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fix: remove default usage of obsolete nginx directives without explictly being set #10029

merged 1 commit into from
Jun 18, 2023


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@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 commented Jun 2, 2023

What this PR does / why we need it:

Nginx is giving warning about deprecated parameters being used.

This is a check if they are being used and will only send warnings in that case

More info can be found here on the original PR: #8073

Types of changes

  • Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • CVE Report (Scanner found CVE and adding report)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
  • Documentation only

Which issue/s this PR fixes

fixes: #7261

How Has This Been Tested?


  • My change requires a change to the documentation.
  • I have updated the documentation accordingly.
  • I've read the CONTRIBUTION guide
  • I have added unit and/or e2e tests to cover my changes.
  • All new and existing tests passed.

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. label Jun 2, 2023
@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 marked this pull request as draft June 2, 2023 09:13
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. labels Jun 2, 2023
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This issue is currently awaiting triage.

If Ingress contributors determines this is a relevant issue, they will accept it by applying the triage/accepted label and provide further guidance.

The triage/accepted label can be added by org members by writing /triage accepted in a comment.

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the kubernetes/test-infra repository.

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot requested review from cpanato and puerco June 2, 2023 09:13
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. needs-priority size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files. labels Jun 2, 2023
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Due to the following PR becoming stale: #9441

Ive opened this one to start trying to grep this

@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 force-pushed the fix-obsolete-warnings branch from c4f3a05 to 9fe8261 Compare June 2, 2023 09:24
@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 marked this pull request as ready for review June 2, 2023 09:26
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot removed the do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. label Jun 2, 2023
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Spazzy757 commented Jun 2, 2023

The resulting configuration does not have the directives set by default

Nginx Default Conf

pid /tmp/nginx/;

daemon off;

worker_processes 1;

worker_rlimit_nofile 1047552;

worker_shutdown_timeout 240s ;

events {
	multi_accept        on;
	worker_connections  16384;
	use                 epoll;

http {
	lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/lua/?.lua;;";
	lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma 10M;
	lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma_last_touched_at 10M;
	lua_shared_dict balancer_ewma_locks 1M;
	lua_shared_dict certificate_data 20M;
	lua_shared_dict certificate_servers 5M;
	lua_shared_dict configuration_data 20M;
	lua_shared_dict global_throttle_cache 10M;
	lua_shared_dict ocsp_response_cache 5M;
	init_by_lua_block {
		-- init modules
		local ok, res
		ok, res = pcall(require, "lua_ingress")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		lua_ingress = res
			use_forwarded_headers = false,
			use_proxy_protocol = false,
			is_ssl_passthrough_enabled = false,
			http_redirect_code = 308,
			listen_ports = { ssl_proxy = "442", https = "443" },
			hsts = true,
			hsts_max_age = 15724800,
			hsts_include_subdomains = true,
			hsts_preload = false,
			global_throttle = {
				memcached = {
					host = "", port = 11211, connect_timeout = 50, max_idle_timeout = 10000, pool_size = 50,
				status_code = 429,
		ok, res = pcall(require, "configuration")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		configuration = res
		configuration.prohibited_localhost_port = '10246'
		ok, res = pcall(require, "balancer")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		balancer = res
		ok, res = pcall(require, "monitor")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		monitor = res
		ok, res = pcall(require, "certificate")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		certificate = res
		certificate.is_ocsp_stapling_enabled = false
		ok, res = pcall(require, "plugins")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		plugins = res
		-- load all plugins that'll be used here
		plugins.init({  })
	init_worker_by_lua_block {
	geoip_country       /etc/nginx/geoip/GeoIP.dat;
	geoip_city          /etc/nginx/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat;
	geoip_org           /etc/nginx/geoip/GeoIPASNum.dat;
	geoip_proxy_recursive on;
	aio                 threads;
	aio_write           on;
	tcp_nopush          on;
	tcp_nodelay         on;
	log_subrequest      on;
	reset_timedout_connection on;
	keepalive_timeout  75s;
	keepalive_requests 1000;
	client_body_temp_path           /tmp/nginx/client-body;
	fastcgi_temp_path               /tmp/nginx/fastcgi-temp;
	proxy_temp_path                 /tmp/nginx/proxy-temp;
	ajp_temp_path                   /tmp/nginx/ajp-temp;
	client_header_buffer_size       1k;
	client_header_timeout           60s;
	large_client_header_buffers     4 8k;
	client_body_buffer_size         8k;
	client_body_timeout             60s;
	http2_max_concurrent_streams    128;
	types_hash_max_size             2048;
	server_names_hash_max_size      1024;
	server_names_hash_bucket_size   32;
	map_hash_bucket_size            64;
	proxy_headers_hash_max_size     512;
	proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size  64;
	variables_hash_bucket_size      256;
	variables_hash_max_size         2048;
	underscores_in_headers          off;
	ignore_invalid_headers          on;
	limit_req_status                503;
	limit_conn_status               503;
	include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
	default_type text/html;
	# Custom headers for response
	server_tokens off;
	more_clear_headers Server;
	# disable warnings
	uninitialized_variable_warn off;
	# Additional available variables:
	# $namespace
	# $ingress_name
	# $service_name
	# $service_port
	log_format upstreaminfo '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_length $request_time [$proxy_upstream_name] [$proxy_alternative_upstream_name] $upstream_addr $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status $req_id';
	map $request_uri $loggable {
		default 1;
	access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log upstreaminfo  if=$loggable;
	error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
	resolver valid=30s;
	# See
	map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
		default          upgrade;
		# See
		''               '';
	# Reverse proxies can detect if a client provides a X-Request-ID header, and pass it on to the backend server.
	# If no such header is provided, it can provide a random value.
	map $http_x_request_id $req_id {
		default   $http_x_request_id;
		""        $request_id;
	# Create a variable that contains the literal $ character.
	# This works because the geo module will not resolve variables.
	geo $literal_dollar {
		default "$";
	server_name_in_redirect off;
	port_in_redirect        off;
	ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
	ssl_early_data off;
	# turn on session caching to drastically improve performance
	ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
	ssl_session_timeout 10m;
	# allow configuring ssl session tickets
	ssl_session_tickets off;
	# slightly reduce the time-to-first-byte
	ssl_buffer_size 4k;
	# allow configuring custom ssl ciphers
	ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
	ssl_ecdh_curve auto;
	# PEM sha: d26940c1b59ffca0c27a2075388ceb9e3f26548b
	ssl_certificate     /etc/ingress-controller/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem;
	ssl_certificate_key /etc/ingress-controller/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem;
	proxy_ssl_session_reuse on;
	upstream upstream_balancer {
		### Attention!!!
		# We no longer create "upstream" section for every backend.
		# Backends are handled dynamically using Lua. If you would like to debug
		# and see what backends ingress-nginx has in its memory you can
		# install our kubectl plugin
		# Once you have the plugin you can use "kubectl ingress-nginx backends" command to
		# inspect current backends.
		server; # placeholder
		balancer_by_lua_block {
		keepalive 320;
		keepalive_time 1h;
		keepalive_timeout  60s;
		keepalive_requests 10000;
	# Cache for internal auth checks
	proxy_cache_path /tmp/nginx/nginx-cache-auth levels=1:2 keys_zone=auth_cache:10m max_size=128m inactive=30m use_temp_path=off;
	# Global filters
	## start server _
	server {
		server_name _ ;
		listen 80 default_server reuseport backlog=4096 ;
		listen [::]:80 default_server reuseport backlog=4096 ;
		listen 443 default_server reuseport backlog=4096 ssl http2 ;
		listen [::]:443 default_server reuseport backlog=4096 ssl http2 ;
		set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
		ssl_reject_handshake off;
		ssl_certificate_by_lua_block {
		location / {
			set $namespace      "";
			set $ingress_name   "";
			set $service_name   "";
			set $service_port   "";
			set $location_path  "";
			set $global_rate_limit_exceeding n;
			rewrite_by_lua_block {
					force_ssl_redirect = false,
					ssl_redirect = false,
					force_no_ssl_redirect = false,
					preserve_trailing_slash = false,
					use_port_in_redirects = false,
					global_throttle = { namespace = "", limit = 0, window_size = 0, key = { }, ignored_cidrs = { } },
			# be careful with `access_by_lua_block` and `satisfy any` directives as satisfy any
			# will always succeed when there's `access_by_lua_block` that does not have any lua code doing `ngx.exit(ngx.DECLINED)`
			# other authentication method such as basic auth or external auth useless - all requests will be allowed.
			#access_by_lua_block {
			header_filter_by_lua_block {
			body_filter_by_lua_block {
			log_by_lua_block {
			access_log off;
			port_in_redirect off;
			set $balancer_ewma_score -1;
			set $proxy_upstream_name "upstream-default-backend";
			set $proxy_host          $proxy_upstream_name;
			set $pass_access_scheme  $scheme;
			set $pass_server_port    $server_port;
			set $best_http_host      $http_host;
			set $pass_port           $pass_server_port;
			set $proxy_alternative_upstream_name "";
			client_max_body_size                    1m;
			proxy_set_header Host                   $best_http_host;
			# Pass the extracted client certificate to the backend
			# Allow websocket connections
			proxy_set_header                        Upgrade           $http_upgrade;
			proxy_set_header                        Connection        $connection_upgrade;
			proxy_set_header X-Request-ID           $req_id;
			proxy_set_header X-Real-IP              $remote_addr;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For        $remote_addr;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host       $best_http_host;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port       $pass_port;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto      $pass_access_scheme;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Scheme     $pass_access_scheme;
			proxy_set_header X-Scheme               $pass_access_scheme;
			# Pass the original X-Forwarded-For
			proxy_set_header X-Original-Forwarded-For $http_x_forwarded_for;
			# mitigate HTTPoxy Vulnerability
			proxy_set_header Proxy                  "";
			# Custom headers to proxied server
			proxy_connect_timeout                   5s;
			proxy_send_timeout                      60s;
			proxy_read_timeout                      60s;
			proxy_buffering                         off;
			proxy_buffer_size                       4k;
			proxy_buffers                           4 4k;
			proxy_max_temp_file_size                1024m;
			proxy_request_buffering                 on;
			proxy_http_version                      1.1;
			proxy_cookie_domain                     off;
			proxy_cookie_path                       off;
			# In case of errors try the next upstream server before returning an error
			proxy_next_upstream                     error timeout;
			proxy_next_upstream_timeout             0;
			proxy_next_upstream_tries               3;
			proxy_pass http://upstream_balancer;
			proxy_redirect                          off;
		# health checks in cloud providers require the use of port 80
		location /healthz {
			access_log off;
			return 200;
		# this is required to avoid error if nginx is being monitored
		# with an external software (like sysdig)
		location /nginx_status {
			allow ::1;
			deny all;
			access_log off;
			stub_status on;
	## end server _
	# backend for when default-backend-service is not configured or it does not have endpoints
	server {
		listen 8181 default_server reuseport backlog=4096;
		listen [::]:8181 default_server reuseport backlog=4096;
		set $proxy_upstream_name "internal";
		access_log off;
		location / {
			return 404;
	# default server, used for NGINX healthcheck and access to nginx stats
	server {
		set $proxy_upstream_name "internal";
		keepalive_timeout 0;
		gzip off;
		access_log off;
		location /healthz {
			return 200;
		location /is-dynamic-lb-initialized {
			content_by_lua_block {
				local configuration = require("configuration")
				local backend_data = configuration.get_backends_data()
				if not backend_data then
		location /nginx_status {
			stub_status on;
		location /configuration {
			client_max_body_size                    21M;
			client_body_buffer_size                 21M;
			proxy_buffering                         off;
			content_by_lua_block {
		location / {
			content_by_lua_block {

stream {
	lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/lua/?.lua;/etc/nginx/lua/vendor/?.lua;;";
	lua_shared_dict tcp_udp_configuration_data 5M;
	resolver valid=30s;
	init_by_lua_block {
		-- init modules
		local ok, res
		ok, res = pcall(require, "configuration")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		configuration = res
		ok, res = pcall(require, "tcp_udp_configuration")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		tcp_udp_configuration = res
		tcp_udp_configuration.prohibited_localhost_port = '10246'
		ok, res = pcall(require, "tcp_udp_balancer")
		if not ok then
		error("require failed: " .. tostring(res))
		tcp_udp_balancer = res
	init_worker_by_lua_block {
	lua_add_variable $proxy_upstream_name;
	log_format log_stream '[$remote_addr] [$time_local] $protocol $status $bytes_sent $bytes_received $session_time';
	access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log log_stream ;
	error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
	upstream upstream_balancer {
		server; # placeholder
		balancer_by_lua_block {
	server {
		access_log off;
		content_by_lua_block {
	# TCP services
	# UDP services
	# Stream Snippets

@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 force-pushed the fix-obsolete-warnings branch from 9fe8261 to 7440dde Compare June 2, 2023 09:51
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. and removed size/XS Denotes a PR that changes 0-9 lines, ignoring generated files. labels Jun 2, 2023
@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 force-pushed the fix-obsolete-warnings branch from 7440dde to e054c10 Compare June 2, 2023 10:53
@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 force-pushed the fix-obsolete-warnings branch from e054c10 to 5923693 Compare June 2, 2023 10:54
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strongjz commented Jun 2, 2023

We use the PR title as a change log entry. Can you make the title more descriptive?

@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 changed the title fix: obsolete warnings fix: remove default usage of obsolete nginx directives without explictly being set Jun 2, 2023
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We use the PR title as a change log entry. Can you make the title more descriptive?

@strongjz does that work?

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@Spazzy757 can you help and paste the link to the test that covers the deprecated directive and the replacement directive please

@Spazzy757 Spazzy757 force-pushed the fix-obsolete-warnings branch from 5923693 to 8e80b01 Compare June 5, 2023 07:52
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot removed the size/S Denotes a PR that changes 10-29 lines, ignoring generated files. label Jun 5, 2023
@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files. label Jun 5, 2023
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Spazzy757 commented Jun 5, 2023

@Spazzy757 can you help and paste the link to the test that covers the deprecated directive and the replacement directive please

@longwuyuan there are no tests for Nginx Config as far as I can tell, how I tested this was I ran the environment with:

make dev-env

Then I dumped the nginx.conf

kubectl -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx conf > nginx.conf

And saw that it doesn't have any of the directives anymore, I also logged out the containers to verify, without the above, when nginx is stopped:

controller I0606 14:13:17.851207      13 nginx.go:396] "Stopping NGINX process"
controller 2023/06/06 14:13:17 [warn] 72#72: the "http2_max_field_size" directive is obsolete, use the "large_client_header_buffers" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:145
controller nginx: [warn] the "http2_max_field_size" directive is obsolete, use the "large_client_header_buffers" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:145
controller 2023/06/06 14:13:17 [warn] 72#72: the "http2_max_header_size" directive is obsolete, use the "large_client_header_buffers" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:146
controller nginx: [warn] the "http2_max_header_size" directive is obsolete, use the "large_client_header_buffers" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:146
controller 2023/06/06 14:13:17 [warn] 72#72: the "http2_max_requests" directive is obsolete, use the "keepalive_requests" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:147
controller nginx: [warn] the "http2_max_requests" directive is obsolete, use the "keepalive_requests" directive instead in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:147
controller 2023/06/06 14:13:17 [notice] 72#72: signal process started

with the changes:

controller I0606 14:14:21.972871      13 nginx.go:396] "Stopping NGINX process"
controller 2023/06/06 14:14:21 [notice] 71#71: signal process started

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@rikatz this is not breaking ingress but this is long long overdue so please comment when you get a chance

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rikatz commented Jun 14, 2023


Removing the defaults lgtm, tho it is a breaking change yes, as people are waiting for this to be working without changes and now they need to force on ConfigMap to use it :)

@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. label Jun 14, 2023
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rikatz commented Jun 18, 2023


@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot added the lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. label Jun 18, 2023
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This pull-request has been approved by: rikatz, Spazzy757

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@k8s-ci-robot k8s-ci-robot merged commit 30de599 into kubernetes:main Jun 18, 2023
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approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/docs cncf-cla: yes Indicates the PR's author has signed the CNCF CLA. lgtm "Looks good to me", indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. needs-kind Indicates a PR lacks a `kind/foo` label and requires one. needs-priority needs-triage Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one. size/L Denotes a PR that changes 100-499 lines, ignoring generated files.
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

Some obsolete warnings logged
5 participants