Asynchronous webdriver client built on asyncio.
Backport to Python 3.5 is in develop branch as for now.
I had a project written in Python 3.5, but wanted to use arsenic which requires Python 3.6+, so I had choice to migrate the infrastucture to Python 3.6 or to backport arsenic to Python 3.5.
The project was a piece of software for some kind of ATMs. There was 1000+ of ATMs so I've decided that so far then it was easier to backport arsenic from Python 3.6 to Python 3.5 rather than to migrate the infrastructure from Python 3.5 to Python 3.6.
pip install git+
Let's run a local Firefox instance.
from arsenic import get_session
from arsenic.browsers import Firefox
from import Geckodriver
async def example():
# Runs geckodriver and starts a firefox session
async with get_session(Geckodriver(), Firefox()) as session:
# go to
await session.get('')
# wait up to 5 seconds to get the h1 element from the page
h1 = await session.wait_for_element(5, 'h1')
# print the text of the h1 element
print(await h1.get_text())
For more information, check the documentation
Continuous integration for certain browsers is generously provided by Browserstack.