Releases: kohesive/solr-undertow
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all Solr versions since 4.x including experimental support for Solr 6 (requires JDK 8)
- Fixes for launching 5.4.1 and 6.0 where servlets have changed.
- Tested with Solr 5.3.1, 5..4.1 and 6.0.0 nightlies
- Allow Solr-Undertow to be embedded in an application, mostly so it can more easily be used in integration tests and for Solr plugin writing. This mode does not have admin UI. Dependency
- Changed classloader used for Solr and
dir to be child first, helps to isolate classes by loading the more local class before using one from the container.
You will need the Solr-Undertow release and a Solr Distribution
Internal changes:
- update to Kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1306
- Undertow to 1.3.0.Final (newer than this has issues, need to research)
- Klutter updated to 0.13.4-RC-1306
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all Solr versions since 4.x including experimental support for Solr 6 (requires JDK 8)
- Fixes for launching 5.4.1 and 6.0 where servlets have changed.
- Tested with Solr 5.3.1, 5..4.1 and 6.0.0 nightlies
- Allow Solr-Undertow to be embedded in an application, mostly so it can more easily be used in integration tests and for Solr plugin writing. This mode does not have admin UI.
You will need the Solr-Undertow release and a Solr Distribution
Internal changes:
- update to Kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1017
- Undertow to 1.3.0.Final (newer than this has issues, need to research)
- Klutter updated to 0.13.0-RC-1017
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr including experimental alpha for Solr 6.
Nothing new added since 1.5.0 other than fixes to make sure Solr 6 launches, no other testing done yet. A really raw release that will work if the Solr team hasn't changed too much about how the Servlets operate. You can use this with any Solr 6 nightly builds. Make sure the full version number of the zip
file matches the configuration file, for example 6.0.0-2683
is a full nightly version number.
This release requires JDK 8 as the current Java version, since Solr requires JDK 8+
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr.
For Solr versions 4.x through 5.2.1 you can use WAR files found in Maven or within the distribution. For Verion 5.3.x and newer you can also use the full ZIP distribution of Solr, whether it has the WAR embedded or like 5.3.1 no longer containing a WAR file. You cannot use the .tgz distribution file, only the .zip version.
New in this release:
- Solr 5.2.1 distribution works from WAR or from full .zip distribution file (loads embedded WAR)
- Solr 5.3.x distribution working from .zip distribution file instead of WAR (uses files from ZIP) #26
- Support Solr distributions containing example/webapps/solr.war or server/webapps/solr.war or /server/webapps/solr-webapp/ which includes older versions of Heliosearch, and many distributions of Solr
- No longer releasing full distributions other than for current version of 5.x since you can easily use the Solr distribution as-is. Therefore download your full .zip distribution and adjust configuration files to match.
Internal changes:
- Upgraded to 1.3.0.Final (one reason for release candidate status)
- Using Klutter library for Kotlin to replace code that originated here, but ended up there.
- Kotlin M14
Note for Windows users: The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr.
For Solr versions 4.x through 5.2.1 you can use WAR files found in Maven or within the distribution. For Verion 5.x and newer you can also use the full ZIP distribution of Solr, whether it has the WAR embedded or like 5.3.0 no longer containing a WAR file. You cannot use the .tgz distribution file, only the .zip version.
New in this release:
- Solr 5.2.1 distribution works from WAR or from full .zip distribution file (loads embedded WAR)
- Solr 5.3.0 distribution working from .zip distribution file instead of WAR (uses files from ZIP) #26
- Solr distributions containing
which includes older versions of Heliosearch, and many distributions of Solr - No longer releasing full distributions other than for current version of 4.x and 5.x since you can easily use the Solr distribution as-is.
Internal changes:
- Upgraded to 1.3.0.Beta9 (one reason for release candidate status)
- Using Klutter library for Kotlin to replace code that originated here, but ended up there.
Note for Windows users: The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr. You can use any Solr WAR, and we provide prepackaged bundles for Solr 4.10.4
and Solr 5.2.1
New in this release:
- Upgraded to 1.2.10.Final
- Solr 4.10.4 distribution
- Solr 5.2.1 distribution
- #21 Attempt at a more graceful shutdown on VM termination (will not catch all termination signals, only those Java can)
- #23 Shutdown request by HTTP GET to a configured port, see the
section of the configuration defaults file
Internal changes:
- Kotlin to M12 (0.12.1230)
- upgrade to 1.2.10.Final
- Typesafe Config upgrade to 1.2.1
- Slf4j upgrade to 1.7.12
- Logback upgrade to 1.1.3
Note for Windows users: The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr. You can use any Solr WAR, and we provide prepackaged bundles for Solr 4.10.4
and Solr 5.2.1
New in this release:
- Upgraded to 1.2.10.Final
- Solr 4.10.4 distribution
- Solr 5.2.1 distribution
- #21 Attempt at a more graceful shutdown on VM termination (will not catch all termination signals, only those Java can)
- #23 Shutdown request by HTTP GET to a configured port, see the
section of the configuration defaults file
Internal changes:
- Kotlin to M12 (0.12.1230)
- upgrade to 1.2.10.Final
- Typesafe Config upgrade to 1.2.1
- Slf4j upgrade to 1.7.12
- Logback upgrade to 1.1.3
Note for Windows users: The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with all versions since 4.x of Solr. And now includes experimental support for Solr 5.0.0.
New in this release:
- Upgraded to 1.1.2.Final which includes bug fixes, higher performance and more.
- Solr 4.10.4 distribution
- Solr 4.10.3 distribution
- Solr 5.0.0 distribution and quickly tested (experimental)
- Added support in DefaultServlet for .ico, .svg, .swf files that were not allowed before
- Added SolrRestApi support for either version of this servlet that existed historically
- Added SolrConfigRestApi support for if it exists in the WAR (and if not, ignored)
Internal changes:
- Kotlin to M10 (0.10.770)
- upgrade to 1.1.2.Final
- JUnit to 4.12
Note for Windows users: The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.
_UPDATE:_ 1.3.1 patch release is added here, and contains updated classloader from 1.6.0, that is child first and provides better isolation of plugin classes from the host environment. see: Branch 1.3.1-patch
Solr running in standalone server - High Performance, tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment. This release works with ALL versions of Solr since 4.4 (possibly others, but only tested since then).
New in this release:
- Upgraded to 1.1.0.Final which includes bug fixes, higher performance and more.
- Fixes #9 for working on Windows OS
- Fixes #10 for configuration overrides from system properties and environment variable usage (see updated for details)
- Fix issues running on single core machines (defaults needed to have minimum of 2 threads to allow xnio to start)
- Added ZIP file releases
Note for Windows users. The example.conf (and other text files) have unix line endings. Solr-Undertow will read the files correctly with either line ending, but your text editor may not (i.e. notepad). Just fix the line endings when you first edit a file and you will be fine.