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Skip http proxy localhost for docker env #5289



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@n0npax n0npax commented Sep 7, 2019

Some people are using ntlm in the work office and cntlm to proxy traffic from terminal via some proxy. Very common setup is HTTP{,S}_PROXY=localhost:${PORT}. Assuming user is running minikube start, the network configuration will be passed to minikube.

😄  minikube v1.2.0 on linux (amd64)
🔥  Creating virtualbox VM (CPUs=2, Memory=2048MB, Disk=20000MB) ...
🌐  Found network options:
   ▪ HTTP_PROXY=localhost:3128
⚠️  You appear to be using a proxy, but your NO_PROXY environment does not include the minikube IP ( Please see for more details
   ▪ HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128
🐳  Configuring environment for Kubernetes v1.15.0 on Docker 18.09.6
   ▪ env HTTP_PROXY=localhost:3128
   ▪ env HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128
🚜  Pulling images ...
🚀  Launching Kubernetes ...
⌛  Verifying: apiserver proxy etcd scheduler controller dns
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "test-1"

This is causing issues with fetching images. In example

Warning  Failed     19s (x2 over 31s)  kubelet, minikube  Failed to pull image "nginx": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp connect: connection refused

Proposed solution:
If HTTP{s,}_PROXY is pointing to localhost print warning and ignore it for dockerEnvs

😄  [test-1] minikube v1.4.0-beta.0 on Ubuntu 18.04
⚠️  Not passing HTTP_PROXY=localhost:3128 to docker env. <------- This is new part!
⚠️  Not passing HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128 to docker env.
⚠️  Not passing HTTP_PROXY=localhost:3128 to docker env.
⚠️  Not passing HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128 to docker env.
🔄  Starting existing virtualbox VM for "test-1" ...
Check network to re-create if needed...
Waiting for an IP...
⌛  Waiting for the host to be provisioned ...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
🌐  Found network options:
    ▪ HTTP_PROXY=localhost:3128
⚠️  You appear to be using a proxy, but your NO_PROXY environment does not include the minikube IP ( Please see for more detail
    ▪ HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:3128
    ▪ http_proxy=localhost:3128
    ▪ https_proxy=localhost:3128
🐳  Preparing Kubernetes v1.16.0-beta.1 on Docker 18.09.8 ...
🔄  Relaunching Kubernetes using kubeadm ...
⌛  Waiting for: apiserver proxy etcd scheduler controller dns
🏄  Done! kubectl is now configured to use "test-1"

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. label Sep 7, 2019
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Hi @n0npax. Thanks for your PR.

I'm waiting for a kubernetes member to verify that this patch is reasonable to test. If it is, they should reply with /ok-to-test on its own line. Until that is done, I will not automatically test new commits in this PR, but the usual testing commands by org members will still work. Regular contributors should join the org to skip this step.

Once the patch is verified, the new status will be reflected by the ok-to-test label.

I understand the commands that are listed here.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. label Sep 7, 2019
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This pull-request has been approved by: n0npax
To complete the pull request process, please assign medyagh
You can assign the PR to them by writing /assign @medyagh in a comment when ready.

The full list of commands accepted by this bot can be found here.

Needs approval from an approver in each of these files:

Approvers can indicate their approval by writing /approve in a comment
Approvers can cancel approval by writing /approve cancel in a comment

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Can one of the admins verify this patch?

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files. label Sep 7, 2019
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Travis tests have failed

Hey @n0npax,
Please read the following log in order to understand the failure reason.
It'll be awesome if you fix what's wrong and commit the changes.

1st Build

View build log

make test
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go -pkg assets deploy/addons/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go -pkg translate translations/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go
= go mod ================================================================
= make lint =============================================================
golangci/golangci-lint info checking GitHub for tag 'v1.17.1'
golangci/golangci-lint info found version: 1.17.1 for v1.17.1/linux/amd64
golangci/golangci-lint info installed out/linters/golangci-lint
cmd/minikube/cmd/start_test.go:96:55: `occured` is a misspelling of `occurred` (misspell)
					t.Fatalf("Value %v not expected in dockerEnv but occured", v)
Makefile:334: recipe for target 'lint-ci' failed
make[1]: *** [lint-ci] Error 1
= boilerplate ===========================================================
= schema_check ==========================================================
= go test ===============================================================
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.804897   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/addon-manager.yaml.tmpl with 1452 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.808914   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/dashboard/dashboard-dp.yaml.tmpl with 1605 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.809005   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/dashboard/dashboard-svc.yaml.tmpl with 979 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.809042   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storageclass/storageclass.yaml.tmpl with 271 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.811552   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner/storage-provisioner.yaml.tmpl with 1755 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.811617   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/storage-gluster-ns.yaml.tmpl with 230 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.811712   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/glusterfs-daemonset.yaml.tmpl with 3935 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.811801   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/heketi-deployment.yaml.tmpl with 4045 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.811876   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/storage-provisioner-glusterfile.yaml.tmpl with 3236 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.812248   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/influx-grafana-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2540 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.812309   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/grafana-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1085 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.812373   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/influxdb-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1048 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.812622   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/heapster-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1651 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.812674   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/heapster-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1006 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.813735   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/elasticsearch-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2209 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.813891   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/elasticsearch-svc.yaml.tmpl with 947 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.814131   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/fluentd-es-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2096 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.814371   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/fluentd-es-configmap.yaml.tmpl with 9863 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.814504   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/kibana-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1606 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.814657   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/kibana-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1011 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.815025   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-configmap.yaml.tmpl with 1281 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.815167   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-rbac.yaml.tmpl with 2575 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.815486   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-dp.yaml.tmpl with 3045 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.815736   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-apiservice.yaml.tmpl with 401 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.815979   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-server-deployment.yaml.tmpl with 660 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816058   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-server-service.yaml.tmpl with 401 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816155   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-rc.yaml.tmpl with 748 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816243   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-svc.yaml.tmpl with 333 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816353   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-proxy.yaml.tmpl with 878 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816433   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry-creds/registry-creds-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2868 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816662   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/freshpod/freshpod-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1437 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.816948   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gpu/nvidia-driver-installer.yaml.tmpl with 2487 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.817215   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gpu/nvidia-gpu-device-plugin.yaml.tmpl with 2111 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.817373   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/logviewer/logviewer-dp-and-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1942 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.817478   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/logviewer/logviewer-rbac.yaml.tmpl with 1064 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.817714   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-pod.yaml.tmpl with 1941 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.817823   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-runtimeclass.yaml with 798 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.818060   10926 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-config.toml with 1738 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:35:23.835726   10926 translate.go:92] Setting Language to en-US ...
E0907 10:35:23.839059   10926 out.go:95] [unset errFile]: X Invalid size passed in argument: invalid size: ''
FAIL	0.059s
ok	0.071s	coverage: 18.9% of statements
ok	0.008s	coverage: 19.6% of statements
ok	0.054s	coverage: 2.3% of statements
ok	0.044s	coverage: 61.8% of statements
ok	3.406s	coverage: 72.9% of statements
ok	0.082s	coverage: 29.5% of statements
ok	0.413s	coverage: 54.2% of statements
ok	0.032s	coverage: 76.0% of statements
ok	0.010s	coverage: 62.4% of statements
ok	0.011s	coverage: 56.7% of statements
ok	0.048s	coverage: 75.6% of statements
ok	0.029s	coverage: 1.4% of statements
ok	0.036s	coverage: 11.3% of statements
ok	0.023s	coverage: 77.8% of statements
ok	0.016s	coverage: 70.3% of statements
ok	0.018s	coverage: 42.9% of statements
ok	0.008s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.049s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.039s	coverage: 35.9% of statements
ok	0.352s	coverage: 75.0% of statements
ok	0.005s	coverage: 8.4% of statements
ok	2.140s	coverage: 64.5% of statements
ok	1.495s	coverage: 61.6% of statements
ok	0.006s	coverage: 59.1% of statements
ok	0.003s	coverage: 0.0% of statements
Makefile:232: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 20
TravisBuddy Request Identifier: 53dafb40-d15b-11e9-abee-f3892bc79bc5

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Contributor Author

n0npax commented Sep 7, 2019

Should I create an issue for this PR or just PR is good enough?

@n0npax n0npax changed the title Skip http proxy localhost for docker env [WIP] Skip http proxy localhost for docker env Sep 7, 2019
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. label Sep 7, 2019
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Travis tests have failed

Hey @n0npax,
Please read the following log in order to understand the failure reason.
It'll be awesome if you fix what's wrong and commit the changes.

1st Build

View build log

make test
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go -pkg assets deploy/addons/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go -pkg translate translations/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go
= go mod ================================================================
= make lint =============================================================
golangci/golangci-lint info checking GitHub for tag 'v1.17.1'
golangci/golangci-lint info found version: 1.17.1 for v1.17.1/linux/amd64
golangci/golangci-lint info installed out/linters/golangci-lint
= boilerplate ===========================================================
= schema_check ==========================================================
= go test ===============================================================
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256156   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/addon-manager.yaml.tmpl with 1452 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256523   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/dashboard/dashboard-dp.yaml.tmpl with 1605 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256609   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/dashboard/dashboard-svc.yaml.tmpl with 979 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256681   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storageclass/storageclass.yaml.tmpl with 271 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256877   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner/storage-provisioner.yaml.tmpl with 1755 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.256948   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/storage-gluster-ns.yaml.tmpl with 230 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257070   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/glusterfs-daemonset.yaml.tmpl with 3935 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257237   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/heketi-deployment.yaml.tmpl with 4045 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257359   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/storage-provisioner-gluster/storage-provisioner-glusterfile.yaml.tmpl with 3236 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257625   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/influx-grafana-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2540 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257711   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/grafana-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1085 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.257799   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/influxdb-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1048 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.258005   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/heapster-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1651 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.258093   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/heapster/heapster-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1006 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.258329   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/elasticsearch-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2209 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.261715   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/elasticsearch-svc.yaml.tmpl with 947 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.264338   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/fluentd-es-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2096 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.264610   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/fluentd-es-configmap.yaml.tmpl with 9863 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.264730   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/kibana-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1606 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.264938   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/efk/kibana-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1011 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265054   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-configmap.yaml.tmpl with 1281 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265216   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-rbac.yaml.tmpl with 2575 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265436   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/ingress/ingress-dp.yaml.tmpl with 3045 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265516   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-apiservice.yaml.tmpl with 401 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265757   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-server-deployment.yaml.tmpl with 660 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265834   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/metrics-server/metrics-server-service.yaml.tmpl with 401 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.265962   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-rc.yaml.tmpl with 748 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266062   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-svc.yaml.tmpl with 333 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266161   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry/registry-proxy.yaml.tmpl with 878 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266274   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/registry-creds/registry-creds-rc.yaml.tmpl with 2868 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266470   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/freshpod/freshpod-rc.yaml.tmpl with 1437 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266762   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gpu/nvidia-driver-installer.yaml.tmpl with 2487 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.266992   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gpu/nvidia-gpu-device-plugin.yaml.tmpl with 2111 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.267106   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/logviewer/logviewer-dp-and-svc.yaml.tmpl with 1942 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.267175   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/logviewer/logviewer-rbac.yaml.tmpl with 1064 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.267360   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-pod.yaml.tmpl with 1941 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.267484   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-runtimeclass.yaml with 798 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.267685   10928 vm_assets.go:204] Created asset deploy/addons/gvisor/gvisor-config.toml with 1738 bytes
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: I0907 10:45:35.304241   10928 translate.go:92] Setting Language to en-US ...
E0907 10:45:35.312746   10928 out.go:95] [unset errFile]: X Invalid size passed in argument: invalid size: ''
FAIL	0.083s
ok	0.065s	coverage: 18.9% of statements
ok	0.013s	coverage: 19.6% of statements
ok	0.058s	coverage: 2.3% of statements
ok	0.034s	coverage: 61.8% of statements
ok	2.950s	coverage: 72.9% of statements
ok	0.074s	coverage: 29.5% of statements
ok	0.460s	coverage: 54.2% of statements
ok	0.038s	coverage: 76.0% of statements
ok	0.010s	coverage: 62.4% of statements
ok	0.029s	coverage: 56.7% of statements
ok	0.065s	coverage: 75.6% of statements
ok	0.030s	coverage: 1.4% of statements
ok	0.031s	coverage: 11.3% of statements
ok	0.029s	coverage: 77.8% of statements
ok	0.009s	coverage: 70.3% of statements
ok	0.006s	coverage: 42.9% of statements
ok	0.014s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.014s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.042s	coverage: 35.9% of statements
ok	0.384s	coverage: 75.0% of statements
ok	0.009s	coverage: 8.4% of statements
ok	2.109s	coverage: 64.5% of statements
ok	1.206s	coverage: 61.6% of statements
ok	0.017s	coverage: 59.1% of statements
ok	0.004s	coverage: 0.0% of statements
Makefile:232: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 16
TravisBuddy Request Identifier: c16021d0-d15c-11e9-abee-f3892bc79bc5

@n0npax n0npax force-pushed the skip-http-proxy-localhost-for-docker-env branch from fb71cdf to c90ec69 Compare September 8, 2019 06:07
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Travis tests have failed

Hey @n0npax,
Please read the following log in order to understand the failure reason.
It'll be awesome if you fix what's wrong and commit the changes.

1st Build

View build log

make test
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go -pkg assets deploy/addons/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/assets/assets.go
which go-bindata || GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=/home/travis/gopath/bin go get
PATH="/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.12.9.linux.amd64/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/bin:/home/travis/.local/bin:/usr/local/lib/jvm/openjdk11/bin:/opt/pyenv/shims:/home/travis/.phpenv/shims:/home/travis/perl5/perlbrew/bin:/home/travis/.nvm/versions/node/v8.12.0/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.3@global/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin:/home/travis/.gimme/versions/go1.11.1.linux.amd64/bin:/usr/local/maven-3.6.0/bin:/usr/local/cmake-3.12.4/bin:/usr/local/clang-7.0.0/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin:/home/travis/.rvm/bin:/home/travis/.phpenv/bin:/opt/pyenv/bin:/home/travis/.yarn/bin:/home/travis/gopath/bin" go-bindata -nomemcopy -o pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go -pkg translate translations/...
gofmt -s -w pkg/minikube/translate/translations.go
= go mod ================================================================
= make lint =============================================================
golangci/golangci-lint info checking GitHub for tag 'v1.17.1'
golangci/golangci-lint info found version: 1.17.1 for v1.17.1/linux/amd64
golangci/golangci-lint info installed out/linters/golangci-lint
= boilerplate ===========================================================
= schema_check ==========================================================
= go test ===============================================================
ok	0.083s	coverage: 16.8% of statements
ok	0.060s	coverage: 18.9% of statements
ok	0.012s	coverage: 19.6% of statements
ok	0.036s	coverage: 2.3% of statements
ok	0.033s	coverage: 61.8% of statements
ok	3.034s	coverage: 72.9% of statements
ok	0.074s	coverage: 29.5% of statements
ok	0.359s	coverage: 54.2% of statements
ok	0.034s	coverage: 76.0% of statements
ok	0.011s	coverage: 62.4% of statements
ok	0.013s	coverage: 56.7% of statements
ok	0.042s	coverage: 75.6% of statements
ok	0.027s	coverage: 1.4% of statements
ok	0.039s	coverage: 11.3% of statements
ok	0.025s	coverage: 77.8% of statements
ok	0.014s	coverage: 70.3% of statements
ok	0.007s	coverage: 42.9% of statements
ok	0.011s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.013s	coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok	0.043s	coverage: 35.9% of statements
--- FAIL: TestNewSSHClient (0.54s)
    ssh_mock.go:173: Listening on
    ssh_mock.go:83: Accepting...
    ssh_mock.go:83: Accepting...
    ssh_mock.go:132: exec request received: &{Type:exec WantReply:true Payload:[0 0 0 3 102 111 111] ch:0xc00010c0c0 mux:<nil>}
    sshutil_test.go:60: Error running "foo": wait: remote command exited without exit status or exit signal
    ssh_mock.go:189: Stopping
coverage: 75.0% of statements
FAIL	0.548s
ok	0.021s	coverage: 8.4% of statements
ok	2.104s	coverage: 64.5% of statements
ok	1.003s	coverage: 61.6% of statements
ok	0.013s	coverage: 59.1% of statements
ok	0.002s	coverage: 0.0% of statements
Makefile:232: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 16
TravisBuddy Request Identifier: fabb37f0-d1ff-11e9-96c5-8bf35d42f9db

@n0npax n0npax force-pushed the skip-http-proxy-localhost-for-docker-env branch from c90ec69 to ee8d4b7 Compare September 8, 2019 06:26
@n0npax n0npax changed the title [WIP] Skip http proxy localhost for docker env Skip http proxy localhost for docker env Sep 8, 2019
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot removed the do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. label Sep 8, 2019
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@tstromberg tstromberg left a comment

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Looks great!

@minikube-bot OK to test

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@minikube-bot OK to test

@tstromberg tstromberg merged commit f36c5d8 into kubernetes:master Sep 11, 2019
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cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test. size/M Denotes a PR that changes 30-99 lines, ignoring generated files.
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

5 participants