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ksvan edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the node-red-contrib-komfovent wiki!

This is a hobby project, made as part of my smarthome efforts, to make it possible to integrate my Komfovent ventilation in a nice manner as well. This also means that keeping it simple, low maintenance is key. Partly due to to this, NodeRed was a good way of realising and running the integration, as it is also possible to relay on features of NodeRed to solve use cases (reducing my dev).

The project is based on reverse engineering and using the built in webcontroller of the C6 controller. Read more about this in the file. Basically, the nodes acts as screenscrapers and does the necessary http post commands to execute changes.

Basic How To is in the file as normal, I will document some more scenarios and tips in the wiki How To.

To extend use case, make code and design better, I also went through a faster refactoring after having the initial versions working well. This is in part also to make a Komfovent library that can be used in other contexts than NodeRed. Read more on that on the refactoring page.

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