An example of how to build the Theia-based applications with the tree-editor-extension. The coffee-editor consists of a frontend and a backend.
The frontend is located in the web/
folder and frontend specific documentation can be found in the backend README
The backend is located in the backend/
folder and backend specific documentation can be found in the frontend README
We are relying on a bunch of projects:
If you encounter issues please report them in the corresponding project. This project should not contain much code and should mostly consist of 'glue' code to combine the different components.
Install nvm.
curl -o- | bash
Install npm and node.
nvm install 10
nvm use 10
Install yarn.
npm install -g yarn
Install linux packages (if necessary).
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8 libsecret-1-dev xvfb libx11-dev libxkbfile-dev
Clone and build the coffee-editor:
git clone
cd coffee-editor
./ -b -c -d -f
Run the built coffee-editor:
./ -r
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
In Theia open the example workspace backend/examples/SuperBrewer3000
and double click a .coffee
file. This opens it in a tree master detail editor.
script provides funtionality to build the coffee-editor, download used libraries, and run the IDE.
Every part step can be executed independently from each other by using the corresponding paramater:
: Builds the backend services
: Integrates the built backend artifacts in the coffee-editor IDE
: Downloads the current version of the Model and GLSP servers. These are not required for building the coffee-editor but are used at runtime
: Builds the frontend shown in the web browser
: Runs the coffee-editor and exposes it at http://localhost:3000
Create a npm user and login to the npm registry, more on npm publishing.
npm login
Publish packages with lerna to update versions properly across local packages, more on publishing with lerna.
npx lerna publish