Releases: kohesive/solr-undertow
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with ALL versions of Solr since 4.4 (possibly others, but only tested since then).
New in this release:
- Solr examples updated to 4.10.2
- Included Solr WAR updated to 4.10.2
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- Solr examples updated to 4.10.1
- Included Solr WAR updated to 4.10.1
- Updated to be built with Kotlin M9 (0.9.66)
This release is not required for Solr 4.10.1, previous releases work fine. It is an update to make defaults current.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- fix bug where $host variable is set to match listening host, which is absolutely the wrong thing to do. This would cause cluster nodes to try to connect to the wrong host ( as the default) because sol.xml uses this variable to tell ZK what the address of the node is.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- Removal of adapter to log4j, now only using Slf4j + Logback
- ACCESS logs, the format and options are documented in the (and on the home page here)
- ERROR logs, showing only ERROR level log entries
- Access request timing (see as this could cause a very minor performance hit)
- Now publish JMX values under the logback node for log statistics by log type (Solr, Access and Error)
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- Paths in configuration file are now relative to the configuration file
- example directory included in the distribution
- alternative distribution that includes example configuration and Solr 4.10.0 WAR, that can be run immediately
You can now download solr-undertow-1.0.10.tgz and provide your own WAR for any Solr 4.1 or newer release, or use the prebuilt sold-undertow.1.0.10-with-solr-4.10.0.tgz release including Solr 4.10.0.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- Add comments to reference configuration
- Default worker threads to 8 * CPU cores instead of 8 * IO threads (you should always explicitly provide a value once you have tuned your configuration)
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment.
New in this release:
- libExtDir (solr.undertow.libExtDir) - for additional JAR files (i.e. to add JARs from solr contrib)
- example/ - example directory
- Documentation in and example/ subdirectories
- System property hostContext now set to match solrContextPath (solr.undertow.solrContextPath)