A paint application created in Java using Swing and AWT libraries. The project follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
Tutorial for making the app: https://youtu.be/Gs7Gj3xoyko
The paint application features 4 colors and 4 drawing modes.
The 4 colors are: black, red, green and blue.
The 4 drawing modes are: pencil, dot, oval and rectangle.
Pencil: Used to draw a free-hand figure.
Undo: Undo the latest drawn figure.
Reset: Clear all drawings from the canvas.
Save: Save the state of the drawing to a file. (Note: Saving a drawing does not save it as a png. It simply saves the state of the drawing so that you can resume it at a later stage.)
Load: Load the drawing from a saved file.
JSlider: The JSlider is used to set the size of the dots. It does not work to set the line width.
There are 2 ways to run the program:
- Download Paint.jar in the project folder and run it on your computer
- Clone the project and run Paint.java