Full stack unofficial Magic the Gathering card game database, made with:
The cover page looks like this.
To run the complete projects, you will need Docker Desktop running.
- Open a Terminal
- Go to the source folder
- Execute the command:
docker compose up
- Open the browser at http://localhost:3050
Please note: you need to wait until the build is ready! This might take more than 40 seconds for all the containers.
(I tested the build on Windows 11 with the following desktop computer: Intel Core i7-10700, 16 GB DDR4 SDRAM.)
client-1 | - Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...
client-1 | ✔ Browser application bundle generation complete.
client-1 |
client-1 | Initial Chunk Files | Names | Raw Size
client-1 | vendor.js | vendor | 2.13 MB |
client-1 | polyfills.js | polyfills | 314.84 kB |
client-1 | styles.css, styles.js | styles | 210.99 kB |
client-1 | main.js | main | 59.51 kB |
client-1 | runtime.js | runtime | 6.53 kB |
client-1 |
client-1 | | Initial Total | 2.71 MB
client-1 |
client-1 | Build at: 2024-04-16T18:56:01.755Z - Hash: d65c309ccd4dcf9a - Time: 32302ms
client-1 |
client-1 | ** Angular Live Development Server is listening on, open your browser on http://localhost:3000/ **
client-1 |
client-1 |
client-1 | ✔ Compiled successfully.
If you need container rebuilding, use docker compose up --build
Please see how to use the frontend and backend in the subfolder docs.
Card pictures are subject to the unofficial Fan Content policy.
Portions of Mtgbase are unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy.
The literal and graphical information presented on this site about
Magic: The Gathering, including card images and mana symbols,
is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC. Mtgbase is not produced by
or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast.
Everything else is licensed as such.
- The angular frontend was updated to 18 on July 2024.
- I started the project in September 2023.