Hi, I'm Ishaan Koratkar.
Hire me if you want to win. My skills are: making costs go down, making profits go up.
I'm 18 years old and attend the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. I'm currently set to major in statistics.
Email me: ishaan[at]koratkar.com. I love getting mail and making new friends on the internet!
Find me on twitter.
My discord username: @whybyfire
- Conversations with Tyler semantic search
- Featured on Marginal Revolution!
- To build this, I scraped the transcript log of Conversations with Tyler, embedded them using OpenAI text-embedding-3-small, uploaded them to a Cloudflare vectorize index, and used a Cloudflare worker to retrieve the embeddings.
- Why this showcases technical skills: required resourcefulness, testing each part of Cloudflare systems which I hadn't used prior, and debugging arcane errors in a systematic fashion.
- Why this transfers to reducing costs & making profits go up: I built the system for under 10¢, researching several options to find the cheapest overall means. I also chose a podcast that many people listen to and would like to have search access to.
- Career Scouting
- This is a set of interviews (transcriptions only) with people involved in different career paths. I conducted the interviews in 11th grade, with the hopes of finding something I'd best be fit for. I settled on ML engineering & cybersecurity as my main goals, though I also interviewed doctors, social workers, scientists, and a bouncer at a rave.
- Why this project transfers to reducing costs & making profits go up: It demonstrates my agency, and my ability to ask important questions and find people with relevant answers.
- Carleton College Windmill cost reduction
- I briefly attended Carleton College in 2024, then transferred to the University of Minnesota due to a personal cost-benefit analysis on the fees. During this time, I analyzed the energy costs and found a few different ways to improve overall costs by calculating the effect of each profit and cost center on overall expenses. I reported my findings to the manager of energy.
- Why this transfers to reducing costs & making profits go up: It demonstrates the ability to gather cost information on my own, and to consider creative ways to reduce budgets
Courses & books:
- Fast.AI (reading currently)
- LaurieWired's practical assembly tutorials (reviewing currently)
- Angela Yu's Web Development Bootcamp (completed in middle school)
My goals:
- Become an ML engineer
- Master the computer on the spectrum of understanding integrated circuits, assembly language, and how computers interact over networks