BashQL (Bash Query Language) is a database management system (dbms) and database engine rolled into one. Very quick setup and transparent: databases are set up locally in the BashQL install directory. Easy to back up and ship elsewhere.
Note: It's a work in progress, keep in mind that the storage format can still change. The nightly build is dark and full of terrors.
* SQL-like syntax on the commandline, like:
* --show --databases
* --show --tables
* --describe=<table_name>
* --select=* --from=<table_name> --id=<id>
* Runs completely on bash
* Output can be JSON or a table format
* Only three dependencies: grep, awk and jq.
* Create/update/drop databases and tables
* Insert / update / delete records
* Supports search and fetch by ID
* awk
* grep
* jq (for json support)
# Pull repo
git pull [email protected]:koffiebaard/ish.git
# install (== put symlinks in ~/.local/bin, check dependencies)
# source your profile for autocomplete to work
source ~/.bash_profile
# Confirm everything works
bql --test
# Check again, just to be sure
bql --rawr
The help function is up to date:
# Create database
$ bql --create --database=test
# Select database
$ bql --use=test
# Create table
$ bql --create --table=tabletest --columns='table text, chair text, awesome int'
# Show table info (incorrect table name)
$ bql --describe=tabletesTTT
Error: Table "tabletesTTT" does not exist.
# Show table info (incorrect database name)
$ bql --describe=cake.tabletest
Fatal: Database "cake" doesn't exist.
# Show table info (default is json)
$ bql --describe=tabletest
"name": "id",
"type": "text"
"name": "table",
"type": "text"
"name": "chair",
"type": "text"
"name": "awesome",
"type": "int"
# Show table info (in table format)
$ bql --describe=tabletest --tabular
| name | type
| id | text
| table | text
| chair | text
| awesome | int
# Insert record into table
$ bql --insert --into=tabletest --table="Flattened oak tree" --chair="Unflattened pine blob" --awesome=9001
# select from table, in table format
$ bql --select=* --from=tabletest --tabular
| awesome | chair | id | table
| 9001 | unflattened pine blob | 15c0a959-4167-474b-b963-79f17a1f0713 | Flattened oak tree
Feel free to contribute! Ping me or send a pull request and let's go.
BashQL is under the MIT license, but without me shipping the copyright text with the project. That's too much effort.