Frakti v1.1
Frakti v1.1 upgrades to kubernetes v1.8, enhances CNI network plugins and adds experimental unikernel support. It also includes various of enhancements and bug fixes.
Features and Updates
#192 Improves CNI plugin compatibility
#196 #208 Adds general support for CNI plugins, e.g. flannel and calico plugin
#219 #223 #226 Adds experimental support for unikernel
#217 Fixes problem of weave plugin
#199 #207 Adds cinder flexvolume plugin
#188 Fixes CNI podName problem
#189 Fixes CNI cleanup when sandbox runs failure
#205 Increases memory limits for kube-dns
#211 #212 #221 #224 #230 Adds unit tests for various packages
#237 Update frakti and its vendor to ensure compatibility with Kubernetes 1.8
External Dependency Version Information
Kubernetes v1.8
Hyperd v1.0
Docker v1.12-v17.03
CNI v0.5.2