This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
As this is a simple site and requires no routing, it was bootstrapped with create-react-app typescript template. If this was a more complex project, I would use NextJS and take advantage of the file based routing approach.
To speed up development time, Chakra UI was used for UI components. Styled Components or Emotion could also have been used. This is my preference rather than using seperate style sheets as its easy to keep track of specific styles for components, and prevents class name bugs. Other approches could have included TailwindCSS and styled components.
If head
details need to be changed, something like React Helmet could be used to control the meta data, but this is not needed here.
This project is deployed to
I have included the typical project structure I use. Some of these directrories will be empty due to this being a small project.
Axios was used for Http requests. The base url for the Air Quality API is stored in the env file. Have included an example env in the repo, but this would not normally be pushed to the repo! The swagger for the air quality API can be found at
These can be found in the __tests__
directory. Tests can be run using yarn test
and yarn test:watch
. Jest to run tests and Enzyme for mocking. More tests should be included than this 😃
I have used a npm package for autocomplete component (chakra-ui-autocomplete) due to time contraints. If I had more time would make my own as it does not quite meet the spec needs. The component does not currently have a custom render for the list of cities, and so when height is added to the list props, the list shows even when no cities are selected. 😒
I needed to add value
and label
properties as there was no way to amend to accept other property names. 😒 😒
There also seems to be a bug with setting the color of the input. The components includes tags by default, with no way to switch them off. However, I think they look kind of cool and provide a way of deleting all locations for a city.
Air Quality location data - to get the air quality values the endpoint /v2/latest
was used. To get city data /v2/cities
. Parameters to reduce the response size were used included country code and city names. The endpoint /v2/latest
is called every time a new city was selected. but in some scenarios, it might be better do one call with all the selected cities.
The latest data could be restricted by entered dates for the last year, but I did not do this.
As a city could have multiple locations (eg Manchester) there are potentially multiple locations for a city. In the mock pdf, only one location per city is shown. On the delete call to action, only that specific location will be removed from the array. if only one location should be shown per city, code can be refactored to account for this.
- Chakra UI install and basic theme
- Basic tests for checking Home and App component render ok
- Request function using Axios using base URL
- Autocomplete component for cities input box
- Function to get all cities
- Grid layout for city child component
- Function to get locations by city
- call to action to remove location from selected items
- Confirm hex values of linear gradient so it can be a bit nicer and match the mockup pdf
- Confirm font sizes
- Make styling for input box a little nicer - it currently does mot match mockup completely
- Custom component for autocomplete - this is currently a package component to save time, but does not match spec completely
- Include the measurement unit
- Group locations by city (if there is more than one)
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
This deploys the project to