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A Kubernetes Operator for Apache Kafka, which deploys, configures and manages your kafka cluster through its lifecycle. Features:
- Fixed deployment of a Cluster, Services and PersistentVolumes
- Upscaling of Cluster (eg adding a Broker)
- Downscaling a Cluster, without dataloss (removes partition of broker first, under development)
Upcoming Features/Ideas:
- [] Vertical Pod Autoscaling
- [] Managed Topics and hot partition detection/shuffling
- [] Advanced Partition Shuffling (based on rate/size of incomming msg)
Currently the Operator is under development. If you want to run Kafka in kubernetes a better option would be to look at the Helm Chart alternative this:
First we deploy the Operator inside our cluster:
# kubectl apply -f example/kafka-operator.yaml
deployment "kafka-operator" created
The Operator then creates a custom resource definition(CRD) "KafkaCluster" inside Kubernetes, which behaves like a normal k8s Object. The only difference is that no k8s internal components reacts to it, only our operator has a watch on it.
Currently you need to deploy zookeeper by yourself (since managing zookeeper is a not a easy to topic, this is out of scope for now). As a starter you can find a example under example/manual-zookeeper.yaml
for a single node zookeeper.
# kubectl apply -f example/manual-zookeeper.yaml
service "zk-headless" created
configmap "zk-config" created
statefulset "zk" created
To deploy a kafka cluster we create spec (example/kafkaObj.yaml):
apiVersion: ""
kind: "Kafkacluster"
name: test-cluster-1
brokerCount: 3
- name: "test1"
replicationFactor: 1
partitions: 1
- name: "test2"
replicationFactor: 2
partitions: 2
logRetentionHours: 24
autoCreateTopics: false
compressionType: "gzip"
zookeeperConnect: zk-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest
leaderImbalanceRatio: 0.1
leaderImbalanceInterval: 600
storageClass: emptyDir
minimumGracePeriod: 1200
jmxSidecar: false
cpu: "1"
memory: "1Gi"
diskSpace: "50G"
We can then just deploy this yaml via kubectl:
# kubectl apply -f example/kafka-cluster.yaml
kafkacluster "test-cluster-1" created
into kubernetes. This creates a kafkacluster
object inside the api server. We can check this with:
# kubectl get kafkacluster
The operators then picks up the newly created object and creates the actual pods which are needed for the spezified Kafka cluster. Create the whole cluster can take a while but after a bit you should see every broker running and services created to either access direclty or all broker load-balanced:
# kubectl get pods,service
po/kafka-offset-checker-test-cluster-1-3029848613-z8rtd 1/1 Running 3 1m
po/kafka-operator-767603131-zcnt0 1/1 Running 0 1m
po/test-cluster-1-0 1/1 Running 0 1m
po/test-cluster-1-1 1/1 Running 0 54s
po/test-cluster-1-2 1/1 Running 0 40s
po/zk-0 1/1 Running 0 1m
svc/kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 5h
svc/test-cluster-1 None <none> 9092/TCP 1m
svc/test-cluster-1-broker-0 <nodes> 9092:31545/TCP 1m
svc/test-cluster-1-broker-1 <nodes> 9092:31850/TCP 1m
svc/test-cluster-1-broker-2 <nodes> 9092:32653/TCP 1m
svc/zk-headless None <none> 2888/TCP,3888/TCP 1m
If we want to upscale the cluster we can just change the brokerCount
After we changed it (for example to 5
) we do a kubectl apply -f example/kafka-cluster.yaml
The operators then should pick up the change and start upsizing the cluster:
# kubectl apply -f example/kafka-cluster.yaml
kafkacluster "test-cluster-1" configured
kubectl get pods
kafka-offset-checker-test-cluster-1-3029848613-z8rtd 1/1 Running 3 4m
kafka-operator-767603131-zcnt0 1/1 Running 0 4m
test-cluster-1-0 1/1 Running 0 4m
test-cluster-1-1 1/1 Running 0 4m
test-cluster-1-2 1/1 Running 0 3m
test-cluster-1-3 0/1 Pending 0 35s
zk-0 1/1 Running 0 4m
NOTE: Currently the operator does not automaticly rebalance topics with the new broker
While downscaling the cluster is possible and simple a simple rebalancing is done to prevent data-loss, this is currently heavy under development and considered unstable.
When we are done, we can do a
# kubectl delete -f example/kafka-cluster.yaml
kafkacluster "test-cluster-1" deleted
to delete the kafkaCluster
The operator then detects the deletion and shuts down all running components:
# kubectl get pods
kafka-operator-767603131-tv3ck 1/1 Running 0 1m
test-cluster-1-0 0/1 Terminating 0 8m
zk-0 1/1 Running 0 9m
There are a couple of open Task/Issues, this is mainly just for me tracking progress:
- Resisze Clusters (without Data Rebalancing)
- Delete Cluster
- Dokumentation, Vendoring and Testing
- Use Ressource (K8s and kafka Options)
- Monitoring with JMX Sidecar
- Automaticly Rebalacing
- Investigate Datagravity
To get Kafka Running a Zookeeper is needed. A simple one Node zK example is provided in the example Folder. But for any usage beyond testing/developing a proper Zookeeper setup should be used. A good example is the Zookeeper Chart in the offical Helm Repo.
While a Helm is a great tool, and the provided kafka chart is also pretty dope, Helm only managees deployment of a cluster. But since kafka is a statefull application its needs goes beyond the normal capabilities you can do with vanilla kubernetes. For example a downsizing/upsizing of the cluster requires moving partitions/replicas off/onto brokers. To automate that the operator is used. It looks at the current cluster state and takes neccesary actions to
Currently the supported image is are the offical images from confluent. ( While its possible to specify other images, due to instrumentation most other images wont work.
is used for dependecy managment.
Under e2e-test/hack
are a couple of