This is a command-line utility that converts a regular expression to a DFA.
- input: A perl-compatible regular expression, as defined by re2 [1].
- output: An AT&T DFA [2], which accepts an equivelent language to the input regular expression.
This utillity requires standard build tools: autoconf, make, gcc, etc.
Once you have your developement environment setup:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ ls bin/
$ ./bin/regex2dfa -r "^(a|b)*$"
0 0 97 97
0 0 98 98
$ ./bin/regex2dfa -r "^(a|b)+$"
0 1 97 97
0 1 98 98
1 1 97 97
1 1 98 98
#include "regex2dfa.h"
std::string input_regex = "^(a|b)*$";
std::string minimized_dfa;
bool success = regex2dfa::Regex2Dfa(input_regex, &minimized_dfa);
std::cout << minimized_dfa << std::endl;
will output
0 0 97 97
0 0 98 98