Hi !!, I'm Cesar Martin, I'm a Mexican 🌮 Telematics Engineer by the day and also developer by the night. I´m working in IBM as a Java Microservices/ Application Developer, in the area of Consulting working in a project with CitiBanamex ☕.
I love coding in any languaje 🐍 ☕.
I am a Telematics Engineer - IPN. ❤️
I have experience in Backend with languajes like Java, Go, JavaScript and Python. ⚡⚡
I was working as an intern at IBM, now i'm application developer fulltime at IBM working in a project with CitiBanamex
as a Java application developer since 2021.
I am focused on learn AWS Cloud 🧡.
- ⚡ Fact: I began to code since 2017
- 🖥️ looking to collaborate on projects that are using technologies in backend.
- 🌱 I am currently focused on improving in backend development and learning new technologies in like Go, Rust and Node.js.
- 🎮 I'm learnign DevOps with AWS and Azure
- 💜 I Love videogames.
- 🌟 I love learn about any new technology.
- ☕JavaLover☕