This document outlines the criteria, scope, and status of the repositories within the Kubewarden GitHub organization.
Repositories in the Kubewarden organization are dedicated to various aspects of the project, including its core codebase, documentation, tools, libraries, and subprojects. Each repository is expected to strictly pertain to Kubewarden's ecosystem or its operational needs.
Each repository must include a CODEOWNERS file in the root directory, following GitHub's format specification. This file identifies individuals responsible for different parts of the repository to streamline the review process.
All content within the repositories must be licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. A LICENSE file must be present in the root of each repository to comply with this requirement.
The scope of a repository delineates its role and responsibilities within the Kubewarden project, as determined and potentially revised by Core Maintainers. Below, each scope is expanded upon to offer a clearer picture of its significance and purpose.
Repositories within the Core Scope are the essential building blocks of the Kubewarden project. They include the project's fundamental codebase, such as the APIs, primary libraries, and the core components required for Kubewarden's operation. These repositories are crucial for the development, deployment, and running of Kubewarden, serving as the primary resources that adopters interact with. Core Scope repositories must exhibit high standards of reliability, security, and performance to ensure the stability of Kubewarden as a whole.
Infra Scope repositories are dedicated to supporting the project's underlying infrastructure. This scope includes tools and services for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), monitoring, logging, and any other operational tools that facilitate the development and maintenance of Kubewarden. While these repositories might not directly contribute to the project's functionality from an end-user perspective, they are indispensable for the project's health, efficiency, and scalability.
The Policies Scope encompasses repositories that contain specific policies designed for execution within the Kubewarden framework. These policies can cover a wide range of security, compliance, and governance checks applicable to Kubernetes clusters. Repositories in the Policies Scope are critical for enabling users to enforce best practices, regulatory requirements, and organizational policies within their Kubernetes environments. They represent the actionable components of Kubewarden, allowing for the customization and extension of Kubernetes security and management.
Special Scope repositories include those that do not fit neatly into the other defined scopes. This category can cover a broad range of repositories, including but not limited to, community engagement tools, documentation websites, experimental projects, and any forks or mirrors of external projects that are relevant to Kubewarden. These repositories might serve niche purposes or support the project's ecosystem in unique and valuable ways. While they may not directly contribute to the core functionality of Kubewarden, they play a role in the project's overall health, growth, and community engagement.
The status of each repository within the Kubewarden project signifies its current maturity and development phase, as periodically assessed by Core Maintainers. This classification aids users in understanding the expected stability, support level, and usage recommendations for each repository.
Stable status is assigned to repositories that have reached a peak level of maturity, making them dependable for production environments. These repositories benefit from regular maintenance, updates, and rigorous testing processes to guarantee their reliability and performance. Stable repositories are the cornerstone of Kubewarden, providing well-documented, thoroughly tested components.
Incubating repositories are actively being developed and may experience significant modifications as they evolve. They represent the middle ground in the maturity spectrum, where the foundational ideas and functionalities are being refined and expanded. While incubating repositories hold the potential to graduate to stable status, they are currently in a state where their use in critical production environments should be approached with caution, as features and APIs may change.
Sandbox repositories are at the forefront of innovation within the Kubewarden project, embodying the initial stages of development. They serve as a breeding ground for new ideas and experimental features, offering a space to experiment, provide feedback, and shape the project's future directions. While promising, these repositories are not yet mature or stable enough for production use and are best explored in testing or development environments.
Deprecated repositories have been phased out of active development and maintenance, effectively serving as archives. They may have been superseded by more advanced technologies or concepts within the project or no longer align with the project's direction. While they remain accessible for historical interest, their contents are outdated, and they are not recommended for any practical application.
Core Maintainers are pivotal to the governance of the Kubewarden organization, holding responsibilities that include:
- Assigning or revoking the core status of repositories.
- Maintaining special repositories.
- Managing non-functioning or abandoned repositories.
- Resolving disputes within the organization.
Maintainers are expected to act in the best interest of the entire Kubewarden community and organization.