cloudfront as a CDN.
Before the first deploy, in the project directory run:
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
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Spark Starter Kit is maintained and funded by Spark Solutions Sp. z o.o. The names and logos are trademarks of Spark Solutions Sp. z o.o.
We are passionate about open source software. We are available for hire.