APIClient is a Swift package for interacting with RESTful APIs, relying on URLRequest under the hood, but providing a nicer API.
Important Note: This package is still not API-stable, and won't be until version 1.0.0
is released
You can start by initializing an APIClient
import APIClient
let client = APIClient()
Then a request:
let users = Group(host: "jsonplaceholder.typicode.com", path: "/users")
let listUsers: Request<Nothing, [User], Nothing> = users.request(path: "/")
is the request's body, [User]
is the successful response, Nothing
is the error response.
And finally you can make that request in three different ways:
- Using async/await:
do {
let response = try await client.make(request: listUsers)
let users = response.data
print("Async: \(users.count)")
} catch {
- Using Combine:
let cancellable = client.publisher(request: listUsers)
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .failure(let error):
case .finished:
receiveValue: { users in
print("Combine: \(users.count)")
- Using a completion handler:
client.make(request: listUsers) { (result: Result<Response<[User]>, Error>) in
switch result.map(\.data) {
case .success(let users):
print("Completion: \(users.count)")
case .failure(let error):